Aarhus University Seal

Olaya Argüeso Pérez

Editor-in-chief at CORRECTIV


Olaya Argüeso Pérez is editor-in-chief at CORRECTIV, where she leads the international investigations since 2019. After more than a decade reporting about economy, business and finance at the most important radio network in Spain (Cadena SER), Olaya decided to expand her expertise into data journalism and joined the Lede Program at Columbia University. After joining CORRECTIV as a reporter, she took part in cross-border investigations like The CumEx Files and Grand Theft Europe, which exposed multi billion tax frauds happening all over Europe. In 2021, together with her colleague Justus von Daniels, she was appointed Editor In Chief of the Year in Germany.



How can data journalism contribute to citizen empowerment and what resources can international NGO's such as Correctiv provide to enable new forms of data-driven local journalism? 

The idea behind CORRECTIV.Europe, the project that I am currently leading at CORRECTIV, is that citizens in Europe - not only the EU - have similar problems but may not be aware of that. Local newsrooms that serve them may not have the resources to carry out the networking, data, and investigative efforts needed to bring up these common issues. On the other hand, because of their dimension, global events and trends can be daunting and leave citizens feeling helpless. However, many of those global phenomena have very local consequences. CORRECTIV.Europe wants to help local journalists network and investigate together so they can show the international connections of local issues. By putting this information in the hands of local media and, therefore, in the hands of local audiences, we want to give European citizens information to make decisions about relevant issues. 

How do infrastructures matter for citizens? 

The existence of well-funded, robust, modern public infrastructures that meet the population's needs guarantees equal opportunities and the protection and adequate development of the less privileged in a social state governed by the rule of law. 

How should knowledge about infrastructures be communicated and what role can journalists, researchers or public officials play? 

Public policies should ensure that these infrastructures meet the requirements mentioned above and make them easily accessible to citizens. Researchers and journalists play a fundamental role in identifying areas for improvement and, in the case of the former, solutions or alternatives to minimize problems.