• Ghent Group - A community on Science-based advice

  • in the fields of agriculture and environment

The Ghent Group is an informal community of European institutes and individuals working with science-based advice in the fields of agriculture and environment. The group has common interest in sharing best practices, learning and teaching. It is named after our first training course in Ghent, Belgium in October 2022. This was followed by another training course and workshop in Ghent in 2023. On this page you can find information on previous events, find contact information on how to get involved, and stay informed of future activities. 

Activities 2024:

The organising institutes are hosting a 2-day annual meeting 6-7 November 2024 in Brussels. The meeting will be preceeded by a Living Labs workshop organised by FACCE-JPI 

  • 5 November: Living Labs workshop. (FACCE-JPI Lead)
    Can Living Labs help foster the Science-policy interface? If so, under what conditions? What are the levers, and what are the barriers?
  • 6 -7 November: Ghent group - Science-based policy in agriculture and environment annual meeting. (Wageningen University Lead)
    Theme:  The role of science in dealing with Dilemmas in policy-making

Where: Brussels, Belgium.

The events are open for all. Follow this site or sign up for our newsletter in order to receive more information.


The European Union as well as national governments have adopted ambitious climate and environmental targets for agriculture and food production. At the same time, an efficient and competitive agricultural and food sector is important for food supply and the economy. Decisions and regulations in this field can be both complicated and conflicting. The topics of agriculture, food, climate and the environment are therefore high on the political agenda, and there is a growing demand for scientific knowledge advising policy formulation.

In 2021, Aarhus University hosted the first European Seminar on science-based advice in agriculture and environment . More than 200 researchers and advisers from all over Europe participated. One of the conclusions was, that there is a need to learn from each other, to share best practices and to discuss the main principles, in order to strengthen the evidence based policy development in Europe. As a result, 7 European research institutes developed a first training course, open to experienced resarchers and advisors from all of Europe.

Partner institutions and networks