Aarhus University Seal


5-11 September 2021: Francesca Fedele (Universities of Verona and Padua)

17-23 October 2021: Esther Banaian (University of Minnesota)

22 October-4 November 2021: Raphael Bennett-Tennenhaus (Universität Bielefeld)

2 March-1 August 2022:  Azadeh Mehregan (University of Isfahan)

7-15 May 2022:  Paul Smith (University of Washington)

8-14 May 2022:  Mads Hustad Sandøy (Norwegian University of Science and Technology)

11-17 May 2022:  Job Rock (Ghent University)

16-27 May 2022:  Aran Tattar (University of Cologne)

6-17 June 2022:  Martin Kalck (University of Freiburg)

3 July-1 August 2022: Javad Asadollahi (University of Isfahan)

11-22 July 2022: Yadira Valdivieso (Universidad de las Américas Puebla)

19-28 July 2022: David Pauksztello (University of Lancaster)

12-20 October 2022: Nicholas Williams (University of Lancaster)

12 October-25 November 2022: Johanne Haugland (Norwegian University of Science and Technology)

11 November 2022: Lars Winther Christensen (Texas Tech University)

20-27 November 2022: Matt Booth (University of Lancaster)

29 January-5 February 2023: Jose Vivero (London School of Economics)

14-18 February 2023: Emine Yıldırım (University of Leeds)

24-28 April 2023: David Ploog (University of Stavanger)

29 May-3 June 2023: Eric Hanson (North Carolina State University)

6-10 June 2023: Thomas Brüstle (Université de Sherbrooke and Bishop's University)

6-10 June 2023: Henrik Holm (University of Copenhagen)

4-7 September 2023: Özgür Esentepe (University of Leeds)

18-24 September 2023: Benjamin Briggs (University of Copenhage)

28 September-5 October 2023: Francesca Fedele (University of Leeds)

15-22 October 2023: Kayla Wright (University of Minnesota)

23-27 October 2023: Lukas Bonfert (MPI Bonn)

29 October-3 November 2023: Rosanna Laking (Università degli Studi di Verona)

30 October 2023-2 November 2033: Laertis Vaso (NTNU)

28 November-1 December 2023: Giovanna Le Gros (University of Padua)

20-26 January 2024: Elizabeth Kelley (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

26 February-1 March 2024: Sondre Kvamme (NTNU)

2-5 April 2024: Viktória Klász (University of Bonn)

30 April-3 May 2024: Vanessa Miemitz (University of East Anglia)

13-18 May 2024: Emily Gunawan (University of Massachusetts Lowell)

13-16 May 2024: Monica Garcia (Paris-Saclay University)

13-16 August 2024: Henrik Holm (University of Copenhagen)

13-16 August 2024: Lars Winther Christensen (Texas Tech University)