ALMaSS Partridge ODdox  1.1
The partridge model description following ODdox protocol
Partridge_Covey Class Reference

The collective for a family of partridges

#include <Partridge_Covey.h>

Inheritance diagram for Partridge_Covey:
TAnimal TALMaSSObject

Public Member Functions

bool NestFindSlow (int a_min_x_incl, int a_max_x_excl, int a_min_y_incl, int a_max_y_excl)
 Find nest location (wrap around) More...
bool CoveyEmigrate ()
 Test for covey emigration. More...
void CoveyIndividualEmigrate ()
 Test for individuals from covey emigrating. More...
bool TooClose ()
 Test for another covey too close. More...
bool HaveWeChicks (void)
 Check if covey contains chicks. More...
int GetUncleNumber ()
 Returns the number of uncles. More...
int GetmaxAllowedMove ()
 Return the max possible move distance today. More...
double GetmaxFoodNeedToday ()
 Return the maximum food need today. More...
void OnAddChick (Partridge_Female *a_pf)
 Add a chick. More...
void OnChickDeath ()
 Remove a dead chick. More...
void OnChickMature ()
 Remove a matured chick. More...
void ChickExtraMortality ()
 Apply extra chick mortality. More...
void SetCoveyDissolveDate (int date)
 Set the dissolve date. More...
Partridge_FemaleFindMeAMateInCovey (int a_family_counter)
 Is their a suitable female mate in the covey? More...
Partridge_FemaleGetUnpairedFemale ()
 Finds the first unpaired female in the covey. More...
Partridge_FemaleGetUnpairedFemale_virgin ()
 Finds the first never paired female in the covey. More...
Partridge_MaleGetMaleInCovey ()
 Find a male in the covey. More...
Partridge_BaseGetMember (int a_member)
 Returns pointer to a_member. More...
Partridge_BaseGetAMember ()
 Returns a random member. More...
Partridge_CoveyFindNeighbour ()
 Finds the closest other covey. More...
void OnDissolve (int date)
 Dissolve message handler. More...
bool AllFlocking ()
 Debug method. More...
bool AllFlocking2 ()
 Debug method. More...
bool ArePaired ()
 Debug method. More...
void SanityCheck ()
 Debug method. More...
void SanityCheck3 ()
 Debug method. More...
void SanityCheck4 ()
 Debug method. More...
void SanityCheck2 (int no_chicks)
 Debug method. More...
void RemoveExtraChick ()
 Decrement the chick number. More...
int GetOurChicks ()
 Return the number of chicks. More...
unsigned int GetCoveySize ()
 Return the covey size. More...
void SetChickAge (int age)
 Set chick age. More...
int GetChickAge ()
 Return chick age. More...
bool CanWeMerge (int a_NoUncles)
 Merging test. More...
bool ManagerCheckMerge (int a_noOfUncles)
 Merging test for uncle number. More...
void SetUncle ()
 Swap uncle to alhpha. More...
void KillExcessChicks (int remaining)
 Kill extra chicks. More...
void ActOnParentDeath ()
 Determine the chick mortality on parent death. More...
bool NestFindLocation (void)
 Try to locate a suitable nesting location. More...
bool NestOnNest (void)
 Are we nesting? More...
void NestLeave (void)
 Leave the nest
int NestGetX (void)
 Return nest x-coord. More...
int NestGetY (void)
 Return nest y-coord. More...
double SupplyFoodToday (void)
 Return the food obtained today. More...
double SupplyDistanceMoved (void)
 Return the distance moved today. More...
double AssessHabitatQuality (int &a_sz)
 Assess habitat quality (with checks) More...
double AssessHabitatQualityFaster ()
 Assess habitat quality (efficient) More...
int AssessGetSize (void)
 Get the size ('radius') used during territory evaluation. More...
void FixHabitat (void)
 Accept this breeding location. More...
double SupplyHabitatQuality ()
 Return habitat quality at our location. More...
void SetFixed (bool a_is_fixed)
 Prevent/enable peg drift. More...
bool IsFixed (void)
 Wonder whether the peg is fixed? More...
Partridge_Object GetObjectType (void)
 Return object type. More...
void MoveDistance (int a_max_distance, int a_step_size, double a_food_density_needed)
 Entry point for movement. More...
int MoveCanMove (int a_x, int a_y)
 Test of movement step. More...
bool FlyTo (int a_distance)
 Fly to
void MoveTo (int a_x, int a_y)
 unused More...
Partridge_MaleFindMeAHusband (Partridge_Female *a_female)
 Find mate in covey. More...
Partridge_FemaleFindMeAWife (Partridge_Male *a_male)
 Find mate in covey. More...
Partridge_BaseGetUncle ()
 Find uncle in covey. More...
Partridge_FemaleFindMateInArea (int a_max_distance)
 Find mate in area. More...
void BeginStep (void)
 Covey BeginStep. More...
void Step (void)
 Covey Step. More...
void EndStep (void)
 Covey EndStep. More...
void AddMember (Partridge_Base *a_new_member)
bool IsMember (Partridge_Base *a_possible_member)
int RemoveMember (Partridge_Base *a_former_member)
 Remove a member from the covey. More...
unsigned int Memberships (void)
 Get covey size. More...
bool LifeEssenceLow (void)
bool ForceLow (void)
unsigned int X (void)
unsigned int Y (void)
unsigned int XCenter (void)
unsigned int YCenter (void)
double XCenterF (void)
double YCenterF (void)
unsigned int ID (void)
void ManagerCheckMerge (void)
void ManagerRethinkPos (void)
void ManagerDriftPos (void)
void ManagerUpdatePos (void)
void ManagerSetPermanent (void)
bool ManagerIsPermanant (void)
 Partridge_Covey (Partridge_Base *a_first_member, Partridge_Population_Manager *a_manager, unsigned int a_center_x, unsigned int a_center_y, Landscape *a_map)
 Constructor. More...
virtual ~Partridge_Covey (void)
 Destructor. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from TAnimal
unsigned SupplyFarmOwnerRef ()
AnimalPosition SupplyPosition ()
APoint SupplyPoint ()
int SupplyPolygonRef ()
int Supply_m_Location_x ()
int Supply_m_Location_y ()
virtual void KillThis ()
virtual void CopyMyself ()
void SetX (int a_x)
void SetY (int a_y)
 TAnimal (int x, int y, Landscape *L)
virtual void ReinitialiseObject (int x, int y, Landscape *L)
 Used to re-use an object - must be implemented in descendent classes. More...
virtual int WhatState ()
virtual void Dying ()
void CheckManagement (void)
void CheckManagementXY (int x, int y)
virtual bool OnFarmEvent (FarmToDo)
- Public Member Functions inherited from TALMaSSObject
int GetCurrentStateNo ()
 Returns the current state number. More...
void SetCurrentStateNo (int a_num)
 Sets the current state number. More...
bool GetStepDone ()
 Returns the step done indicator flag. More...
void SetStepDone (bool a_bool)
 Sets the step done indicator flag. More...
virtual void ReinitialiseObject ()
 Used to re-use an object - must be implemented in descendent classes. More...
 TALMaSSObject ()
 The constructor for TALMaSSObject. More...
virtual ~TALMaSSObject ()
 The destructor for TALMaSSObject. More...
void OnArrayBoundsError ()
 Used for debugging only, tests basic object properties. More...

Public Attributes

Partridge_Coveym_neighbourlist [50]
 List of coveys close to this covey. More...
int m_neighbourlist_size
 Number of coveys close to this covey. More...

Protected Member Functions

void CoveyUpdateMemberPositions (int a_x, int a_y)
 Update all covey members x,y coords. More...
bool NestGoodSpot (int a_x, int a_y)
 Evaluate x,y as a nest location. More...
bool NestFindFast (int a_min_x_incl, int a_max_x_excl, int a_min_y_incl, int a_max_y_excl)
 Find nest location. More...
int Norm (int a_coord, int a_size)
 Wrap-around utility function. More...
int NormInc (int a_coord, int a_size)
 Wrap-around utility function. More...
int NormDec (int a_coord, int a_size)
 Wrap-around utility function. More...
bool NestNearBadAreas (int a_x, int a__y)
 Test for proximity to unacceptable areas. More...
bool NestBadArea (int a_x, int a__y)
 Nest location evaluation function. More...
bool NestNearNests (int a_x, int a_y, int a_min_dist_sq)
 Nest location evaluation function. More...
bool NestBadAreasScanSlow (int a_min_x, int a_min_y, int a_length, int a_x, int a_y)
 Nest location evaluation function. More...
bool NestBadAreasScanFast (int a_min_x, int a_min_y, int a_length, int a_x, int a_y)
 Nest location evaluation function. More...
bool FlyToFast (int a_distance)
 Move a_distance from current covey position. More...
bool FlyToSlow (int a_distance)
 Move a_distance from current covey position (wraparound) More...
double Pressure (double a_distance)
 Get the pressure force. More...
bool PressureLimitExceeded (double a_pressure)
 Test for exceedence of pressure limit. More...
void DistanceUpdate (void)
 Updates distance to nearest covey. More...
void DistanceUpdate2 (void)
 Updates distance to fixed nearest covey. More...
double DistanceToCovey (Partridge_Covey *a_covey)
 Get distance too covey. More...
double HabitatEvaluate (int a_center_x, int a_center_y, int *a_size_used, bool a_rethink_size)
 Entry point for habitat evaluation. More...
double HabitatEvaluateFaster (int a_center_x, int a_center_y)
 Evaluate habitat fast. More...
double HabitatEvaluateFast (int a_min_x_incl, int a_max_x_excl, int a_min_y_incl, int a_max_y_excl)
 Evaluate habitat (wrap around) More...
double HabitatEvaluateSlow (int a_min_x_incl, int a_max_x_excl, int a_min_y_incl, int a_max_y_excl)
double HabitatEvalPoly (TTypesOfLandscapeElement a_cet, int a_poly)
int HabitatEvalPolyField (int a_field)
 Evaluate a field's habitat quality. More...
bool MoveTryExclude (int a_dist_sq)
 Uses the peg force to exclude possible movement directions. More...
bool MoveTryExcludeHarder (int a_dist_sq)
 Uses the peg force to exclude possible movement directions. More...
void MoveDirectionsAllowed (int a_x, int a_y)
 Test possible movement directions. More...
void MoveOptimalDirectionSlow (int a_x, int a_y)
 Choose best foraging direction. More...
void MoveOptimalDirectionFast (int a_x, int a_y)
 Choose best foraging direction (wrap around) More...
int MoveWeighDirection (int a_x, int a_y)
 Weighted foraging walk. More...
void MoveQualMemory (int a_qual)
 Make a move based on memory of quality. More...
double MoveDoIt (int *a_x, int *a_y, int a_dir, int a_step_size)
 We know where we want to go. Now do it! More...
int MoveCanMove (TTypesOfLandscapeElement a_ele)
 Test if we can go there. More...
double MoveMagicVegToFood (int a_polygon)
 Move optimising food intake. More...
int MoveEvalEdgesAndQual (int a_edges, double a_qual)
 Move evaluation taking edges into account. More...
int MoveSelectFuzzy (void)
 Fuzzdy movement selection. More...
bool MoveSelectLimit (int a_limit, int a_x, int a_y)
 Part of movement evaluation. More...
int MoveSelect (void)
 Part of movement evaluation. More...
void MoveVegConstInit (void)
 Part of movement evaluation. More...
void OntheDadDead ()
 Behaviour when alpha male is killed. More...
void OntheMumDead ()
 Behaviour when alpha female is killed. More...
void KillChicks (int percent)
 Kill a proportion of the chicks. More...
int SupplyChickAge (void)
 Returns the age of the chicks. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from TAnimal
void CorrectWrapRound ()
 Corrects wrap around co-ordinate problems. More...

Protected Attributes

int m_flyto_steps
 costly intermediate variable More...
int m_flyto_dist
 costly intermediate variable More...
double m_flyto_ts
 costly intermediate variable More...
bool m_essence_low
 flag for excess density - unused More...
bool m_peg_is_fixed
 flag for fixed homerange More...
bool m_permanent_marker
unsigned int m_id
 Unique ID no-
Partridge_Basem_members [100]
 List of covey members
unsigned int m_members_size
 Size of covey
bool m_step_done
 Signals Step is done for today
bool m_dist_done
 Signals distance updating is done for today
double m_nearest_covey_dist
 Closest covey distance
bool m_terr_done
 Signals homerange evaluation done
double m_terr_qual
 Homerange evaluation score
bool m_force_low
Partridge_State m_state
 The current behavioural state. More...
 A pointer to the landscape. More...
int m_width
 Landscape width. More...
int m_height
 Landscape height. More...
 Covey's population manager. More...
double m_center_x_float
 Covey centre as float. More...
double m_center_y_float
 Covey centre as float. More...
double m_new_center_x_float
 Covey centre as float. More...
double m_new_center_y_float
 Covey centre as float. More...
int m_center_x
 Covey centre. More...
int m_center_y
 Covey centre. More...
int m_covey_x
 Covey x-coord. More...
int m_covey_y
 Covey y-coord. More...
int m_terr_size
 Homerange width. More...
bool m_nest_on_nest
 Nesting flag. More...
int m_nest_x
 Nest coord-x. More...
int m_nest_y
 Nest coord-y. More...
bool m_assess_done
 Have assessed habitat quality? More...
double m_assess_qual
 Habitat quality. More...
bool m_move_done
 Have moved? More...
double m_dist_moved
 Distance moved. More...
double m_food_today
 Food collected. More...
int m_assess_size
 Current homerange assessment radius. More...
int m_move_get_index
 Internal variable. More...
int m_move_get_size
 Internal variable. More...
int m_move_qual_memory [4]
 Steps remembered. More...
int m_move_qual_hist [4][MOVE_QUAL_HIST_SIZE]
 Internal variable. More...
int m_move_whence_we_came
 Internal variable. More...
int m_move_step_size
 Internal variable. More...
double m_move_step_size_inv
 Internal variable. More...
 Pointer to the alpha male. More...
 Pointer to the alpha female. More...
int m_ourChicks
 No chicks in covey. More...
int m_CoveyDissolveDate
 Date for covey dissolve. More...
int m_maxAllowedMove
 Max move distance today. More...
double m_maxFoodNeedToday
 Food needed today. More...
int m_ChickAge
 Age of chicks. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from TAnimal
int m_Location_x
int m_Location_y
- Protected Attributes inherited from TALMaSSObject
int m_CurrentStateNo
 The basic state number for all objects - '-1' indicates death. More...
bool m_StepDone
 Indicates whether the iterative step code is done for this timestep. More...

Detailed Description

The collective for a family of partridges

The partridge covey is contains all behaviour that is performed as a group of birds. In fact this group can be as small as 1 bird, but if the behaviour is the same as a family group it will appear here.
Note that the covey is treated just like a life-stage, and is handled by the Partridge_Population_Manager.

Each covey has a 'peg' position, which starts out as the center of a newly established territory. It also has a covey location, which may or may not coincide with the peg position. The covey can move some distance away from the peg, given by an 'elastic' function of distance between covey (physical) and the virtual territory center 'peg'. If a partridge would like to assess the quality of a hypothetial territory centeret at its current (covey) position, it will call Partridge_Covey::AssessHabitatQuality and make decisions on suitability depending on the value returned. The size of the potential territory evaluated is the minimum of the distance to the closest neighbour peg and a configurable maximum territory radius, Partridge_All.cpp::cfg_par_terr_max_width.

Definition at line 90 of file Partridge_Covey.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Partridge_Covey()

Partridge_Covey::Partridge_Covey ( Partridge_Base a_first_member,
Partridge_Population_Manager a_manager,
unsigned int  a_center_x,
unsigned int  a_center_y,
Landscape a_map 


Definition at line 1977 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

1978  : TAnimal( a_center_x, a_center_y, a_map ) {
1980  m_map = a_map;
1981  m_width = a_map->SupplySimAreaWidth();
1982  m_height = a_map->SupplySimAreaHeight();
1984  m_maxAllowedMove = 1000; // default values
1985  m_maxFoodNeedToday = 10000; // default values
1987  m_manager = a_manager;
1988  m_center_x = a_center_x;
1989  m_center_y = a_center_y;
1990  m_center_x_float = ( double )m_center_x;
1991  m_center_y_float = ( double )m_center_y;
1992  m_covey_x = a_center_x;
1993  m_covey_y = a_center_y;
1995  m_nest_on_nest = false, m_nest_x = m_center_x; // Shouldn't matter.
1996  m_nest_y = m_center_y; // "
1998  m_step_done = false;
1999  m_permanent_marker = false;
2000  m_move_done = false;
2001  m_dist_moved = 0.0; // Shouldn't matter.
2002  m_food_today = 0.0; // "
2003  m_flyto_dist = -1;
2005  m_assess_done = false;
2006  //m_assess_qual = 0.0; // Shouldn't matter.
2007  m_assess_size = 0;
2009  m_terr_done = false;
2010  //m_terr_qual = 0.0; // Shouldn't matter.
2011  // Actually this matters if we start moving before
2012  // choosing a territory.
2015  m_dist_done = false;
2016  m_nearest_covey_dist = sqrt( ( double )m_width * m_height );
2017  m_peg_is_fixed = false;
2018  m_essence_low = false;
2019  m_force_low = true;
2021  //m_move_get_enable = false;
2023  /* m_members.resize( 1 ); */
2024  if ( a_first_member ) {
2025  m_members_size = 1;
2026  m_members[ 0 ] = a_first_member;
2027  } else {
2028  m_members_size = 0;
2029  }
2031  for ( int i = 0; i < MOVE_QUAL_HIST_SIZE; i++ ) {
2032  m_move_qual_hist[ 0 ] [ i ] = 0;
2033  m_move_qual_hist[ 1 ] [ i ] = 0;
2034  m_move_qual_hist[ 2 ] [ i ] = 0;
2035  m_move_qual_hist[ 3 ] [ i ] = 0;
2036  }
2038  m_move_qual_memory[ 0 ] = 0;
2039  m_move_qual_memory[ 1 ] = 0;
2040  m_move_qual_memory[ 2 ] = 0;
2041  m_move_qual_memory[ 3 ] = 0;
2043  MoveVegConstInit();
2044  CoveyUpdateMemberPositions( a_center_x, a_center_y );
2046  if ( g_covey_manager == NULL ) {
2048  }
2049  g_covey_manager->AddCovey( this );
2051  if ( a_manager )
2052  a_manager->AddObject( pob_Covey, this );
2055  m_move_whence_we_came = random( 8 );
2056  m_move_step_size = 1;
2057  m_move_step_size_inv = 1.0;
2058  m_CoveyDissolveDate = -1; // never do it
2059  m_ourChicks = 0; // don't start with chicks or parents
2060  m_theDad = NULL;
2061  m_theMum = NULL;
2062 }

References CoveyManager::AddCovey(), Partridge_Population_Manager::AddObject(), CoveyUpdateMemberPositions(), g_covey_id_counter, g_covey_manager, g_par_terr_max_width, m_assess_done, m_assess_size, m_center_x, m_center_x_float, m_center_y, m_center_y_float, m_covey_x, m_covey_y, m_CoveyDissolveDate, m_dist_done, m_dist_moved, m_essence_low, m_flyto_dist, m_food_today, m_force_low, m_height, m_id, m_manager, m_map, m_maxAllowedMove, m_maxFoodNeedToday, m_members, m_members_size, m_move_done, m_move_qual_hist, m_move_qual_memory, m_move_step_size, m_move_step_size_inv, m_move_whence_we_came, m_nearest_covey_dist, m_nest_on_nest, m_nest_x, m_nest_y, m_ourChicks, m_peg_is_fixed, m_permanent_marker, m_state, m_step_done, m_terr_done, m_terr_size, m_theDad, m_theMum, m_width, MoveVegConstInit(), pars_CoveyBeing, pob_Covey, Landscape::SupplySimAreaHeight(), Landscape::SupplySimAreaWidth(), and CfgInt::value().

◆ ~Partridge_Covey()

Partridge_Covey::~Partridge_Covey ( void  )


Definition at line 1971 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

1971  {
1972  g_covey_manager->DelCovey( this );
1973 }

References CoveyManager::DelCovey(), and g_covey_manager.

Member Function Documentation

◆ ActOnParentDeath()

void Partridge_Covey::ActOnParentDeath ( void  )

Determine the chick mortality on parent death.

Determines the probability of mortality following the death of a parent. This will depend on the age of the chicks and whether it is one or both parents that die and whether there are aunts or uncles present.

If we need to use aunts and uncles or if there is only one parent left then we assume only 8 chicks max can be brooded. The rest die, and the 8 are subject to a mortality probability.

Definition at line 2516 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

2516  {
2517  int age = SupplyChickAge(); // depends on the fact that only one set of chicks
2518  if ( age >= cfg_par_parentdead_age2.value() ) return; // Old enough to cope
2519  if ( ( !m_theMum ) && ( !m_theDad ) ) {
2520  // Both parents dead - so need to look for uncles
2521  if ( GetUncleNumber() > 0 ) { // Can use an uncle or aunt
2522  SetUncle();
2523  } else
2524  KillChicks( 100 );
2525  return;
2526  }
2527  // depends on the fact that only one set of chicks
2528  // can be in the covey at any one time.
2529  if ( age < cfg_par_parentdead_age1.value() ) {
2530  KillExcessChicks( 8 ); // removes any chicks in excess of 8
2532  } else if ( age < cfg_par_parentdead_age2.value() )
2534 }

References cfg_par_parentdead_age1, cfg_par_parentdead_age2, cfg_par_parentdead_mort, GetUncleNumber(), KillChicks(), KillExcessChicks(), m_theDad, m_theMum, SetUncle(), SupplyChickAge(), and CfgInt::value().

Referenced by OntheDadDead(), and OntheMumDead().

◆ AddMember()

void Partridge_Covey::AddMember ( Partridge_Base a_new_member)

Definition at line 1644 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

1644  {
1645  if ( m_CurrentStateNo == -1 ) {
1646  g_msg->Warn( WARN_BUG, "Partridge_Covey::AddMember(): ""Attempting to add a member to non-existent flock!", "" );
1647  exit( 1 );
1648  }
1649  if ( IsMember( a_new_member ) ) {
1650  g_msg->Warn( WARN_BUG, "Partridge_Covey::AddMember(): ""Attempting to add a member already belonging to the flock!", "" );
1651  exit( 1 );
1652  }
1653  if ( m_members_size>=99 ) {
1654  g_msg->Warn( WARN_BUG, "Partridge_Covey::AddMember(): ""Covey too big!", "" );
1655  exit( 1 );
1656  }
1657  //m_members.resize( m_members.size() + 1 );
1658  m_members_size++;
1659  m_members[ m_members_size - 1 ] = a_new_member;
1660 }

References g_msg, IsMember(), TALMaSSObject::m_CurrentStateNo, m_members, m_members_size, MapErrorMsg::Warn(), and WARN_BUG.

Referenced by ManagerCheckMerge(), Partridge_Base::Partridge_Base(), and Partridge_Base::SwitchCovey().

◆ AllFlocking()

bool Partridge_Covey::AllFlocking ( )

Debug method.

Definition at line 2362 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

2362  {
2363  for ( unsigned i = 0; i < m_members_size; i++ ) {
2364  if ( ( m_members[ i ]->GetState() != pars_MFlocking ) && ( m_members[ i ]->GetState() != pars_FFlocking ) ) {
2365  return false;
2366  }
2367  }
2368  return true;
2369 }

References m_members, m_members_size, pars_FFlocking, and pars_MFlocking.

Referenced by CanWeMerge().

◆ AllFlocking2()

bool Partridge_Covey::AllFlocking2 ( )

Debug method.

Definition at line 2373 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

2373  {
2374  for ( unsigned i = 0; i < m_members_size; i++ ) {
2375  if ( ( m_members[ i ]->GetState() != pars_MFlocking ) && ( m_members[ i ]->GetState() != pars_FFlocking ) ) {
2376  return false;
2377  }
2378  }
2379  return true;
2380 }

References m_members, m_members_size, pars_FFlocking, and pars_MFlocking.

Referenced by Partridge_Population_Manager::DissolveCovey().

◆ ArePaired()

bool Partridge_Covey::ArePaired ( )

Debug method.

Definition at line 2384 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

2384  {
2385  Partridge_Male * MP;
2386  Partridge_Female * FP;
2387  for ( unsigned i = 0; i < m_members_size; i++ ) {
2388  if ( m_members[ i ]->GetObjectType() == pob_Male ) {
2389  MP = dynamic_cast < Partridge_Male * > ( m_members[ i ] );
2390  if ( MP->GetMate() )
2391  return false;
2392  } else if ( m_members[ i ]->GetObjectType() == pob_Female ) {
2393  FP = dynamic_cast < Partridge_Female * > ( m_members[ i ] );
2394  if ( FP->GetMate() )
2395  return false;
2396  }
2397  }
2398  return true;
2399 }

References Partridge_Male::GetMate(), Partridge_Female::GetMate(), GetObjectType(), m_members, m_members_size, pob_Female, and pob_Male.

Referenced by CoveyIndividualEmigrate(), and Partridge_Population_Manager::DissolveCovey().

◆ AssessGetSize()

int Partridge_Covey::AssessGetSize ( void  )

Get the size ('radius') used during territory evaluation.

Definition at line 554 of file Partridge_Covey.h.

554  {
555  return m_assess_size;
556  }

References m_assess_size.

◆ AssessHabitatQuality()

double Partridge_Covey::AssessHabitatQuality ( int &  a_sz)

Assess habitat quality (with checks)

Definition at line 1059 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

1059  {
1060  if ( !m_assess_done ) {
1062  m_assess_done = true;
1063  }
1064  a_sz = m_assess_size;
1065  return m_assess_qual;
1066 }

References HabitatEvaluate(), m_assess_done, m_assess_qual, m_assess_size, m_covey_x, and m_covey_y.

Referenced by FixHabitat().

◆ AssessHabitatQualityFaster()

double Partridge_Covey::AssessHabitatQualityFaster ( )

Assess habitat quality (efficient)

Definition at line 1068 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

1068  {
1070  m_assess_done = true;
1071  return m_assess_qual;
1072 }

References HabitatEvaluateFaster(), m_assess_done, m_assess_qual, m_covey_x, and m_covey_y.

Referenced by Partridge_Female::FFindingTerritory().

◆ BeginStep()

void Partridge_Covey::BeginStep ( void  )

Covey BeginStep.

Reimplemented from TAnimal.

Definition at line 1583 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

1583  {
1584  if ( m_CurrentStateNo == -1 ) return;
1585  // Determine the movement distances and food requirements
1586  // Depends on the age of the chick
1587  //
1588  int age;
1589  // do we have any chicks?
1590  if ( GetOurChicks() > 0 ) {
1591  // if so then food requiremtns are dependent upon them
1592  age = m_ChickAge; // This set daily by the chicks
1593  }
1594  // otherwise then it is adult requirements
1596  m_maxFoodNeedToday = g_FoodNeed[ age ];
1598  if ( m_state == pars_CoveyDissolve ) {
1600  m_manager->DissolveCovey( this );
1602  m_CoveyDissolveDate = -1;
1603  }
1604  }
1605 }

References cfg_par_mature_threshold, Partridge_Population_Manager::DissolveCovey(), g_FoodNeed, GetOurChicks(), m_ChickAge, m_CoveyDissolveDate, TALMaSSObject::m_CurrentStateNo, m_manager, m_maxFoodNeedToday, TAnimal::m_OurLandscape, m_state, pars_CoveyBeing, pars_CoveyDissolve, Landscape::SupplyDayInYear(), and CfgInt::value().

◆ CanWeMerge()

bool Partridge_Covey::CanWeMerge ( int  a_NoUncles)

Merging test.

Definition at line 1833 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

1833  {
1834  // The rules are that if we have no chicks then we can have up to 8 'uncles'
1835  // Otherwise only 4 are allowed.
1836  // The answer is no if we are still busy
1837  if ( !AllFlocking() ) return false;
1838  // Otherwise it depends on the number of uncles etc.
1839  int UncleNumber = GetUncleNumber();
1840  if ( m_ourChicks > 0 ) {
1841  if ( (UncleNumber + a_noOfUncles) > 4 ) return false;
1842  }
1843  else
1844  if ( m_map->SupplyDayInYear() < June ) {
1845  if ( (UncleNumber + a_noOfUncles) > 4 ) {
1846  return false;
1847  }
1848  } else if ( (UncleNumber + a_noOfUncles) > 8 ) return false;
1849  // This code is not perfect - it would allow up to 8 Uncles after all chicks have
1850  // matured. To stop this merging to >4 is only allowed between June and Dec 31st
1851  return true;
1852 }

References AllFlocking(), GetUncleNumber(), June, m_map, m_ourChicks, and Landscape::SupplyDayInYear().

Referenced by ManagerCheckMerge().

◆ ChickExtraMortality()

void Partridge_Covey::ChickExtraMortality ( )

Apply extra chick mortality.

Definition at line 2671 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

2671  {
2672  for ( int i = m_members_size - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
2673  if ( m_members[ i ]->GetObjectType() == pob_Chick ) {
2674  if (random(10000) <cfg_par_chick_extra_mort.value()) {
2675  dynamic_cast < Partridge_Chick * > ( m_members[ i ] )->OnYouAreDead();
2676  }
2677  }
2678 }
2679 }

References cfg_par_chick_extra_mort, GetObjectType(), m_members, m_members_size, pob_Chick, and CfgInt::value().

Referenced by Partridge_Chick::BeginStep().

◆ CoveyEmigrate()

bool Partridge_Covey::CoveyEmigrate ( void  )

Test for covey emigration.

Emigration is a loss to the system, so this just kills everyone in the covey.

Definition at line 2642 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

2642  {
2643  for ( unsigned i = m_members_size; i >0; i-- ) {
2644  m_members[i-1]->Dying();
2645  }
2646  return true;
2647 }

References TAnimal::Dying(), m_members, and m_members_size.

◆ CoveyIndividualEmigrate()

void Partridge_Covey::CoveyIndividualEmigrate ( void  )

Test for individuals from covey emigrating.

Chance of each individual emigrating if they are not paired (emigration kills them just to remove them from the system - this is safe because if unpaired there will be no knock-on effects).

Definition at line 2655 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

2655  {
2656  for ( unsigned i = m_members_size; i >0; i-- ) {
2657  if (!m_members[i-1]->ArePaired()) {
2658  if (random(10000)<cfg_IndividualEmigration.value()) {
2659  m_members[i-1]->Dying();
2660  }
2661  }
2662  }
2663 }

References ArePaired(), cfg_IndividualEmigration, TAnimal::Dying(), m_members, m_members_size, and CfgInt::value().

◆ CoveyUpdateMemberPositions()

void Partridge_Covey::CoveyUpdateMemberPositions ( int  a_x,
int  a_y 

Update all covey members x,y coords.

Sets all covey members to the location a_x, a_y and sets the covey x,y coords to this too.

Definition at line 1093 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

1093  {
1094  for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < m_members_size; i++ ) {
1095  m_members[ i ]->SetX( a_x );
1096  m_members[ i ]->SetY( a_y );
1097  }
1098  m_Location_x = a_x;
1099  m_Location_y = a_y;
1100 }

References TAnimal::m_Location_x, TAnimal::m_Location_y, m_members, m_members_size, TAnimal::SetX(), and TAnimal::SetY().

Referenced by FlyTo(), MoveDistance(), MoveTo(), NestFindFast(), NestFindSlow(), and Partridge_Covey().

◆ DistanceToCovey()

double Partridge_Covey::DistanceToCovey ( Partridge_Covey a_covey)

Get distance too covey.

Definition at line 1319 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

1319  {
1320  double dx = m_center_x_float - a_covey->XCenterF();
1321  double dy = m_center_y_float - a_covey->YCenterF();
1322  // Divide by two becuase the maximum distance we can be away is half the world
1323  // in our wrap-around world
1324  double wf = ( double )( m_width >> 1 );
1325  double hf = ( double )( m_height >> 1 );
1326  // We need positive numbers
1327  if ( dx < 0 )
1328  dx = -dx;
1329  if ( dy < 0 )
1330  dy = -dy;
1331  // but we don't need numbers bigger than half the world
1332  if ( dx > wf )
1333  dx = m_width - dx;
1334  if ( dy > hf )
1335  dy = m_height - dy;
1336  // The next bit just makes sure that nothing goes out of whack by being too
1337  //small
1338  if ( dx < MIN_MATH_DIST_SQ ) {
1339  dx = MIN_MATH_DIST_SQ + ( double )( random( 100 ) ) / 100.0;
1340  }
1341  if ( dy < MIN_MATH_DIST_SQ ) {
1342  dy = MIN_MATH_DIST_SQ + ( double )( random( 100 ) ) / 100.0;
1343  }
1344  // Returns the squasre of the short sides or 0.0001, whichever is bigger
1345  return max( dx * dx + dy * dy, MIN_MATH_DIST_SQ );
1346 }

References m_center_x_float, m_center_y_float, m_height, m_width, XCenterF(), and YCenterF().

Referenced by DistanceUpdate(), and DistanceUpdate2().

◆ DistanceUpdate()

void Partridge_Covey::DistanceUpdate ( void  )

Updates distance to nearest covey.

Sorts through the list of nearby coveys and finds the distance to the nearest. Stores the square root of this value.

Definition at line 1301 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

1301  {
1302  m_nearest_covey_dist = ( double )( m_width * m_height );
1304  for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < g_covey_list.size(); i++ ) {
1305  if ( m_id == g_covey_list[ i ]->ID() ) {
1306  continue;
1307  }
1308  double dist = DistanceToCovey( g_covey_list[ i ] );
1309  if ( dist < m_nearest_covey_dist ) {
1310  m_nearest_covey_dist = dist;
1311  }
1312  }
1314 }

References DistanceToCovey(), g_covey_list, ID(), m_height, m_id, m_nearest_covey_dist, and m_width.

Referenced by HabitatEvaluate(), and MoveDistance().

◆ DistanceUpdate2()

void Partridge_Covey::DistanceUpdate2 ( void  )

Updates distance to fixed nearest covey.

Sorts through the list of nearby coveys and finds the distance to the nearest that is fixed. Stores the square root of this value.

Definition at line 1281 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

1281  {
1282  m_nearest_covey_dist = ( double )( m_width * m_height );
1284  for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < g_covey_list.size(); i++ ) {
1285  if ( m_id == g_covey_list[ i ]->ID() ) {
1286  continue;
1287  }
1288  if ( g_covey_list[ i ]->IsFixed() ) {
1289  double dist = DistanceToCovey( g_covey_list[ i ] );
1290  if ( dist < m_nearest_covey_dist ) {
1291  m_nearest_covey_dist = dist;
1292  }
1293  }
1294  }
1296 }

References DistanceToCovey(), g_covey_list, ID(), IsFixed(), m_height, m_id, m_nearest_covey_dist, and m_width.

Referenced by TooClose().

◆ EndStep()

void Partridge_Covey::EndStep ( void  )

Covey EndStep.

Reimplemented from TAnimal.

Definition at line 1616 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

1616  {
1617  if ( m_CurrentStateNo == -1 ) return;
1618  m_step_done = false;
1619  m_move_done = false;
1620  m_assess_done = false;
1621  m_terr_done = false;
1622 }

References m_assess_done, TALMaSSObject::m_CurrentStateNo, m_move_done, m_step_done, and m_terr_done.

◆ FindMateInArea()

Partridge_Female * Partridge_Covey::FindMateInArea ( int  a_max_distance)

Find mate in area.

Loops through the males in the simulation, find first one in state pars_FAttractingMate and within distance a_max_distance, NULL if none.

Definition at line 1561 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

1561  {
1562  int l_dsq = a_max_distance * a_max_distance;
1564  TAnimal * l_candidate;
1568  l_candidate = m_manager->ObjectLoopFetch();
1569  while ( l_candidate ) {
1570  if ( dynamic_cast < Partridge_Base * > ( l_candidate )->GetState() == pars_FAttractingMate ) {
1571  int l_dx = m_covey_x - l_candidate->Supply_m_Location_x();
1572  int l_dy = m_covey_y - l_candidate->Supply_m_Location_y();
1573  if ( ( l_dx * l_dx + l_dy * l_dy ) < l_dsq ) {
1574  return dynamic_cast < Partridge_Female * > ( l_candidate );
1575  }
1576  }
1577  l_candidate = m_manager->ObjectLoopFetch();
1578  }
1579  return NULL;
1580 }

References m_covey_x, m_covey_y, m_manager, Partridge_Population_Manager::ObjectLoopFetch(), Partridge_Population_Manager::ObjectLoopInit(), pars_FAttractingMate, pob_Female, TAnimal::Supply_m_Location_x(), and TAnimal::Supply_m_Location_y().

Referenced by Partridge_Male::MFindingMate().

◆ FindMeAHusband()

Partridge_Male * Partridge_Covey::FindMeAHusband ( Partridge_Female a_female)

Find mate in covey.

Find mate within the covey (if possible). Return NULL if not.

Definition at line 1534 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

1534  {
1535  Partridge_Male * l_male;
1536 #ifdef __PAR_DEBUG2
1537  if ( a_male->GetMate() ) {
1538  int rubbish = 0;
1539  }
1540 #endif
1541  for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < m_members_size; i++ ) {
1542  if ( (m_members[ i ]->GetFamily() != a_female->GetFamily()) && (m_members[ i ]->GetObjectType() == pob_Male )) {
1543  l_male = dynamic_cast < Partridge_Male * > ( m_members[ i ] );
1544  if ( !l_male->GetMate() ) return l_male;
1545  }
1546  }
1547  return NULL;
1548 }

References Partridge_Base::GetFamily(), Partridge_Male::GetMate(), GetObjectType(), m_members, m_members_size, and pob_Male.

◆ FindMeAMateInCovey()

Partridge_Female * Partridge_Covey::FindMeAMateInCovey ( int  a_family_counter)

Is their a suitable female mate in the covey?

Definition at line 2334 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

2334  {
2335  for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < m_members_size; i++ ) {
2336  if ( m_members[ i ]->GetObjectType() == pob_Female ) {
2337  Partridge_Female * pf = dynamic_cast < Partridge_Female * > ( m_members[ i ] );
2338  // Does she have an oldMate
2339  if ( pf->GetMate() == NULL ) {
2340  if ( pf->GetFamily() != a_family_counter )
2341  return pf;
2342  }
2343  }
2344  }
2345  return NULL;
2346 }

References Partridge_Base::GetFamily(), Partridge_Female::GetMate(), GetObjectType(), m_members, m_members_size, and pob_Female.

Referenced by Partridge_Male::MFindingMate().

◆ FindMeAWife()

Partridge_Female * Partridge_Covey::FindMeAWife ( Partridge_Male a_male)

Find mate in covey.

Find mate within the covey (if possible). Return NULL if not.

Definition at line 1518 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

1518  {
1519  Partridge_Female * l_female;
1520 #ifdef __PAR_DEBUG2
1521  if ( a_female->GetMate() ) {
1522  int rubbish = 0;
1523  }
1524 #endif
1525  for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < m_members_size; i++ ) {
1526  if ( ( m_members[ i ]->GetFamily() != a_male->GetFamily() ) && ( m_members[ i ]->GetObjectType() == pob_Female ) ) {
1527  l_female = dynamic_cast < Partridge_Female * > ( m_members[ i ] );
1528  if ( !l_female->GetMate() ) return l_female;
1529  }
1530  }
1531  return NULL;
1532 }

References Partridge_Base::GetFamily(), Partridge_Female::GetMate(), GetObjectType(), m_members, m_members_size, and pob_Female.

◆ FindNeighbour()

Partridge_Covey * Partridge_Covey::FindNeighbour ( )

Finds the closest other covey.

Definition at line 2290 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

2290  {
2291  // If there are no neighbours then do nothing
2292  if ( m_neighbourlist_size < 1 ) return NULL;
2293  int neighbour = random( m_neighbourlist_size );
2294  /* DEBUG
2295  if ( m_neighbourlist[ neighbour ]->m_CurrentStateNo == -1 ) {
2296  int rubbish = 0;
2297  }
2298  // END DEBUG */
2299  return m_neighbourlist[ neighbour ];
2300 }

References m_neighbourlist, and m_neighbourlist_size.

Referenced by Partridge_Male::MFindingMate().

◆ FixHabitat()

void Partridge_Covey::FixHabitat ( void  )

Accept this breeding location.

If the quality is found to be good enough, the animal can decide to use it for its own by calling this method.
This updates the peg position to that of the animal, and updates internal state in accordance with it. After FixTerritory() any subsequent calls to Partridge_Covey::SupplyHabitatQuality() will give the quality on the basis of the same size but possibly drifted pushed peg location from the values used in the recent call to Partridge_Covey::AssessTerritoryQuality.

Definition at line 1074 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

1074  {
1075  int sz = 0;
1076  if ( !m_assess_done ) {
1077  AssessHabitatQuality( sz );
1078  }
1081  m_center_x_float = ( double )m_covey_x;
1082  m_center_y_float = ( double )m_covey_y;
1083  m_terr_done = true;
1086  m_move_done = false;
1087 }

References AssessHabitatQuality(), m_assess_done, m_assess_qual, m_assess_size, m_center_x, m_center_x_float, m_center_y, m_center_y_float, m_covey_x, m_covey_y, m_move_done, m_terr_done, m_terr_qual, and m_terr_size.

Referenced by Partridge_Female::FFindingTerritory().

◆ FlyTo()

bool Partridge_Covey::FlyTo ( int  a_distance)

Fly to

Fly to a random, new location a_distance away. Only allowed if the size of the covey is 1.

Definition at line 1484 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

1484  {
1485  // New version, 4/8-2003.
1487  if ( a_distance <= 0 )
1488  return false;
1490  bool l_did_move = false;
1492  // The additional '2' is to ensure that rounding
1493  // in the calculations to follow will not cause
1494  // problems.
1495  if ( m_covey_x - a_distance - 2 >= 0 && m_covey_x + a_distance + 2 < m_width && m_covey_y - a_distance - 2 >= 0
1496  && m_covey_y + a_distance + 2 < m_height ) {
1497  l_did_move = FlyToFast( a_distance );
1498  } else {
1499  l_did_move = FlyToSlow( a_distance );
1500  }
1502  if ( l_did_move ) {
1505  m_terr_done = false;
1506  m_move_done = false;
1507  m_assess_done = false;
1508  m_dist_done = false;
1509  m_center_x_float = ( double )m_center_x;
1510  m_center_y_float = ( double )m_center_y;
1513  return true;
1514  }
1515  else return false;
1516 }

References CoveyUpdateMemberPositions(), FlyToFast(), FlyToSlow(), m_assess_done, m_center_x, m_center_x_float, m_center_y, m_center_y_float, m_covey_x, m_covey_y, m_dist_done, m_height, m_move_done, m_terr_done, and m_width.

Referenced by Partridge_Female::FFindingTerritory(), and Partridge_Male::MFindingMate().

◆ FlyToFast()

bool Partridge_Covey::FlyToFast ( int  a_distance)

Move a_distance from current covey position.

Definition at line 1349 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

1349  {
1350  // The distance we want to move as a double.
1351  double l_dist = ( double )a_distance;
1353  // Table Step size, as a double. Calculated so that
1354  // the difference in distance between points
1355  // around the perimeter of our scanning circle
1356  // are approximately 1 meter apart.
1357  // Eeewww... divisions... Avoid as far as possible.
1358  if ( a_distance != m_flyto_dist ) {
1359  m_flyto_dist = a_distance;
1360  m_flyto_steps = ( int )( floor( l_dist * TWO_PI ) );
1361  if ( cfg_par_flyto_stepsize.value() > 1 )
1364  m_flyto_ts = ( double )cfg_par_flyto_stepsize.value() * ( double )TRIG_TABLE_LENGTH / ( l_dist * TWO_PI );
1365  }
1367  // Table Step Sum. Set to random start value, corresponding
1368  // to a random angle around the circle.
1369  double l_tss = ( double )random( TRIG_TABLE_LENGTH );
1371  bool l_found = false;
1372  int l_new_x = -1;
1373  int l_new_y = -1;
1374  int l_poly_cache = -1;
1375  int l_dx_cache = -20000;
1376  int l_dy_cache = -20000;
1378  for ( int i = 0; i < m_flyto_steps; i++ ) {
1379  if ( l_tss > ( double )( TRIG_TABLE_LENGTH - 1 ) ) {
1380  l_tss = 0.000001;
1381  }
1382  int index = ( int )floor( l_tss );
1383  l_tss += m_flyto_ts;
1385  int dx = ( int )floor( l_dist * g_trig_cos[ index ] + 0.5 );
1386  int dy = ( int )floor( l_dist * g_trig_sin[ index ] + 0.5 );
1388  if ( dx == l_dx_cache && dy == l_dy_cache )
1389  continue;
1390  l_dx_cache = dx;
1391  l_dy_cache = dy;
1392  int x = m_covey_x + dx;
1393  int y = m_covey_y - dy;
1395  int l_poly = m_map->SupplyPolyRef( x, y );
1396  if ( l_poly != l_poly_cache ) {
1397  l_poly_cache = l_poly;
1398  int l_geo = MoveCanMove( m_map->SupplyElementType( l_poly ) );
1399  if ( l_geo == 1 ) {
1400  // Excellent terrain found. Stop immediately.
1401  m_center_x = x;
1402  m_center_y = y;
1403  return true;
1404  } else if ( l_geo == 0 && l_new_x == -1 ) {
1405  // Remember first acceptable location if we cannot do better.
1406  l_new_x = x;
1407  l_new_y = y;
1408  l_found = true;
1409  }
1410  }
1411  }
1413  // If we get this far, then we only might have found something
1414  // acceptable place to move, though not good.
1415  if ( l_found ) {
1416  m_center_x = l_new_x;
1417  m_center_y = l_new_y;
1418  }
1419  return l_found;
1420 }

References cfg_par_flyto_stepsize, g_trig_cos, g_trig_sin, m_center_x, m_center_y, m_covey_x, m_covey_y, m_flyto_dist, m_flyto_steps, m_flyto_ts, m_map, MoveCanMove(), Landscape::SupplyElementType(), Landscape::SupplyPolyRef(), TRIG_TABLE_LENGTH, and CfgInt::value().

Referenced by FlyTo().

◆ FlyToSlow()

bool Partridge_Covey::FlyToSlow ( int  a_distance)

Move a_distance from current covey position (wraparound)

Definition at line 1422 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

1422  {
1423  double l_dist = ( double )a_distance;
1425  if ( a_distance != m_flyto_dist ) {
1426  m_flyto_dist = a_distance;
1427  m_flyto_steps = ( int )( floor( l_dist * TWO_PI ) );
1428  if ( cfg_par_flyto_stepsize.value() > 1 )
1431  m_flyto_ts = ( double )cfg_par_flyto_stepsize.value() * ( double )TRIG_TABLE_LENGTH / ( l_dist * TWO_PI );
1432  }
1434  double l_tss = ( double )random( TRIG_TABLE_LENGTH );
1436  bool l_found = false;
1437  int l_new_x = -1;
1438  int l_new_y = -1;
1439  int l_poly_cache = -1;
1440  int l_dx_cache = -20000;
1441  int l_dy_cache = -20000;
1443  for ( int i = 0; i < m_flyto_steps; i++ ) {
1444  if ( l_tss > ( double )( TRIG_TABLE_LENGTH - 1 ) ) {
1445  l_tss = 0.000001;
1446  }
1447  int index = ( int )floor( l_tss );
1448  l_tss += m_flyto_ts;
1450  int dx = ( int )floor( l_dist * g_trig_cos[ index ] + 0.5 );
1451  int dy = ( int )floor( l_dist * g_trig_sin[ index ] + 0.5 );
1453  if ( dx == l_dx_cache && dy == l_dy_cache )
1454  continue;
1455  l_dx_cache = dx;
1456  l_dy_cache = dy;
1457  int x = Norm( m_covey_x + dx, m_width );
1458  int y = Norm( m_covey_y - dy, m_height );
1460  int l_poly = m_map->SupplyPolyRef( x, y );
1461  if ( l_poly != l_poly_cache ) {
1462  l_poly_cache = l_poly;
1463  int l_geo = MoveCanMove( m_map->SupplyElementType( l_poly ) );
1464  if ( l_geo == 1 ) {
1465  m_center_x = x;
1466  m_center_y = y;
1467  return true;
1468  } else if ( l_geo == 0 && l_new_x == -1 ) {
1469  l_new_x = x;
1470  l_new_y = y;
1471  l_found = true;
1472  }
1473  }
1474  }
1476  if ( l_found ) {
1477  m_center_x = l_new_x;
1478  m_center_y = l_new_y;
1479  }
1480  return l_found;
1481 }

References cfg_par_flyto_stepsize, g_trig_cos, g_trig_sin, m_center_x, m_center_y, m_covey_x, m_covey_y, m_flyto_dist, m_flyto_steps, m_flyto_ts, m_height, m_map, m_width, MoveCanMove(), Norm(), Landscape::SupplyElementType(), Landscape::SupplyPolyRef(), TRIG_TABLE_LENGTH, and CfgInt::value().

Referenced by FlyTo().

◆ ForceLow()

bool Partridge_Covey::ForceLow ( void  )

Definition at line 703 of file Partridge_Covey.h.

703  {
704  return m_force_low;
705 }

References m_force_low.

◆ GetAMember()

Partridge_Base * Partridge_Covey::GetAMember ( )

Returns a random member.

Definition at line 1634 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

1634  {
1635  return m_members[ 0 ];
1636 }

References m_members.

Referenced by ManagerCheckMerge().

◆ GetChickAge()

int Partridge_Covey::GetChickAge ( )

Return chick age.

Definition at line 486 of file Partridge_Covey.h.

486  {
487  return m_ChickAge;
488  }

References m_ChickAge.

Referenced by Partridge_Female::FCaringForYoung(), and Partridge_Male::MCaringForYoung().

◆ GetCoveySize()

unsigned int Partridge_Covey::GetCoveySize ( )

◆ GetMaleInCovey()

Partridge_Male * Partridge_Covey::GetMaleInCovey ( )

Find a male in the covey.

Definition at line 2323 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

2323  {
2324  for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < m_members_size; i++ ) {
2325  if ( m_members[ i ]->GetObjectType() == pob_Male ) {
2326  Partridge_Male * pm = dynamic_cast < Partridge_Male * > ( m_members[ i ] );
2327  return pm;
2328  }
2329  }
2330  return NULL;
2331 }

References GetObjectType(), m_members, m_members_size, and pob_Male.

Referenced by Partridge_Population_Manager::DissolveCovey().

◆ GetmaxAllowedMove()

int Partridge_Covey::GetmaxAllowedMove ( )

Return the max possible move distance today.

Definition at line 411 of file Partridge_Covey.h.

411  {
412  return m_maxAllowedMove;
413  }

References m_maxAllowedMove.

Referenced by Partridge_Female::FFlocking().

◆ GetmaxFoodNeedToday()

double Partridge_Covey::GetmaxFoodNeedToday ( )

Return the maximum food need today.

Definition at line 416 of file Partridge_Covey.h.

416  {
417  return m_maxFoodNeedToday;
418  }

References m_maxFoodNeedToday.

Referenced by Partridge_Female::FFlocking().

◆ GetMember()

Partridge_Base * Partridge_Covey::GetMember ( int  a_member)

Returns pointer to a_member.

Definition at line 1638 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

1638  {
1639  return m_members[ a_member ];
1640 }

References m_members.

Referenced by Partridge_Population_Manager::DissolveCovey().

◆ GetObjectType()

◆ GetOurChicks()

int Partridge_Covey::GetOurChicks ( )

Return the number of chicks.

Definition at line 471 of file Partridge_Covey.h.

471  {
472  return m_ourChicks;
473  }

References m_ourChicks.

Referenced by BeginStep(), and Partridge_Male::OnMateDying().

◆ GetUncle()

Partridge_Base* Partridge_Covey::GetUncle ( )

Find uncle in covey.

Searches the covey for any bird with the UncleStatus set as true. Or returns NULL if none.

◆ GetUncleNumber()

int Partridge_Covey::GetUncleNumber ( void  )

Returns the number of uncles.

Definition at line 2560 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

2560  {
2561  int noUncs=0;
2562  for ( unsigned i = 0; i < m_members_size; i++ ) {
2563  if ( m_members[ i ]->GetUncleStatus() ) {
2564  noUncs++;
2565  }
2566  }
2567  return noUncs;
2568 }

References m_members, and m_members_size.

Referenced by ActOnParentDeath(), and CanWeMerge().

◆ GetUnpairedFemale()

Partridge_Female * Partridge_Covey::GetUnpairedFemale ( )

Finds the first unpaired female in the covey.

Definition at line 2304 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

2304  {
2305  for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < m_members_size; i++ ) {
2306  if ( m_members[ i ]->GetObjectType() == pob_Female ) {
2307  Partridge_Female * pf = dynamic_cast < Partridge_Female * > ( m_members[ i ] );
2308  // Does she have an oldMate
2309  if ( pf->GetOldMate() ) {
2310  if ( IsMember( pf->GetOldMate() ) ) {
2311  return pf;
2312  } else {
2313  pf->RemoveOldMate(false);
2314  }
2315  }
2316  }
2317  }
2318  return NULL;
2319 }

References GetObjectType(), Partridge_Female::GetOldMate(), IsMember(), m_members, m_members_size, pob_Female, and Partridge_Female::RemoveOldMate().

Referenced by Partridge_Population_Manager::DissolveCovey().

◆ GetUnpairedFemale_virgin()

Partridge_Female * Partridge_Covey::GetUnpairedFemale_virgin ( )

Finds the first never paired female in the covey.

Definition at line 2350 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

2350  {
2351  for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < m_members_size; i++ ) {
2352  if ( m_members[ i ]->GetObjectType() == pob_Female ) {
2353  Partridge_Female * pf = dynamic_cast < Partridge_Female * > ( m_members[ i ] );
2354  return pf;
2355  }
2356  }
2357  return NULL;
2358 }

References GetObjectType(), m_members, m_members_size, and pob_Female.

◆ HabitatEvalPoly()

double Partridge_Covey::HabitatEvalPoly ( TTypesOfLandscapeElement  a_cet,
int  a_poly 

Definition at line 2769 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

2769  {
2770  int st;
2771  switch ( a_cet ) {
2773  // Terrible stuff
2774  case tole_IndividualTree:
2775  case tole_PlantNursery:
2776  case tole_WindTurbine:
2777  case tole_WoodyEnergyCrop:
2778  case tole_WoodlandMargin:
2779  case tole_Pylon:
2780  case tole_DeciduousForest:
2781  case tole_MixedForest:
2782  case tole_ConiferousForest:
2783  case tole_Building:
2784  case tole_UrbanNoVeg:
2785  case tole_AmenityGrass:
2786  return -2.0;
2788  // Bad stuff.
2789  case tole_MetalledPath:
2790  case tole_Carpark:
2791  case tole_Churchyard:
2792  case tole_Saltmarsh:
2793  case tole_Stream:
2794  case tole_HeritageSite:
2795  case tole_RiversidePlants:
2796  case tole_RiversideTrees:
2797  case tole_Garden:
2798  case tole_Track:
2799  case tole_SmallRoad:
2800  case tole_LargeRoad:
2801  case tole_ActivePit:
2802  case tole_Pond:
2803  case tole_Freshwater:
2804  case tole_River:
2805  case tole_Saltwater:
2806  case tole_Coast:
2807  case tole_BareRock:
2808  case tole_Parkland:
2809  case tole_UrbanPark:
2811  case tole_SandDune:
2812  case tole_Copse:
2813  return -1.0;
2815  // Questionable.
2816  case tole_NaturalGrassWet:
2817  case tole_StoneWall:
2818  case tole_Fence:
2819  case tole_Hedges:
2820  case tole_Marsh:
2821  case tole_PitDisused:
2822  case tole_OrchardBand:
2823  return 0.0;
2825  // OK stuff
2826  case tole_RoadsideSlope:
2827  case tole_PermPasture:
2829  return 2.0;
2830  // Good Stuff
2832  case tole_RoadsideVerge:
2833  case tole_Railway:
2834  case tole_FieldBoundary:
2836  case tole_NaturalGrassDry:
2837  case tole_YoungForest: // ?
2838  case tole_Heath:
2839  case tole_Orchard:
2840  case tole_MownGrass:
2841  case tole_Scrub:
2842  case tole_Vildtager:
2843  return cfg_terr_qual_good.value();
2845  // Really good stuff!
2846  case tole_BeetleBank:
2847  return (double) cfg_nest_hedgebank1.value();
2848  case tole_HedgeBank:
2849  st = m_OurLandscape->SupplyElementSubType( a_cet );
2850  switch ( st ) {
2851  case 0:
2852  return (double) cfg_nest_hedgebank0.value();
2853  case 1:
2854  return (double) cfg_nest_hedgebank1.value();
2855  case 2:
2856  return (double) cfg_nest_hedgebank2.value();
2857  default:
2858  return 100;
2859  }
2860  // Variable, depending on vegetation and condition of same.
2861  case tole_Field:
2863  return (double) HabitatEvalPolyField( a_poly );
2865  default:
2866  g_msg->Warn( WARN_BUG, "Partridge_Covey::TerrEvalPoly(): Unknown tole type", "" );
2867  exit( 1 );
2868  }
2869 }

References cfg_nest_hedgebank0, cfg_nest_hedgebank1, cfg_nest_hedgebank2, cfg_terr_qual_good, g_msg, HabitatEvalPolyField(), TAnimal::m_OurLandscape, Landscape::SupplyElementSubType(), tole_ActivePit, tole_AmenityGrass, tole_BareRock, tole_BeetleBank, tole_Building, tole_BuiltUpWithParkland, tole_Carpark, tole_Churchyard, tole_Coast, tole_ConiferousForest, tole_Copse, tole_DeciduousForest, tole_Fence, tole_Field, tole_FieldBoundary, tole_Freshwater, tole_Garden, tole_Heath, tole_HedgeBank, tole_Hedges, tole_HeritageSite, tole_IndividualTree, tole_LargeRoad, tole_Marsh, tole_MetalledPath, tole_MixedForest, tole_MownGrass, tole_NaturalGrassDry, tole_NaturalGrassWet, tole_Orchard, tole_OrchardBand, tole_Parkland, tole_PermanentSetaside, tole_PermPasture, tole_PermPastureLowYield, tole_PermPastureTussocky, tole_PitDisused, tole_PlantNursery, tole_Pond, tole_Pylon, tole_Railway, tole_River, tole_RiversidePlants, tole_RiversideTrees, tole_RoadsideSlope, tole_RoadsideVerge, tole_Saltmarsh, tole_Saltwater, tole_SandDune, tole_Scrub, tole_SmallRoad, tole_StoneWall, tole_Stream, tole_Track, tole_UnsprayedFieldMargin, tole_UrbanNoVeg, tole_UrbanPark, tole_Vildtager, tole_WindTurbine, tole_WoodlandMargin, tole_WoodyEnergyCrop, tole_YoungForest, CfgInt::value(), CfgFloat::value(), MapErrorMsg::Warn(), and WARN_BUG.

Referenced by HabitatEvaluateFast(), and HabitatEvaluateSlow().

◆ HabitatEvalPolyField()

int Partridge_Covey::HabitatEvalPolyField ( int  a_field)

Evaluate a field's habitat quality.

Definition at line 3028 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

3028  {
3030  TTypesOfVegetation l_tov = m_map->SupplyVegType( a_field );
3031  int score;
3032  switch ( l_tov ) {
3033  case tov_OFirstYearDanger:
3034  case tov_OGrazingPigs:
3038  score = 0;
3039  break;
3041  case tov_Carrots:
3042  case tov_FieldPeas:
3043  case tov_FodderBeet:
3044  case tov_SugarBeet:
3045  case tov_OFodderBeet:
3046  case tov_Maize:
3047  case tov_MaizeSilage:
3048  case tov_OMaizeSilage:
3049  case tov_NoGrowth:
3050  case tov_None:
3051  case tov_OPotatoes:
3052  case tov_WinterRape:
3053  case tov_Potatoes:
3054  case tov_PotatoesIndustry:
3055  score = 1;
3056  break;
3059  case tov_PermanentSetaside:
3060  case tov_FodderGrass:
3063  case tov_Oats:
3064  case tov_OOats:
3065  case tov_OSeedGrass1:
3066  case tov_OSeedGrass2:
3067  case tov_OSpringBarley:
3068  case tov_OSpringBarleyExt:
3071  case tov_OSpringBarleyPigs:
3072  case tov_OTriticale:
3073  case tov_OWinterBarley:
3074  case tov_OWinterBarleyExt:
3075  case tov_OWinterRape:
3076  case tov_OWinterRye:
3078  case tov_OWinterWheat:
3079  case tov_SeedGrass1:
3080  case tov_SeedGrass2:
3081  case tov_SpringBarley:
3082  case tov_SpringBarleySpr:
3086  case tov_SpringBarleyGrass:
3087  case tov_SpringBarleySeed:
3089  case tov_SpringRape:
3090  case tov_SpringWheat:
3091  case tov_Triticale:
3092  case tov_WinterBarley:
3093  case tov_WinterRye:
3094  case tov_WinterWheat:
3095  case tov_WWheatPControl:
3097  case tov_WWheatPTreatment:
3099  case tov_WinterWheatShort:
3103  case tov_OSBarleySilage:
3104  case tov_OCarrots:
3106  case tov_OFieldPeas:
3107  case tov_OFieldPeasSilage:
3108  case tov_YoungForest:
3109  case tov_Heath:
3110  case tov_BroadBeans:
3112  score = 2;
3113  break;
3115  /* case tov_OGrassClover1: case tov_OGrassClover2: case tov_OBarleyPeaCloverGrass: case tov_OCarrots:
3116  case tov_OCloverGrassGrazed1: case tov_OCloverGrassGrazed2: case tov_OCloverGrassSilage1: case tov_OFieldPeas:
3117  case tov_OPermanentGrassGrazed: case tov_PermanentGrassGrazed: case tov_PermanentGrassTussocky: return 3.0; */
3119  case tov_Setaside:
3120  case tov_NaturalGrass:
3121  case tov_OSetaside:
3122  score = 4;
3123  break;
3125  case tov_Undefined:
3126  default:
3127  return 0;
3128  }
3129  return score;
3130 }

References m_map, Landscape::SupplyVegType(), tov_AgroChemIndustryCereal, tov_BroadBeans, tov_Carrots, tov_CloverGrassGrazed1, tov_CloverGrassGrazed2, tov_FieldPeas, tov_FodderBeet, tov_FodderGrass, tov_Heath, tov_Maize, tov_MaizeSilage, tov_NaturalGrass, tov_NoGrowth, tov_None, tov_Oats, tov_OBarleyPeaCloverGrass, tov_OCarrots, tov_OCloverGrassGrazed1, tov_OCloverGrassGrazed2, tov_OCloverGrassSilage1, tov_OFieldPeas, tov_OFieldPeasSilage, tov_OFirstYearDanger, tov_OFodderBeet, tov_OGrazingPigs, tov_OMaizeSilage, tov_OOats, tov_OPermanentGrassGrazed, tov_OPotatoes, tov_OSBarleySilage, tov_OSeedGrass1, tov_OSeedGrass2, tov_OSetaside, tov_OSpringBarley, tov_OSpringBarleyClover, tov_OSpringBarleyExt, tov_OSpringBarleyGrass, tov_OSpringBarleyPigs, tov_OTriticale, tov_OWinterBarley, tov_OWinterBarleyExt, tov_OWinterRape, tov_OWinterRye, tov_OWinterWheat, tov_OWinterWheatUndersown, tov_PermanentGrassGrazed, tov_PermanentGrassLowYield, tov_PermanentGrassTussocky, tov_PermanentSetaside, tov_Potatoes, tov_PotatoesIndustry, tov_SeedGrass1, tov_SeedGrass2, tov_Setaside, tov_SpringBarley, tov_SpringBarleyCloverGrass, tov_SpringBarleyGrass, tov_SpringBarleyPTreatment, tov_SpringBarleySeed, tov_SpringBarleySilage, tov_SpringBarleySKManagement, tov_SpringBarleySpr, tov_SpringRape, tov_SpringWheat, tov_SugarBeet, tov_Triticale, tov_Undefined, tov_WinterBarley, tov_WinterRape, tov_WinterRye, tov_WinterWheat, tov_WinterWheatShort, tov_WWheatPControl, tov_WWheatPToxicControl, tov_WWheatPTreatment, and tov_YoungForest.

Referenced by HabitatEvalPoly().

◆ HabitatEvaluate()

double Partridge_Covey::HabitatEvaluate ( int  a_center_x,
int  a_center_y,
int *  a_size_used,
bool  a_rethink_size 

Entry point for habitat evaluation.

Makes sure we have taken other covies into account then figures out which of the habitat evaluation functions to call depending how close to the edge of the world we are.
This way of doing things is used when we need to take other covies into account and cannot rely on the pre-assessed 10mgrid qualities of Partridge_Population_Manager::UpdateNestingCoverMap.

Definition at line 991 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

991  {
992  if ( !m_dist_done && a_rethink_size ) {
993  DistanceUpdate();
994  m_dist_done = true;
995  }
996  // l_width_height_half
997  int l_whh;
998  if ( a_rethink_size ) {
999  l_whh = ( ( int )m_nearest_covey_dist ) >> 1;
1000  if ( g_par_terr_max_width.value() < l_whh ) {
1001  l_whh = g_par_terr_max_width.value();
1002  } else if ( l_whh < 50 ) {
1003  l_whh = 50; // 100x100 = minimum possible size
1004  }
1005  * a_size_used = l_whh;
1006  } else {
1007  l_whh = * a_size_used;
1008  }
1010  int l_min_x_incl = a_center_x - l_whh;
1011  int l_max_x_excl = a_center_x + l_whh;
1012  int l_min_y_incl = a_center_y - l_whh;
1013  int l_max_y_excl = a_center_y + l_whh;
1015  if ( l_min_x_incl < 0 || l_max_x_excl > m_width || l_min_y_incl < 0 || l_max_y_excl > m_height ) {
1016  return HabitatEvaluateSlow( l_min_x_incl, l_max_x_excl, l_min_y_incl, l_max_y_excl );
1017  }
1018  return HabitatEvaluateFast( l_min_x_incl, l_max_x_excl, l_min_y_incl, l_max_y_excl );
1019 }

References DistanceUpdate(), g_par_terr_max_width, HabitatEvaluateFast(), HabitatEvaluateSlow(), m_dist_done, m_height, m_nearest_covey_dist, m_width, and CfgInt::value().

Referenced by AssessHabitatQuality(), and SupplyHabitatQuality().

◆ HabitatEvaluateFast()

double Partridge_Covey::HabitatEvaluateFast ( int  a_min_x_incl,
int  a_max_x_excl,
int  a_min_y_incl,
int  a_max_y_excl 

Evaluate habitat (wrap around)

Definition at line 926 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

926  {
927  int l_poly_cache = -1;
928  double l_poly_value = 0.0;
929  double l_qual = 0.0;
931  for ( int y = a_min_y_incl; y < a_max_y_excl; y++ ) {
932  for ( int x = a_min_x_incl; x < a_max_x_excl; x++ ) {
933  // l_current_element_type
935  int l_poly = m_map->SupplyPolyRef( x, y );
936  if ( l_poly != l_poly_cache ) {
937  // New polygon. Reevaluate the
938  // value of the current coordinate.
939  l_cet = m_map->SupplyElementType( x, y );
940  l_poly_value = HabitatEvalPoly( l_cet, l_poly );
941  l_poly_cache = l_poly;
942  }
943  l_qual += l_poly_value;
944  }
945  }
946  return l_qual;
947 }

References HabitatEvalPoly(), m_map, Landscape::SupplyElementType(), and Landscape::SupplyPolyRef().

Referenced by HabitatEvaluate().

◆ HabitatEvaluateFaster()

double Partridge_Covey::HabitatEvaluateFaster ( int  a_center_x,
int  a_center_y 

Evaluate habitat fast.

The search pattern for finding a territory is to find a place where the territory criteria are OK, then check that we are not too close to other coveys. This way of doing things is called when we want to do the job quickly using the pre-assessed qualmap array updated every week by Partridge_Population_Manager::UpdateNestingCoverMap.

Definition at line 1027 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

1027  {
1028  //This simply returns the territory value at a_center_x,a_center_y with a
1029  //radius of 50m.\n
1030  a_center_x = a_center_x / 10;
1031  a_center_y = a_center_y / 10;
1032  int l_min_x_incl = a_center_x - 5;
1033  int l_max_x_excl = a_center_x + 5;
1034  int l_min_y_incl = a_center_y - 5;
1035  int l_max_y_excl = a_center_y + 5;
1037  double qual = 0;
1038  if ((l_min_x_incl<0) || (l_min_y_incl<0) || (l_max_x_excl >= (m_width/10)) || (l_max_y_excl >= (m_height /10)) ) return 0; // ignore near the edge - speed fudge
1039  for ( int i = l_min_x_incl; i < l_min_x_incl + 5; i++ )
1040  {
1041  for ( int j = l_min_y_incl; j < l_min_y_incl + 5; j++ )
1042  {
1044  }
1045  }
1046  return qual;
1047 }

References CoverTempMap::GetQualIndexed(), m_height, m_manager, Partridge_Population_Manager::m_territoryqualmap, and m_width.

Referenced by AssessHabitatQualityFaster().

◆ HabitatEvaluateSlow()

double Partridge_Covey::HabitatEvaluateSlow ( int  a_min_x_incl,
int  a_max_x_excl,
int  a_min_y_incl,
int  a_max_y_excl 

Definition at line 952 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

952  {
953  int l_poly_cache = -1;
954  double l_poly_value = 0.0;
955  double l_qual = 0.0;
957  ForIterator * l_fx = new ForIterator( a_min_x_incl, a_max_x_excl, 1, 0, m_width );
958  int * l_lx = l_fx->GetList();
960  ForIterator * l_fy = new ForIterator( a_min_y_incl, a_max_y_excl, 1, 0, m_height );
961  int * l_ly = l_fy->GetList();
963  for ( int iy = 0; iy < l_fy->GetLimit(); iy++ ) {
964  int y = l_ly[ iy ];
965  for ( int ix = 0; ix < l_fx->GetLimit(); ix++ ) {
966  int x = l_lx[ ix ];
968  // l_current_element_type
970  int l_poly = m_map->SupplyPolyRef( x, y );
971  if ( l_poly != l_poly_cache ) {
972  // New polygon. Reevaluate the
973  // value of the current coordinate.
974  l_cet = m_map->SupplyElementType( x, y );
975  l_poly_value = HabitatEvalPoly( l_cet, l_poly );
976  l_poly_cache = l_poly;
977  }
978  l_qual += l_poly_value;
979  }
980  }
981  delete l_fy;
982  delete l_fx;
983  return l_qual;
984 }

References ForIterator::GetLimit(), ForIterator::GetList(), HabitatEvalPoly(), m_height, m_map, m_width, Landscape::SupplyElementType(), and Landscape::SupplyPolyRef().

Referenced by HabitatEvaluate().

◆ HaveWeChicks()

bool Partridge_Covey::HaveWeChicks ( void  )

Check if covey contains chicks.

Relies on the fact that a covey can only have one set of chicks at a time.

Definition at line 2626 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

2626  {
2630  for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < m_members_size; i++ ) {
2631  if ( m_members[ i ]->GetObjectType() == pob_Chick ) {
2632  return true;
2633  }
2634  }
2635  return false;
2636 }

References GetObjectType(), m_members, m_members_size, and pob_Chick.

◆ ID()

unsigned int Partridge_Covey::ID ( void  )

Definition at line 738 of file Partridge_Covey.h.

738  {
739  return m_id;
740  }

References m_id.

Referenced by CoveyManager::DelCovey(), DistanceUpdate(), DistanceUpdate2(), ManagerCheckMerge(), ManagerRethinkPos(), and NestNearNests().

◆ IsFixed()

bool Partridge_Covey::IsFixed ( void  )

Wonder whether the peg is fixed?

Definition at line 577 of file Partridge_Covey.h.

577  {
578  return m_peg_is_fixed;
579  }

References m_peg_is_fixed.

Referenced by DistanceUpdate2().

◆ IsMember()

bool Partridge_Covey::IsMember ( Partridge_Base a_possible_member)

Definition at line 1709 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

1709  {
1710  for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < m_members_size; i++ ) {
1712  // if ( a_possible_member->GetID() == m_members[ i ]->GetID() ) {
1713  if ( a_possible_member == m_members[ i ] ) {
1714  return true;
1715  }
1716  }
1718  return false;
1719 }

References m_members, and m_members_size.

Referenced by AddMember(), Partridge_Male::AmIaMember(), GetUnpairedFemale(), and RemoveMember().

◆ KillChicks()

void Partridge_Covey::KillChicks ( int  percent)

Kill a proportion of the chicks.

Kills each chick if they fail a probability test.

Definition at line 2595 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

2595  {
2596  //SanityCheck2(m_ourChicks );
2597  for ( int i = m_members_size - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
2598  if ( m_members[ i ]->GetObjectType() == pob_Chick ) {
2599  if ( random( 100 ) < percent )
2600  dynamic_cast < Partridge_Chick * > ( m_members[ i ] )->OnYouAreDead();
2601  }
2602  }
2603  //SanityCheck2(m_ourChicks );
2604 }

References GetObjectType(), m_members, m_members_size, and pob_Chick.

Referenced by ActOnParentDeath().

◆ KillExcessChicks()

void Partridge_Covey::KillExcessChicks ( int  remaining)

Kill extra chicks.

Kills chicks so that remaining remain.

Definition at line 2573 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

2573  {
2574  // Need to figure out if we need to kill any chicks
2575  if ( m_ourChicks < remaining ) return;
2576  Partridge_Chick * pc;
2577  int tokill = m_ourChicks - remaining;
2578  for ( int decimate = 0; decimate < tokill; decimate++ ) {
2579  for ( unsigned i = 0; i < m_members_size; i++ ) {
2580  if ( m_members[ i ]->GetObjectType() == pob_Chick ) {
2581  pc = dynamic_cast < Partridge_Chick * > ( m_members[ i ] );
2582  pc->OnYouAreDead();
2583  break;
2584  }
2585  }
2586  }
2587  //SanityCheck2(m_ourChicks );
2588 }

References GetObjectType(), m_members, m_members_size, m_ourChicks, Partridge_Chick::OnYouAreDead(), and pob_Chick.

Referenced by ActOnParentDeath().

◆ LifeEssenceLow()

bool Partridge_Covey::LifeEssenceLow ( void  )

Definition at line 698 of file Partridge_Covey.h.

698  {
699  return m_essence_low;
700  }

References m_essence_low.

◆ ManagerCheckMerge() [1/2]

bool Partridge_Covey::ManagerCheckMerge ( int  a_noOfUncles)

Merging test for uncle number.

◆ ManagerCheckMerge() [2/2]

void Partridge_Covey::ManagerCheckMerge ( void  )

Definition at line 1794 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

1794  {
1795  // This is called by the Tick function once a day between certain dates
1796  // for coveys that are not doing anything special and are only 1 or 2 birds
1797  // Test for merging
1798  if ( random( 100 ) >= cfg_par_merging_chance.value() ) return; // Only one chance per day
1799  unsigned int sz = unsigned(g_covey_list.size());
1800  for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < sz; i++ ) {
1801  Partridge_Covey* p_pc = g_covey_list[ i ];
1802  // Skip ourselves.
1803  if ( m_id == p_pc->ID() ) {
1804  continue;
1805  }
1806  if ( -1 == p_pc->m_CurrentStateNo ) {
1807  continue;
1808  }
1809  // Are we close to someone else?
1810  double dx = abs( m_center_x_float - p_pc->XCenterF() );
1811  double dy = abs( m_center_y_float - p_pc->YCenterF() );
1812  if ( ( dx < cfg_min_merge_dist.value() ) && ( dy < cfg_min_merge_dist.value() ) ) {
1813  // OK we feel like merging - will we be allowed to?
1814  // First find out if the target covey is full
1815  if ( p_pc->CanWeMerge( m_members_size ) ) {
1816  // Takes each member of a_covey and tells it to change covey
1817  Partridge_Base * pb;
1818  //unsigned int nu = g_covey_list[ i ]->GetCoveySize();
1819  unsigned int nu = GetCoveySize(); // are we one or two or three?
1820  for ( unsigned int k = 0; k < nu; k++ ) {
1821  pb = GetAMember();
1822  RemoveMember( pb ); //when the last is removed this covey will vanish
1823  pb->SetUncleStatus( true );
1824  pb->SetCovey( p_pc );
1825  p_pc->AddMember( pb );
1826  }
1827  return; // Done
1828  } // Not allowed to merge if we get here
1829  } // end of in-distance test
1830  } // loop each covey (this must be optimised!)
1831 }

References AddMember(), CanWeMerge(), cfg_min_merge_dist, cfg_par_merging_chance, g_covey_list, GetAMember(), GetCoveySize(), ID(), m_center_x_float, m_center_y_float, TALMaSSObject::m_CurrentStateNo, m_id, m_members_size, RemoveMember(), Partridge_Base::SetCovey(), Partridge_Base::SetUncleStatus(), CfgInt::value(), CfgFloat::value(), XCenterF(), and YCenterF().

◆ ManagerDriftPos()

void Partridge_Covey::ManagerDriftPos ( void  )

Definition at line 1745 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

1745  {
1747  return;
1749  double dx = ( double )m_covey_x - m_center_x_float;
1750  double dy = ( double )m_covey_y - m_center_y_float;
1752  double l_x_sign = 1.0;
1753  double l_y_sign = 1.0;
1754  double wf = ( double )( m_width >> 1 );
1755  double hf = ( double )( m_height >> 1 );
1757  if ( dx < 0.0 ) {
1758  dx = -dx;
1759  if ( dx > wf ) {
1760  dx = ( double )m_width - dx;
1761  } else {
1762  l_x_sign = -1.0;
1763  }
1764  } else {
1765  // dx > 0
1766  if ( dx > wf ) {
1767  dx = ( double )m_width - dx;
1768  l_x_sign = -1.0;
1769  }
1770  }
1772  if ( dy < 0.0 ) {
1773  dy = -dy;
1774  if ( dy > hf ) {
1775  dy = ( double )m_height - dy;
1776  } else {
1777  l_y_sign = -1.0;
1778  }
1779  } else {
1780  if ( dy > hf ) {
1781  dy = ( double )m_height - dy;
1782  l_y_sign = -1.0;
1783  }
1784  }
1786  double dsum = sqrt( dx * dx + dy * dy );
1787  if ( dsum > 0.0 ) {
1788  m_new_center_x_float += l_x_sign * cfg_par_covey_drift_speed.value() * dx / ( dsum );
1789  m_new_center_y_float += l_y_sign * cfg_par_covey_drift_speed.value() * dy / ( dsum );
1790  }
1791 }

References cfg_par_covey_drift_enable, cfg_par_covey_drift_speed, m_center_x_float, m_center_y_float, m_covey_x, m_covey_y, m_height, m_new_center_x_float, m_new_center_y_float, m_peg_is_fixed, m_permanent_marker, m_width, CfgFloat::value(), and CfgBool::value().

◆ ManagerIsPermanant()

bool Partridge_Covey::ManagerIsPermanant ( void  )


Is peg permanent
Not used at present

Definition at line 767 of file Partridge_Covey.h.

767  {
768  return m_permanent_marker;
769  }

References m_permanent_marker.

Referenced by CoveyManager::DelCovey().

◆ ManagerRethinkPos()

void Partridge_Covey::ManagerRethinkPos ( void  )

Definition at line 1855 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

1855  {
1856  m_force_low = false;
1861  return;
1863  double l_force_x = 0.0;
1864  double l_force_y = 0.0;
1865  double l_pressure_sum = 0.0;
1866  double wf = ( double )( m_width >> 1 );
1867  double hf = ( double )( m_height >> 1 );
1868  double l_x_sign = 1.0;
1869  double l_y_sign = 1.0;
1871  // Can anyone see this is a doubly nested for() loop?
1872  // Nah, nobody is looking... ;-)
1873  for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < g_covey_list.size(); i++ ) {
1875  // Skip ourselves.
1876  if ( m_id == g_covey_list[ i ]->ID() ) {
1877  continue;
1878  }
1880  double dx = m_center_x_float - g_covey_list[ i ]->XCenterF();
1881  double dy = m_center_y_float - g_covey_list[ i ]->YCenterF();
1883  if ( dx < 0.0 ) {
1884  dx = -dx;
1885  if ( dx > wf ) {
1886  dx = ( double )m_width - dx;
1887  l_x_sign = 1.0;
1888  } else {
1889  l_x_sign = -1.0;
1890  }
1891  } else {
1892  // dx > 0
1893  if ( dx > wf ) {
1894  dx = ( double )m_width - dx;
1895  l_x_sign = -1.0;
1896  } else {
1897  l_x_sign = 1.0;
1898  }
1899  }
1901  if ( dy < 0.0 ) {
1902  dy = -dy;
1903  if ( dy > hf ) {
1904  dy = ( double )m_height - dy;
1905  l_y_sign = 1.0;
1906  } else {
1907  l_y_sign = -1.0;
1908  }
1909  } else {
1910  if ( dy > hf ) {
1911  dy = ( double )m_height - dy;
1912  l_y_sign = -1.0;
1913  } else {
1914  l_y_sign = 1.0;
1915  }
1916  }
1918  if ( dx < MIN_MATH_DIST_SQ ) {
1919  dx = MIN_MATH_DIST_SQ;
1920  }
1921  if ( dy < MIN_MATH_DIST_SQ ) {
1922  dy = MIN_MATH_DIST_SQ;
1923  }
1924  double dist = max( dx * dx + dy * dy, MIN_MATH_DIST_SQ );
1926  if ( dist < cfg_par_force_ignore_dist_sq.value() ) {
1927  l_pressure_sum += Pressure( sqrt( dist ) ); // Eeewww....
1928  l_force_x += l_x_sign * dx / dist; // 'Hurt me plenty.'
1929  l_force_y += l_y_sign * dy / dist;
1930  }
1931  } // End of covey loop
1933  double l_vector_force = sqrt( l_force_x * l_force_x + l_force_y * l_force_y );
1935  if ( ( l_vector_force > g_covey_manager->Getpar_force_ignore_below() ) && ( !m_peg_is_fixed ) && ( !m_permanent_marker ) ) {
1938  }
1940  if ( l_vector_force < cfg_par_force_below.value() )
1941  m_force_low = true;
1943  m_essence_low = PressureLimitExceeded( l_pressure_sum );
1944 }

References cfg_par_force_below, cfg_par_force_enable, cfg_par_force_ignore_dist_sq, cfg_par_force_speed, g_covey_list, g_covey_manager, CoveyManager::Getpar_force_ignore_below(), ID(), m_center_x_float, m_center_y_float, m_essence_low, m_force_low, m_height, m_id, m_new_center_x_float, m_new_center_y_float, m_peg_is_fixed, m_permanent_marker, m_width, Pressure(), PressureLimitExceeded(), CfgFloat::value(), and CfgBool::value().

◆ ManagerSetPermanent()

void Partridge_Covey::ManagerSetPermanent ( void  )


This peg is not associated with a family entity and can never be be moved, nor deleted. It is, well, permanent.
Not used at present

Definition at line 758 of file Partridge_Covey.h.

759  {
760  m_permanent_marker = true;
761  }

References m_permanent_marker.

◆ ManagerUpdatePos()

void Partridge_Covey::ManagerUpdatePos ( void  )

Definition at line 1948 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

1948  {
1950  return;
1952  if ( m_new_center_x_float < 0.0 )
1953  m_new_center_x_float += ( double )m_width; else if ( m_new_center_x_float > ( double )m_width - 1.0 )
1954  m_new_center_x_float -= ( double )m_width;
1956  if ( m_new_center_y_float < 0.0 )
1957  m_new_center_y_float += ( double )m_height; else if ( m_new_center_y_float > ( double )m_height - 1.0 )
1958  m_new_center_y_float -= ( double )m_height;
1962  m_center_x = ( int )m_center_x_float;
1963  m_center_y = ( int )m_center_y_float;
1964  m_terr_done = false;
1965  m_assess_done = false;
1966  m_dist_done = false;
1967 }

References m_assess_done, m_center_x, m_center_x_float, m_center_y, m_center_y_float, m_dist_done, m_height, m_new_center_x_float, m_new_center_y_float, m_peg_is_fixed, m_permanent_marker, m_terr_done, and m_width.

◆ Memberships()

unsigned int Partridge_Covey::Memberships ( void  )

Get covey size.

Definition at line 691 of file Partridge_Covey.h.

691  {
692  return m_members_size;
693  }

References m_members_size.

◆ MoveCanMove() [1/2]

int Partridge_Covey::MoveCanMove ( int  a_x,
int  a_y 

Test of movement step.

     -1: Cannot move here due to element type.
     0: OK to go here.
     1: Exceptionally favorable terrain (for detecting hedges etc.)

Definition at line 857 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

857  {
858  return MoveCanMove( m_map->SupplyElementType( a_x, a_y ) );
859 }

References m_map, MoveCanMove(), and Landscape::SupplyElementType().

◆ MoveCanMove() [2/2]

int Partridge_Covey::MoveCanMove ( TTypesOfLandscapeElement  a_ele)

Test if we can go there.

Returns a code for whether the partridges can take chicks onto this polygon type at all (-1), if necessary (0) or by choice (1).

Definition at line 3221 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

3221  {
3222  switch ( a_ele ) {
3223  case tole_StoneWall:
3224  case tole_Fence:
3225  case tole_Garden:
3226  case tole_Building:
3227  case tole_Pond:
3228  case tole_Freshwater:
3229  case tole_River:
3230  case tole_Saltwater:
3231  case tole_Coast:
3232  case tole_Churchyard:
3233  case tole_Stream:
3234  return -1;
3236  case tole_IndividualTree:
3237  case tole_PlantNursery:
3238  case tole_WindTurbine:
3239  case tole_WoodyEnergyCrop:
3240  case tole_WoodlandMargin:
3241  case tole_Pylon:
3242  case tole_PermPasture:
3243  case tole_Scrub:
3244  case tole_RiversidePlants:
3245  case tole_RiversideTrees:
3246  case tole_DeciduousForest:
3247  case tole_MixedForest:
3248  case tole_ConiferousForest:
3249  case tole_Marsh:
3250  case tole_PitDisused:
3251  case tole_Track:
3252  case tole_SmallRoad:
3253  case tole_LargeRoad:
3254  case tole_ActivePit:
3255  case tole_Hedges:
3256  case tole_Railway:
3257  case tole_Field:
3262  case tole_YoungForest:
3263  case tole_NaturalGrassDry:
3264  case tole_Heath:
3265  case tole_OrchardBand:
3266  case tole_MownGrass:
3267  case tole_Orchard:
3268  case tole_BareRock:
3269  case tole_AmenityGrass:
3270  case tole_Parkland:
3271  case tole_UrbanNoVeg:
3272  case tole_UrbanPark:
3274  case tole_SandDune:
3275  case tole_Copse:
3276  case tole_NaturalGrassWet:
3277  case tole_RoadsideSlope:
3278  case tole_MetalledPath:
3279  case tole_Carpark:
3280  case tole_Saltmarsh:
3281  case tole_HeritageSite:
3282  return 0;
3284  case tole_RoadsideVerge:
3285  case tole_FieldBoundary:
3286  case tole_HedgeBank:
3287  case tole_BeetleBank:
3288  case tole_Vildtager:
3289  return 1;
3291  default:
3292  g_msg->Warn( WARN_BUG, "Partridge_Covey::MoveCanMove(): Unknown tole type", "" );
3293  exit( 1 );
3294  break;
3295  }
3296 }

References g_msg, tole_ActivePit, tole_AmenityGrass, tole_BareRock, tole_BeetleBank, tole_Building, tole_BuiltUpWithParkland, tole_Carpark, tole_Churchyard, tole_Coast, tole_ConiferousForest, tole_Copse, tole_DeciduousForest, tole_Fence, tole_Field, tole_FieldBoundary, tole_Freshwater, tole_Garden, tole_Heath, tole_HedgeBank, tole_Hedges, tole_HeritageSite, tole_IndividualTree, tole_LargeRoad, tole_Marsh, tole_MetalledPath, tole_MixedForest, tole_MownGrass, tole_NaturalGrassDry, tole_NaturalGrassWet, tole_Orchard, tole_OrchardBand, tole_Parkland, tole_PermanentSetaside, tole_PermPasture, tole_PermPastureLowYield, tole_PermPastureTussocky, tole_PitDisused, tole_PlantNursery, tole_Pond, tole_Pylon, tole_Railway, tole_River, tole_RiversidePlants, tole_RiversideTrees, tole_RoadsideSlope, tole_RoadsideVerge, tole_Saltmarsh, tole_Saltwater, tole_SandDune, tole_Scrub, tole_SmallRoad, tole_StoneWall, tole_Stream, tole_Track, tole_UnsprayedFieldMargin, tole_UrbanNoVeg, tole_UrbanPark, tole_Vildtager, tole_WindTurbine, tole_WoodlandMargin, tole_WoodyEnergyCrop, tole_YoungForest, MapErrorMsg::Warn(), and WARN_BUG.

Referenced by FlyToFast(), FlyToSlow(), MoveCanMove(), MoveOptimalDirectionFast(), and MoveOptimalDirectionSlow().

◆ MoveDirectionsAllowed()

void Partridge_Covey::MoveDirectionsAllowed ( int  a_x,
int  a_y 

Test possible movement directions.

Definition at line 397 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

397  {
398  // Finding the possible directions allowed by the location of the
399  // peg is slightly complicated, because the actual covey position
400  // may be on the other side of a map boundary.
402  int l_dx = m_center_x - a_x;
403  int l_dy = m_center_y - a_y;
405  if ( l_dx < 0 ) {
406  if ( -l_dx > ( m_width >> 1 ) ) {
407  l_dx += m_width;
408  }
409  } else {
410  if ( l_dx > ( m_width >> 1 ) ) {
411  l_dx -= m_width;
412  }
413  }
415  if ( l_dy < 0 ) {
416  if ( -l_dy > ( m_height >> 1 ) ) {
417  l_dy += m_height;
418  }
419  } else {
420  if ( l_dy > ( m_height >> 1 ) ) {
421  l_dy -= m_height;
422  }
423  }
425 #ifdef PAR_DEBUG
426  printf( "dX, dY : %d %d\n", l_dx, l_dy );
427 #endif
429  // We now have l_dx and l_dy normalized wrt. to the map borders.
430  // Finding the true distance and direction to the peg is now trivial.
431  int l_dist_sq = l_dx * l_dx + l_dy * l_dy;
433  if ( l_dx >= 0 ) {
434  // The peg is in 1st or 2nd quadrant as seen from the covey.
435  if ( l_dy < 0 ) {
436  // 1st quadrant. Check octant!
437  if ( -l_dy > l_dx ) {
438  // 1st octant.
439  m_move_allowed[ direction_n ] = true;
440  m_move_allowed[ direction_ne ] = true;
441  m_move_allowed[ direction_e ] = MoveTryExclude( l_dist_sq );
442  m_move_allowed[ direction_nw ] = MoveTryExclude( l_dist_sq );
447  } else {
448  // 2nd octant.
449  m_move_allowed[ direction_ne ] = true;
450  m_move_allowed[ direction_e ] = true;
451  m_move_allowed[ direction_n ] = MoveTryExclude( l_dist_sq );
452  m_move_allowed[ direction_se ] = MoveTryExclude( l_dist_sq );
457  }
458  } else {
459  // 2nd quadrant clockwise from north.
460  if ( l_dx > l_dy ) {
461  // 3rd octant.
462  m_move_allowed[ direction_e ] = true;
463  m_move_allowed[ direction_se ] = true;
464  m_move_allowed[ direction_ne ] = MoveTryExclude( l_dist_sq );
465  m_move_allowed[ direction_s ] = MoveTryExclude( l_dist_sq );
470  } else {
471  // 4th octant.
472  m_move_allowed[ direction_se ] = true;
473  m_move_allowed[ direction_s ] = true;
474  m_move_allowed[ direction_e ] = MoveTryExclude( l_dist_sq );
475  m_move_allowed[ direction_sw ] = MoveTryExclude( l_dist_sq );
480  }
481  }
482  } else {
483  // l_dx < 0
484  // The peg is in the 3rd or the 4th quadrant, clockwise from north.
485  if ( l_dy >= 0 ) {
486  // 3rd quadrant.
487  if ( l_dy > -l_dx ) {
488  // 5th octant.
489  m_move_allowed[ direction_s ] = true;
490  m_move_allowed[ direction_sw ] = true;
491  m_move_allowed[ direction_se ] = MoveTryExclude( l_dist_sq );
492  m_move_allowed[ direction_w ] = MoveTryExclude( l_dist_sq );
497  } else {
498  // 6th octant.
499  m_move_allowed[ direction_sw ] = true;
500  m_move_allowed[ direction_w ] = true;
501  m_move_allowed[ direction_s ] = MoveTryExclude( l_dist_sq );
502  m_move_allowed[ direction_nw ] = MoveTryExclude( l_dist_sq );
507  }
508  } else {
509  // l_dy < 0
510  // 4th quadrant.
511  if ( l_dx < l_dy ) {
512  // 7th octant.
513  m_move_allowed[ direction_w ] = true;
514  m_move_allowed[ direction_nw ] = true;
515  m_move_allowed[ direction_n ] = MoveTryExclude( l_dist_sq );
516  m_move_allowed[ direction_sw ] = MoveTryExclude( l_dist_sq );
521  } else {
522  // 8th octant.
523  m_move_allowed[ direction_nw ] = true;
524  m_move_allowed[ direction_n ] = true;
525  m_move_allowed[ direction_ne ] = MoveTryExclude( l_dist_sq );
526  m_move_allowed[ direction_w ] = MoveTryExclude( l_dist_sq );
531  }
532  }
533  }
534 }

References direction_e, direction_n, direction_ne, direction_nw, direction_s, direction_se, direction_sw, direction_w, m_center_x, m_center_y, m_height, m_move_allowed, m_width, MoveTryExclude(), and MoveTryExcludeHarder().

Referenced by MoveDistance(), and MoveTo().

◆ MoveDistance()

void Partridge_Covey::MoveDistance ( int  a_max_distance,
int  a_step_size,
double  a_food_density_needed 

Entry point for movement.

Move distance needs to take into accound the moves possible, the food available, the peg location, and the history of moves.

This is where the partridge model spends much of its time (when there are chicks to feed). It is possible that these routines could be optimised, but they are also the most likely to be modified in the future, so too much optimisation may be a waste of time.

Definition at line 652 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

652  {
660  if ( m_move_done )
661  return;
663  if ( !m_dist_done ) {
664  m_dist_done = true;
665  DistanceUpdate();
666  }
668  if ( m_nest_on_nest ) {
669  g_msg->Warn( WARN_BUG, "Partridge_Covey::MoveDistance(): ", "Asked to move while on nest." );
670  exit( 1 );
671  }
673  m_dist_moved = 0.0;
674  m_food_today = 0.0;
675  int l_x = m_covey_x;
676  int l_y = m_covey_y;
678  if ( a_step_size != m_move_step_size ) {
679  m_move_step_size = a_step_size;
680  m_move_step_size_inv = 1.0 / ( double )a_step_size;
681  }
683 /*
684  if ( m_move_get_enable ) {
685  m_move_get_index = 0;
686  m_move_get_size = 0;
687  }
688 */
689  while ( m_dist_moved < ( double )a_max_distance && m_food_today < a_food_density_needed ) {
691  // Build list of possible directions, given the location
692  // of the peg.
693  MoveDirectionsAllowed( l_x, l_y );
695 #ifdef PAR_DEBUG
696  printf( "Allowed : %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d\n", m_move_allowed[ 0 ], m_move_allowed[ 1 ], m_move_allowed[ 2 ],
698 #endif
700  // Build list of movement evaluations in
701  // m_move_list[] from our present location.
702  if ( l_x - a_step_size >= 0 && l_x + a_step_size < m_width && l_y - a_step_size >= 0 && l_y + a_step_size < m_height ) {
703  MoveOptimalDirectionFast( l_x, l_y );
704  } else {
705  MoveOptimalDirectionSlow( l_x, l_y );
706  }
708 #ifdef PAR_DEBUG
709  printf( "DirQual : %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d\n", m_move_list[ 0 ], m_move_list[ 1 ], m_move_list[ 2 ], m_move_list[ 3 ],
710  m_move_list[ 4 ], m_move_list[ 5 ], m_move_list[ 6 ], m_move_list[ 7 ] );
711 #endif
713  // Take peg location and possibly past history/memory into
714  // account.
715  int l_dir = MoveWeighDirection( l_x, l_y );
716  MoveQualMemory( m_move_list[ l_dir ] );
718 #ifdef PAR_DEBUG
719  printf( "QualMemo: 1: %d 2: %d 3: %d\n", m_move_qual_memory[ 1 ], m_move_qual_memory[ 2 ], m_move_qual_memory[ 3 ] );
720  printf( "Selected: %d\n", l_dir );
721 #endif
722  m_move_whence_we_came = Norm( l_dir - 4, 8 );
724  // We now have the direction that we want to move in l_dir.
725  m_food_today += m_move_dir_qual[ l_dir ];
727  // This call also updates l_x and l_y. Nasty, nasty. ;-)
728  m_dist_moved += MoveDoIt( & l_x, & l_y, l_dir, a_step_size );
729 #ifdef PAR_DEBUG
730  //printf("Dist Sum: %f\n", m_dist_moved );
731  printf( "Coords : %d %d\n\n", l_x, l_y );
732 #endif
734  // Collect movement reports.
735 /*
736 if ( m_move_get_enable ) {
737  m_move_get_size++;
738  m_move_get_x.resize( m_move_get_size );
739  m_move_get_y.resize( m_move_get_size );
740  m_move_get_x[ m_move_get_index ] = l_x;
741  m_move_get_y[ m_move_get_index ] = l_y;
742  m_move_get_index++;
743  }
744 */
745  }
747  CoveyUpdateMemberPositions( l_x, l_y );
748  m_move_get_index = 0;
749  m_covey_x = l_x;
750  m_covey_y = l_y;
751  m_assess_done = false;
752  m_move_done = true;
753 }

References CoveyUpdateMemberPositions(), DistanceUpdate(), g_msg, m_assess_done, m_covey_x, m_covey_y, m_dist_done, m_dist_moved, m_food_today, m_height, m_move_allowed, m_move_dir_qual, m_move_done, m_move_get_index, m_move_list, m_move_qual_memory, m_move_step_size, m_move_step_size_inv, m_move_whence_we_came, m_nest_on_nest, MoveDirectionsAllowed(), MoveDoIt(), MoveOptimalDirectionFast(), MoveOptimalDirectionSlow(), MoveQualMemory(), MoveWeighDirection(), Norm(), MapErrorMsg::Warn(), and WARN_BUG.

Referenced by Partridge_Chick::BeginStep(), Partridge_Chick2::BeginStep(), Partridge_Female::FCaringForYoung(), Partridge_Female::FFlocking(), Partridge_Male::MCaringForYoung(), and Partridge_Male::MFlocking().

◆ MoveDoIt()

double Partridge_Covey::MoveDoIt ( int *  a_x,
int *  a_y,
int  a_dir,
int  a_step_size 

We know where we want to go. Now do it!

Definition at line 811 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

811  {
812  int l_diag_length = ( int )( ( double )a_step_size * 0.71 );
813  double l_length = ( double )a_step_size;
815  switch ( a_dir ) {
816  case direction_n:
817  * a_y -= a_step_size;
818  break;
820  case direction_ne:
821  * a_y -= l_diag_length;
822  * a_x += l_diag_length;
823  break;
824  case direction_e:
825  * a_x += a_step_size;
826  break;
827  case direction_se:
828  * a_y += l_diag_length;
829  * a_x += l_diag_length;
830  break;
831  case direction_s:
832  * a_y += a_step_size;
833  break;
834  case direction_sw:
835  * a_y += l_diag_length;
836  * a_x -= l_diag_length;
837  break;
838  case direction_w:
839  * a_x -= a_step_size;
840  break;
841  case direction_nw:
842  * a_y -= l_diag_length;
843  * a_x -= l_diag_length;
844  break;
845  }
847  * a_x = Norm( * a_x, m_width );
848  * a_y = Norm( * a_y, m_height );
849  return l_length;
850 }

References direction_e, direction_n, direction_ne, direction_nw, direction_s, direction_se, direction_sw, direction_w, m_height, m_width, and Norm().

Referenced by MoveDistance(), and MoveTo().

◆ MoveEvalEdgesAndQual()

int Partridge_Covey::MoveEvalEdgesAndQual ( int  a_edges,
double  a_qual 

Move evaluation taking edges into account.

This method must do an evaluation of this particular step given:

  • a_edges: Number of 'edge' squares encountered if moving down this path. See Partridge_Covey::MoveCanMove() below.
  • m_move_step_size: You guessed it. An int.
  • m_move_step_size_inv: The inverse of m_move_step_size as a double. Both of these are updated automatically.
  • a_qual: The sum of the values returned by MoveMagicVegToFood() above times the length of the segments with those values.

a_edges must be taken into account to ensure a preference of moving along field edges, hedges etc.
Values returned should be within the range of [1:3], 3 being most preferable.

Definition at line 2684 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

2684  {
2702 #ifdef MOVE_EVAL_KLUDGE
2703  if ( a_edges > 2 )
2704  return 3;
2705  if ( a_edges > 0 )
2706  return 2;
2707  return 1;
2709 #else
2710  int result = 2;
2711  double score = m_move_step_size_inv * a_qual;
2712  // if (score<cfg_par_lowqualthreshold.value())
2713  // result=1; //
2714  if ( score > cfg_par_highqualthreshold.value() )
2715  result = 3;
2716  // Result is 1 or 3 before edge evaluation
2717  // We have one special case, where food is 3 and edges are 2
2718  // correcting for this gives an even distributed result of 1,2,3
2719  if ( a_edges > 2 ) result += 3; else if ( a_edges > 0 ) {
2720  // The special case, where food is 3 and edges are 2
2721  if ( result == 3 ) result += 3; else result += 2;
2722  } else
2723  result += 1;
2724  // Result is now 2, 4 or 6
2725  result = result >> 1;
2726  return result;
2727 #endif
2728 }

References cfg_par_highqualthreshold, m_move_step_size_inv, and CfgInt::value().

Referenced by MoveOptimalDirectionFast(), and MoveOptimalDirectionSlow().

◆ MoveMagicVegToFood()

double Partridge_Covey::MoveMagicVegToFood ( int  a_polygon)

Move optimising food intake.

This is the primary method responsible for generating food intake and local movement when chicks are present. The idea is to take each step optimally dependent on food availability, with occaisional mis-steps, and if no one direction is optimal then pick randomly. If there is no choice we can back-track.

This section determine the effect of modern landscapes on food availability. Here the problem is that we asume fields are low in food due to a lower insect biomass. The effects of structure should be the same as in the 1950s. However, the question is whether we should treat all habitats as impoverished or just the fields, all fields or just arable fields. The default position is all fields and then allow a scaling factor for patchiness, and assume non-field habitats are not affected - this is not perfect an may need to be revisited in future versions

Definition at line 3147 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

3147  {
3148  double l_magic = m_map->SupplyInsects( a_polygon ) * cfg_parinsectScaler.value();
3149 #ifdef __P1950s
3150  // ***CJT***
3151  // Problem was that 1950s were calibrated with cfg_1950sinsects set to 1.0
3152  // we have therefore to scale the insects values we get for non-1950s to be lower somehow - preferably without making it run slow
3153  // Line removed
3154 #else
3161  //if ( (!m_map->SupplyVegPatchy(a_polygon)) || (Type == tole_Field || Type == tole_PermPastureTussocky || Type == tole_PermPasture || Type == tole_PermanentSetaside || Type == tole_PermPastureLowYield)) {
3162  if ((!m_map->SupplyVegPatchy(a_polygon)) ) {
3163  if ((Type == tole_Field || Type == tole_PermPastureTussocky || Type == tole_PermPasture || Type == tole_PermanentSetaside || Type == tole_PermPastureLowYield)) { l_magic*=(cfg_NOT1950sinsects.value());
3164  if (m_map->SupplyHasTramlines( a_polygon )) l_magic*=1.5; // extra for tramlines
3165  }
3166  } // otherwise we assume it is like the 1950s
3167 #endif
3168  /* **CJT** 20/7/2010
3169  double height = m_map->SupplyVegHeight( a_polygon );
3170  int l_height_bin = ( int )( height * cfg_par_hei_hindrance_inv.value() );
3171  if ( l_height_bin > 3 ) l_height_bin = 3;
3172  */
3173  // *** CJT *** 1 July 2010 Code below relies on biomass - but this is skylark based code and should be altered to
3174  // density. At the same time some alteration of the height response was required - hence change to HB_Impedence.txt
3175  /*
3176  double bio = m_map->SupplyVegBiomass( a_polygon );
3177  int l_biomass_bin = ( int )( bio * cfg_par_bio_hindrance_inv.value() );;
3178  if ( l_biomass_bin > 3 ) l_biomass_bin = 3;
3179  return l_magic * g_move_veg_structure[ l_height_bin ] [ l_biomass_bin ];
3181  /*/
3182  /*
3183  double dens = m_map->SupplyVegDensity( a_polygon );
3184  int l_density_bin = ( int )( dens * cfg_par_bio_hindrance_inv.value() );;
3185  if ( l_density_bin > 3 ) l_density_bin = 3;
3186  return l_magic * g_move_veg_structure[ l_height_bin ] [ l_density_bin ];
3187  */
3188  // This section calculates the hindrance based on linear interpolation after the first height category
3189  // The slope (0.25) is scaled by cfg_par_hei_hindrance_inv and cfg_par_bio_hindrance_inv
3190  double height = m_map->SupplyVegHeight( a_polygon );
3191  double l_height_bin = ( height * cfg_par_hei_hindrance_inv.value() ) - 1.0;
3192  if (l_height_bin < 0.0 ) return l_magic; // So short there is no hindrance
3193  double dens = m_map->SupplyVegDensity( a_polygon );
3194  double l_density_bin = ( dens * cfg_par_bio_hindrance_inv.value() );
3195  // We need to restrict the upper end to avoid one factor outweighing the other e.g. if density is very high but height is only just >0.0
3196  if (l_density_bin > 4.0 ) l_density_bin = 4.0;
3197  if (l_height_bin > 4.0 ) l_height_bin = 4.0;
3198  double l_intermediate = 1.0 -(( l_density_bin + l_height_bin - 2.0 ) * 0.25);
3199  if (l_intermediate <0.0) return 0.0;
3200  if (l_intermediate >= 1.0) return l_magic;
3201  return l_magic * l_intermediate;
3203 }

References cfg_NOT1950sinsects, cfg_par_bio_hindrance_inv, cfg_par_hei_hindrance_inv, cfg_parinsectScaler, m_map, Landscape::SupplyElementType(), Landscape::SupplyHasTramlines(), Landscape::SupplyInsects(), Landscape::SupplyVegDensity(), Landscape::SupplyVegHeight(), Landscape::SupplyVegPatchy(), tole_Field, tole_PermanentSetaside, tole_PermPasture, tole_PermPastureLowYield, tole_PermPastureTussocky, and CfgFloat::value().

Referenced by MoveOptimalDirectionFast(), and MoveOptimalDirectionSlow().

◆ MoveOptimalDirectionFast()

void Partridge_Covey::MoveOptimalDirectionFast ( int  a_x,
int  a_y 

Choose best foraging direction (wrap around)

See MoveOptimalDirectionSlow for details

Rule: Preferred direction is the one, which gives the best food return.

Sum of distance times 'magic' vegetation2foodvaluepersitance() method.
Each tov type has a constant, which we can use to multiply the insect biomass with (default is now that all are 1.0). We then have to modify this value with some function() of vegetation structure. function() is a precalculated value from 0.0 to 1.0, given as a 4x4 array from vegetation height and biomass.
Also need to ensure the covey moves along the hedges etc.

Definition at line 3667 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

3667  {
3668  int l_diag_length = ( int )( ( double )m_move_step_size * 0.71 );
3670  int l_geo_cache = 0;
3671  double l_quality = 0.0;
3672  double l_qual_cache = 0.0;
3673  int l_fantastic = 0;
3674  int l_poly_cache = -1;
3676  // North.
3679  if ( m_move_allowed[ direction_n ] ) {
3680  for ( int y = a_y - 1; y >= a_y - m_move_step_size; y-- ) {
3681  int l_poly = m_map->SupplyPolyRef( a_x, y );
3682  if ( l_poly != l_poly_cache ) {
3683  l_geo_cache = MoveCanMove( m_map->SupplyElementType( l_poly ) );
3684  if ( l_geo_cache == -1 ) {
3685  m_move_list[ direction_n ] = 0;
3686  break;
3687  }
3688  l_poly_cache = l_poly;
3689  l_qual_cache = MoveMagicVegToFood( l_poly );
3690  }
3691  l_fantastic += l_geo_cache;
3692  l_quality += l_qual_cache;
3693  }
3694  }
3695  m_move_dir_qual[ direction_n ] = l_quality;
3696  if ( m_move_list[ direction_n ] ) {
3697  m_move_list[ direction_n ] = MoveEvalEdgesAndQual( l_fantastic, l_quality );
3698  }
3700  // Northeast.
3701  l_quality = 0.0;
3702  l_fantastic = 0;
3704  l_qual_cache = 0.0;
3705  l_poly_cache = -1;
3707  if ( m_move_allowed[ direction_ne ] ) {
3708  for ( int y = a_y - 1, x = a_x + 1; y >= a_y - l_diag_length; y--, x++ ) {
3709  int l_poly = m_map->SupplyPolyRef( x, y );
3710  if ( l_poly != l_poly_cache ) {
3711  l_geo_cache = MoveCanMove( m_map->SupplyElementType( l_poly ) );
3712  if ( l_geo_cache == -1 ) {
3713  m_move_list[ direction_ne ] = 0;
3714  break;
3715  }
3716  l_poly_cache = l_poly;
3717  l_qual_cache = MoveMagicVegToFood( l_poly ) * 1.41;
3718  }
3719  l_fantastic += l_geo_cache;
3720  l_quality += l_qual_cache;
3721  }
3722  }
3723  m_move_dir_qual[ direction_ne ] = l_quality;
3724  if ( m_move_list[ direction_ne ] ) {
3725  m_move_list[ direction_ne ] = MoveEvalEdgesAndQual( l_fantastic, l_quality );
3726  }
3728  // East.
3729  l_quality = 0.0;
3730  l_fantastic = 0;
3732  l_qual_cache = 0.0;
3733  l_poly_cache = -1;
3735  if ( m_move_allowed[ direction_e ] ) {
3736  for ( int x = a_x + 1; x <= a_x + m_move_step_size; x++ ) {
3737  int l_poly = m_map->SupplyPolyRef( x, a_y );
3738  if ( l_poly != l_poly_cache ) {
3739  l_geo_cache = MoveCanMove( m_map->SupplyElementType( l_poly ) );
3740  if ( l_geo_cache == -1 ) {
3741  m_move_list[ direction_e ] = 0;
3742  break;
3743  }
3744  l_poly_cache = l_poly;
3745  l_qual_cache = MoveMagicVegToFood( l_poly );
3746  }
3747  l_fantastic += l_geo_cache;
3748  l_quality += l_qual_cache;
3749  }
3750  }
3751  m_move_dir_qual[ direction_e ] = l_quality;
3752  if ( m_move_list[ direction_e ] ) {
3753  m_move_list[ direction_e ] = MoveEvalEdgesAndQual( l_fantastic, l_quality );
3754  }
3756  // Southeast.
3757  l_quality = 0.0;
3758  l_fantastic = 0;
3760  l_qual_cache = 0.0;
3761  l_poly_cache = -1;
3763  if ( m_move_allowed[ direction_se ] ) {
3764  for ( int x = a_x + 1, y = a_y + 1; x <= a_x + l_diag_length; x++, y++ ) {
3765  int l_poly = m_map->SupplyPolyRef( x, y );
3766  if ( l_poly != l_poly_cache ) {
3767  l_geo_cache = MoveCanMove( m_map->SupplyElementType( l_poly ) );
3768  if ( l_geo_cache == -1 ) {
3769  m_move_list[ direction_se ] = 0;
3770  break;
3771  }
3772  l_poly_cache = l_poly;
3773  l_qual_cache = MoveMagicVegToFood( l_poly ) * 1.41;
3774  }
3775  l_fantastic += l_geo_cache;
3776  l_quality += l_qual_cache;
3777  }
3778  }
3779  m_move_dir_qual[ direction_se ] = l_quality;
3780  if ( m_move_list[ direction_se ] ) {
3781  m_move_list[ direction_se ] = MoveEvalEdgesAndQual( l_fantastic, l_quality );
3782  }
3784  // South.
3785  l_quality = 0.0;
3786  l_fantastic = 0;
3787  l_qual_cache = 0.0;
3788  l_poly_cache = -1;
3791  if ( m_move_allowed[ direction_s ] ) {
3792  for ( int y = a_y + 1; y <= a_y + m_move_step_size; y++ ) {
3793  int l_poly = m_map->SupplyPolyRef( a_x, y );
3794  if ( l_poly != l_poly_cache ) {
3795  l_geo_cache = MoveCanMove( m_map->SupplyElementType( l_poly ) );
3796  if ( l_geo_cache == -1 ) {
3797  m_move_list[ direction_s ] = 0;
3798  break;
3799  }
3800  l_poly_cache = l_poly;
3801  l_qual_cache = MoveMagicVegToFood( l_poly );
3802  }
3803  l_fantastic += l_geo_cache;
3804  l_quality += l_qual_cache;
3805  }
3806  }
3807  m_move_dir_qual[ direction_s ] = l_quality;
3808  if ( m_move_list[ direction_s ] ) {
3809  m_move_list[ direction_s ] = MoveEvalEdgesAndQual( l_fantastic, l_quality );
3810  }
3812  // Southwest.
3813  l_quality = 0.0;
3814  l_fantastic = 0;
3816  l_qual_cache = 0.0;
3817  l_poly_cache = -1;
3819  if ( m_move_allowed[ direction_sw ] ) {
3820  for ( int x = a_x - 1, y = a_y + 1; x >= a_x - l_diag_length; x--, y++ ) {
3821  int l_poly = m_map->SupplyPolyRef( x, y );
3822  if ( l_poly != l_poly_cache ) {
3823  l_geo_cache = MoveCanMove( m_map->SupplyElementType( l_poly ) );
3824  if ( l_geo_cache == -1 ) {
3825  m_move_list[ direction_sw ] = 0;
3826  break;
3827  }
3828  l_poly_cache = l_poly;
3829  l_qual_cache = MoveMagicVegToFood( l_poly ) * 1.41;
3830  }
3831  l_fantastic += l_geo_cache;
3832  l_quality += l_qual_cache;
3833  }
3834  }
3835  m_move_dir_qual[ direction_sw ] = l_quality;
3836  if ( m_move_list[ direction_sw ] ) {
3837  m_move_list[ direction_sw ] = MoveEvalEdgesAndQual( l_fantastic, l_quality );
3838  }
3840  // West.
3841  l_quality = 0.0;
3842  l_fantastic = 0;
3844  l_qual_cache = 0.0;
3845  l_poly_cache = -1;
3847  if ( m_move_allowed[ direction_w ] ) {
3848  for ( int x = a_x - 1; x >= a_x - m_move_step_size; x-- ) {
3849  int l_poly = m_map->SupplyPolyRef( x, a_y );
3850  if ( l_poly != l_poly_cache ) {
3851  l_geo_cache = MoveCanMove( m_map->SupplyElementType( l_poly ) );
3852  if ( l_geo_cache == -1 ) {
3853  m_move_list[ direction_w ] = 0;
3854  break;
3855  }
3856  l_poly_cache = l_poly;
3857  l_qual_cache = MoveMagicVegToFood( l_poly );
3858  }
3859  l_fantastic += l_geo_cache;
3860  l_quality += l_qual_cache;
3861  }
3862  }
3863  m_move_dir_qual[ direction_w ] = l_quality;
3864  if ( m_move_list[ direction_w ] ) {
3865  m_move_list[ direction_w ] = MoveEvalEdgesAndQual( l_fantastic, l_quality );
3866  }
3868  // Northwest.
3869  l_quality = 0.0;
3870  l_fantastic = 0;
3872  l_qual_cache = 0.0;
3873  l_poly_cache = -1;
3875  if ( m_move_allowed[ direction_nw ] ) {
3876  for ( int y = a_y - 1, x = a_x - 1; y >= a_y - l_diag_length; y--, x-- ) {
3877  int l_poly = m_map->SupplyPolyRef( x, y );
3878  if ( l_poly != l_poly_cache ) {
3879  l_geo_cache = MoveCanMove( m_map->SupplyElementType( l_poly ) );
3880  if ( l_geo_cache == -1 ) {
3881  m_move_list[ direction_nw ] = 0;
3882  break;
3883  }
3884  l_poly_cache = l_poly;
3885  l_qual_cache = MoveMagicVegToFood( l_poly ) * 1.41;
3886  }
3887  l_fantastic += l_geo_cache;
3888  l_quality += l_qual_cache;
3889  }
3890  }
3891  m_move_dir_qual[ direction_nw ] = l_quality;
3892  if ( m_move_list[ direction_nw ] ) {
3893  m_move_list[ direction_nw ] = MoveEvalEdgesAndQual( l_fantastic, l_quality );
3894  }
3895 }

References direction_e, direction_n, direction_ne, direction_nw, direction_s, direction_se, direction_sw, direction_w, m_map, m_move_allowed, m_move_dir_qual, m_move_list, m_move_step_size, MoveCanMove(), MoveEvalEdgesAndQual(), MoveMagicVegToFood(), Landscape::SupplyElementType(), and Landscape::SupplyPolyRef().

Referenced by MoveDistance(), and MoveTo().

◆ MoveOptimalDirectionSlow()

void Partridge_Covey::MoveOptimalDirectionSlow ( int  a_x,
int  a_y 

Choose best foraging direction.

Rule: Preferred direction is the one, which gives the best food return.

Sum of distance times 'magic' vegetation2foodvaluepersitance() method.
Each tov type has a constant, which we can use to multiply the insect biomass with (default is now that all are 1.0). We then have to modify this value with some function() of vegetation structure. function() is a precalculated value from 0.0 to 1.0, given as a 4x4 array from vegetation height and biomass.
Also need to ensure the covey moves along the hedges etc.
All this is done whilst checking for wrap-around - therefore SLOW!

Definition at line 3404 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

3404  {
3414  // The number of steps for a diagonal move is less than step size
3415  // by 1/sqrt(2), as each step is sqrt(2) meters long.
3416  int l_diag_length = ( int )( ( double )m_move_step_size * 0.71 );
3418  double l_quality = 0.0;
3419  double l_qual_cache = 0.0;
3420  int l_fantastic = 0;
3421  int l_poly_cache = -1;
3422  int l_geo_cache = 0;
3424  // Current pos to the north (decreasing y).
3426  // Use current spot in movement list as a temporary flag.
3429  // Notice: y is allowed to grow negative, this is OK!
3430  // We normalize to the height of the map before using it.
3431  if ( m_move_allowed[ direction_n ] ) {
3432  for ( int y = a_y - 1; y >= a_y - m_move_step_size; y-- ) {
3433  int l_poly = m_map->SupplyPolyRef( a_x, NormDec( y, m_height ) );
3434  if ( l_poly != l_poly_cache ) {
3435  // Crossed into new polygon. Compute new values for
3436  // cache etc.
3437  l_geo_cache = MoveCanMove( m_map->SupplyElementType( l_poly ) );
3438  if ( l_geo_cache == -1 ) {
3439  // This direction is blocked.
3440  m_move_list[ direction_n ] = 0;
3441  break;
3442  }
3443  l_poly_cache = l_poly;
3444  l_qual_cache = MoveMagicVegToFood( l_poly );
3445  }
3446  }
3447  // Sum up number of especially good edge squares.
3448  l_fantastic += l_geo_cache;
3449  // Sum up food quality.
3450  l_quality += l_qual_cache;
3451  }
3452  m_move_dir_qual[ direction_n ] = l_quality;
3453  if ( m_move_list[ direction_n ] ) {
3454  // This direction isn't blocked, so evaluate and assign
3455  // priority in movement list.
3456  m_move_list[ direction_n ] = MoveEvalEdgesAndQual( l_fantastic, l_quality );
3457  }
3459  // Northeast.
3460  l_quality = 0.0;
3461  l_fantastic = 0;
3463  l_qual_cache = 0.0;
3464  l_poly_cache = -1;
3466  if ( m_move_allowed[ direction_ne ] ) {
3467  for ( int y = a_y - 1, x = a_x + 1; y >= a_y - l_diag_length; y--, x++ ) {
3468  int l_poly = m_map->SupplyPolyRef( NormInc( x, m_width ), NormDec( y, m_height ) );
3469  if ( l_poly != l_poly_cache ) {
3470  l_geo_cache = MoveCanMove( m_map->SupplyElementType( l_poly ) );
3471  if ( l_geo_cache == -1 ) {
3472  m_move_list[ direction_ne ] = 0;
3473  break;
3474  }
3475  l_poly_cache = l_poly;
3476  l_qual_cache = MoveMagicVegToFood( l_poly ) * 1.41;
3477  }
3478  l_fantastic += l_geo_cache;
3479  l_quality += l_qual_cache;
3480  }
3481  }
3482  m_move_dir_qual[ direction_ne ] = l_quality;
3483  if ( m_move_list[ direction_ne ] ) {
3484  m_move_list[ direction_ne ] = MoveEvalEdgesAndQual( l_fantastic, l_quality );
3485  }
3487  // East.
3488  l_quality = 0.0;
3489  l_fantastic = 0;
3491  l_qual_cache = 0.0;
3492  l_poly_cache = -1;
3494  if ( m_move_allowed[ direction_e ] ) {
3495  for ( int x = a_x + 1; x <= a_x + m_move_step_size; x++ ) {
3496  int l_poly = m_map->SupplyPolyRef( NormInc( x, m_width ), a_y );
3497  if ( l_poly != l_poly_cache ) {
3498  l_geo_cache = MoveCanMove( m_map->SupplyElementType( l_poly ) );
3499  if ( l_geo_cache == -1 ) {
3500  m_move_list[ direction_e ] = 0;
3501  break;
3502  }
3503  l_poly_cache = l_poly;
3504  l_qual_cache = MoveMagicVegToFood( l_poly );
3505  }
3506  l_fantastic += l_geo_cache;
3507  l_quality += l_qual_cache;
3508  }
3509  }
3510  m_move_dir_qual[ direction_e ] = l_quality;
3511  if ( m_move_list[ direction_e ] ) {
3512  m_move_list[ direction_e ] = MoveEvalEdgesAndQual( l_fantastic, l_quality );
3513  }
3515  // Southeast.
3516  l_quality = 0.0;
3517  l_fantastic = 0;
3519  l_qual_cache = 0.0;
3520  l_poly_cache = -1;
3522  if ( m_move_allowed[ direction_se ] ) {
3523  for ( int x = a_x + 1, y = a_y + 1; x <= a_x + l_diag_length; x++, y++ ) {
3524  int l_poly = m_map->SupplyPolyRef( NormInc( x, m_width ), NormInc( y, m_height ) );
3525  if ( l_poly != l_poly_cache ) {
3526  l_geo_cache = MoveCanMove( m_map->SupplyElementType( l_poly ) );
3527  if ( l_geo_cache == -1 ) {
3528  m_move_list[ direction_se ] = 0;
3529  break;
3530  }
3531  l_poly_cache = l_poly;
3532  l_qual_cache = MoveMagicVegToFood( l_poly ) * 1.41;
3533  }
3534  l_fantastic += l_geo_cache;
3535  l_quality += l_qual_cache;
3536  }
3537  }
3538  m_move_dir_qual[ direction_se ] = l_quality;
3539  if ( m_move_list[ direction_se ] ) {
3540  m_move_list[ direction_se ] = MoveEvalEdgesAndQual( l_fantastic, l_quality );
3541  }
3543  // South.
3544  l_quality = 0.0;
3545  l_fantastic = 0;
3546  l_qual_cache = 0.0;
3547  l_poly_cache = -1;
3550  if ( m_move_allowed[ direction_s ] ) {
3551  for ( int y = a_y + 1; y <= a_y + m_move_step_size; y++ ) {
3552  int l_poly = m_map->SupplyPolyRef( a_x, NormInc( y, m_height ) );
3553  if ( l_poly != l_poly_cache ) {
3554  l_geo_cache = MoveCanMove( m_map->SupplyElementType( l_poly ) );
3555  if ( l_geo_cache == -1 ) {
3556  m_move_list[ direction_s ] = 0;
3557  break;
3558  }
3559  l_poly_cache = l_poly;
3560  l_qual_cache = MoveMagicVegToFood( l_poly );
3561  }
3562  l_fantastic += l_geo_cache;
3563  l_quality += l_qual_cache;
3564  }
3565  }
3566  m_move_dir_qual[ direction_s ] = l_quality;
3567  if ( m_move_list[ direction_s ] ) {
3568  m_move_list[ direction_s ] = MoveEvalEdgesAndQual( l_fantastic, l_quality );
3569  }
3571  // Southwest.
3572  l_quality = 0.0;
3573  l_fantastic = 0;
3575  l_qual_cache = 0.0;
3576  l_poly_cache = -1;
3578  if ( m_move_allowed[ direction_sw ] ) {
3579  for ( int x = a_x - 1, y = a_y + 1; x >= a_x - l_diag_length; x--, y++ ) {
3580  int l_poly = m_map->SupplyPolyRef( NormDec( x, m_width ), NormInc( y, m_height ) );
3581  if ( l_poly != l_poly_cache ) {
3582  l_geo_cache = MoveCanMove( m_map->SupplyElementType( l_poly ) );
3583  if ( l_geo_cache == -1 ) {
3584  m_move_list[ direction_sw ] = 0;
3585  break;
3586  }
3587  l_poly_cache = l_poly;
3588  l_qual_cache = MoveMagicVegToFood( l_poly ) * 1.41;
3589  }
3590  l_fantastic += l_geo_cache;
3591  l_quality += l_qual_cache;
3592  }
3593  }
3594  m_move_dir_qual[ direction_sw ] = l_quality;
3595  if ( m_move_list[ direction_sw ] ) {
3596  m_move_list[ direction_sw ] = MoveEvalEdgesAndQual( l_fantastic, l_quality );
3597  }
3599  // West.
3600  l_quality = 0.0;
3601  l_fantastic = 0;
3603  l_qual_cache = 0.0;
3604  l_poly_cache = -1;
3606  if ( m_move_allowed[ direction_w ] ) {
3607  for ( int x = a_x - 1; x >= a_x - m_move_step_size; x-- ) {
3608  int l_poly = m_map->SupplyPolyRef( NormDec( x, m_width ), a_y );
3609  if ( l_poly != l_poly_cache ) {
3610  l_geo_cache = MoveCanMove( m_map->SupplyElementType( l_poly ) );
3611  if ( l_geo_cache == -1 ) {
3612  m_move_list[ direction_w ] = 0;
3613  break;
3614  }
3615  l_poly_cache = l_poly;
3616  l_qual_cache = MoveMagicVegToFood( l_poly );
3617  }
3618  l_fantastic += l_geo_cache;
3619  l_quality += l_qual_cache;
3620  }
3621  }
3622  m_move_dir_qual[ direction_w ] = l_quality;
3623  if ( m_move_list[ direction_w ] ) {
3624  m_move_list[ direction_w ] = MoveEvalEdgesAndQual( l_fantastic, l_quality );
3625  }
3627  // Northwest.
3628  l_quality = 0.0;
3629  l_fantastic = 0;
3631  l_qual_cache = 0.0;
3632  l_poly_cache = -1;
3634  if ( m_move_allowed[ direction_nw ] ) {
3635  for ( int y = a_y - 1, x = a_x - 1; y >= a_y - l_diag_length; y--, x-- ) {
3636  int l_poly = m_map->SupplyPolyRef( NormDec( x, m_width ), NormDec( y, m_height ) );
3637  if ( l_poly != l_poly_cache ) {
3638  l_geo_cache = MoveCanMove( m_map->SupplyElementType( l_poly ) );
3639  if ( l_geo_cache == -1 ) {
3640  m_move_list[ direction_nw ] = 0;
3641  break;
3642  }
3643  l_poly_cache = l_poly;
3644  l_qual_cache = MoveMagicVegToFood( l_poly ) * 1.41;
3645  }
3646  l_fantastic += l_geo_cache;
3647  l_quality += l_qual_cache;
3648  }
3649  }
3650  m_move_dir_qual[ direction_nw ] = l_quality;
3651  if ( m_move_list[ direction_nw ] ) {
3652  m_move_list[ direction_nw ] = MoveEvalEdgesAndQual( l_fantastic, l_quality );
3653  }
3654 }

References direction_e, direction_n, direction_ne, direction_nw, direction_s, direction_se, direction_sw, direction_w, m_height, m_map, m_move_allowed, m_move_dir_qual, m_move_list, m_move_step_size, m_width, MoveCanMove(), MoveEvalEdgesAndQual(), MoveMagicVegToFood(), NormDec(), NormInc(), Landscape::SupplyElementType(), and Landscape::SupplyPolyRef().

Referenced by MoveDistance(), and MoveTo().

◆ MoveQualMemory()

void Partridge_Covey::MoveQualMemory ( int  a_qual)

Make a move based on memory of quality.

Definition at line 538 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

538  {
539  // Shift down the history array.
540  for ( int i = 0; i < MOVE_QUAL_HIST_SIZE - 1; i++ ) {
541  m_move_qual_hist[ 1 ] [ i ] = m_move_qual_hist[ 1 ] [ i + 1 ];
542  m_move_qual_hist[ 2 ] [ i ] = m_move_qual_hist[ 2 ] [ i + 1 ];
543  m_move_qual_hist[ 3 ] [ i ] = m_move_qual_hist[ 3 ] [ i + 1 ];
544  }
546  // Zero top of history.
547  m_move_qual_hist[ 1 ] [ MOVE_QUAL_HIST_SIZE - 1 ] = 0;
548  m_move_qual_hist[ 2 ] [ MOVE_QUAL_HIST_SIZE - 1 ] = 0;
549  m_move_qual_hist[ 3 ] [ MOVE_QUAL_HIST_SIZE - 1 ] = 0;
550  m_move_qual_memory[ 1 ] = 0;
551  m_move_qual_memory[ 2 ] = 0;
552  m_move_qual_memory[ 3 ] = 0;
554  // Set top of qurrent qual
555  m_move_qual_hist[ a_qual ] [ MOVE_QUAL_HIST_SIZE - 1 ] = 1;
557  // Sum up the array.
558  for ( int i = 0; i < MOVE_QUAL_HIST_SIZE; i++ ) {
559  if ( m_move_qual_hist[ 1 ] [ i ] )
560  m_move_qual_memory[ 1 ] ++;
561  if ( m_move_qual_hist[ 2 ] [ i ] )
562  m_move_qual_memory[ 2 ] ++;
563  if ( m_move_qual_hist[ 3 ] [ i ] )
564  m_move_qual_memory[ 3 ] ++;
565  }
566 }

References m_move_qual_hist, and m_move_qual_memory.

Referenced by MoveDistance(), and MoveTo().

◆ MoveSelect()

int Partridge_Covey::MoveSelect ( void  )

Part of movement evaluation.

These methods:
bool MoveSelectLimit( int a_limit, int a_x, int a_y );
int MoveSelect( void );
void MoveVegConstInit( void );
build a list of possible directions we can move to from our present location, given we are only interested in directions with a quality evaluation equal to a_limit.

Definition at line 330 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

330  {
331  int l_rnd;
332  if ( m_move_select_size > 1 )
333  l_rnd = random( m_move_select_size ); else
334  l_rnd = 0;
336 #ifdef PAR_DEBUG
337  printf( "l_rnd : %d\n", l_rnd );
338 #endif
339  return m_move_select_list[ l_rnd ];
340 }

References m_move_select_list, and m_move_select_size.

Referenced by MoveWeighDirection().

◆ MoveSelectFuzzy()

int Partridge_Covey::MoveSelectFuzzy ( void  )

Fuzzdy movement selection.

Select either 1 or -1 or fuzzy chance 0

Definition at line 244 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

244  {
245  if ( random( 10000 ) >= cfg_par_move_fuzzy_chance.value() )
246  return 0;
248  if ( random( 100 ) < 50 )
249  return -1;
251  return 1;
252 }

References cfg_par_move_fuzzy_chance, and CfgInt::value().

Referenced by MoveWeighDirection().

◆ MoveSelectLimit()

bool Partridge_Covey::MoveSelectLimit ( int  a_limit,
int  a_x,
int  a_y 

Part of movement evaluation.

These methods:
bool MoveSelectLimit( int a_limit, int a_x, int a_y );
int MoveSelect( void );
void MoveVegConstInit( void );
build a list of possible directions we can move to from our present location, given we are only interested in directions with a quality evaluation equal to a_limit.
Select either 1 or -1 or fuzzy chance 0

Definition at line 261 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

261  {
262  bool l_found = false;
263  m_move_select_size = 0;
265  int l_goto = NormInc( m_move_whence_we_came + 4, 8 );
266  int l_goto_sub = NormDec( l_goto - 1, 8 );
267  int l_goto_add = NormInc( l_goto + 1, 8 );
269  if ( m_move_list[ l_goto ] == a_limit ) {
271  l_found = true;
272  }
273  if ( m_move_list[ l_goto_sub ] == a_limit ) {
274  m_move_select_list[ m_move_select_size++ ] = l_goto_sub;
275  l_found = true;
276  }
277  if ( m_move_list[ l_goto_add ] == a_limit ) {
278  m_move_select_list[ m_move_select_size++ ] = l_goto_add;
279  l_found = true;
280  }
281  if ( l_found ) {
282  return true;
283  }
285  l_goto_sub = NormDec( l_goto_sub - 1, 8 );
286  l_goto_add = NormInc( l_goto_add + 1, 8 );
287  if ( m_move_list[ l_goto_sub ] == a_limit ) {
288  m_move_select_list[ m_move_select_size++ ] = l_goto_sub;
289  l_found = true;
290  }
291  if ( m_move_list[ l_goto_add ] == a_limit ) {
292  m_move_select_list[ m_move_select_size++ ] = l_goto_add;
293  l_found = true;
294  }
295  if ( l_found ) {
296  return true;
297  }
299  l_goto_sub = NormDec( l_goto_sub - 1, 8 );
300  l_goto_add = NormInc( l_goto_add + 1, 8 );
301  if ( m_move_list[ l_goto_sub ] == a_limit ) {
302  m_move_select_list[ m_move_select_size++ ] = l_goto_sub;
303  l_found = true;
304  }
305  if ( m_move_list[ l_goto_add ] == a_limit ) {
306  m_move_select_list[ m_move_select_size++ ] = l_goto_add;
307  l_found = true;
308  }
309  if ( l_found ) {
310  return true;
311  }
313  // None of the 7 previous directions matched our current quality
314  // limit. Consider backtracking if our previous quality history
315  // seems reasonable.
316  if ( m_move_list[ m_move_whence_we_came ] == a_limit
319  l_found = true;
320  }
322  return l_found;
323 }

References cfg_par_movequal_histlimit, m_move_list, m_move_qual_memory, m_move_select_list, m_move_select_size, m_move_whence_we_came, NormDec(), NormInc(), and CfgInt::value().

Referenced by MoveWeighDirection().

◆ MoveTo()

void Partridge_Covey::MoveTo ( int  a_x,
int  a_y 


Definition at line 570 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

570  {
572  m_dist_moved = 0.0;
573  int l_x = m_covey_x;
574  int l_y = m_covey_y;
576  if ( a_step_size != m_move_step_size ) {
577  m_move_step_size = a_step_size;
578  m_move_step_size_inv = 1.0 / ( double )a_step_size;
579  }
581 /*
582  if ( m_move_get_enable ) {
583  m_move_get_index = 0;
584  m_move_get_size = 0;
585  }
586 */
587  while ( m_dist_moved < ( double )a_max_distance ) {
589  // Build list of possible directions, given the location
590  // of the peg.
591  MoveDirectionsAllowed( l_x, l_y );
593 #ifdef PAR_DEBUG
594  printf( "Allowed : %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d\n", m_move_allowed[ 0 ], m_move_allowed[ 1 ], m_move_allowed[ 2 ],
596 #endif
598  // Build list of movement evaluations in
599  // m_move_list[] from our present location.
600  if ( l_x - a_step_size >= 0 && l_x + a_step_size < m_width && l_y - a_step_size >= 0 && l_y + a_step_size < m_height ) {
601  MoveOptimalDirectionFast( l_x, l_y );
602  } else {
603  MoveOptimalDirectionSlow( l_x, l_y );
604  }
606 #ifdef PAR_DEBUG
607  printf( "DirQual : %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d\n", m_move_list[ 0 ], m_move_list[ 1 ], m_move_list[ 2 ], m_move_list[ 3 ],
608  m_move_list[ 4 ], m_move_list[ 5 ], m_move_list[ 6 ], m_move_list[ 7 ] );
609 #endif
611  // Take peg location and possibly past history/memory into
612  // account.
613  int l_dir = MoveWeighDirection( l_x, l_y );
614  MoveQualMemory( m_move_list[ l_dir ] );
616 #ifdef PAR_DEBUG
617  printf( "QualMemo: 1: %d 2: %d 3: %d\n", m_move_qual_memory[ 1 ], m_move_qual_memory[ 2 ], m_move_qual_memory[ 3 ] );
618  printf( "Selected: %d\n", l_dir );
619 #endif
620  m_move_whence_we_came = Norm( l_dir - 4, 8 );
622  // We now have the direction that we want to move in l_dir.
623  m_food_today += m_move_dir_qual[ l_dir ];
625  // This call also updates l_x and l_y. Nasty, nasty. ;-)
626  m_dist_moved += MoveDoIt( & l_x, & l_y, l_dir, a_step_size );
627 #ifdef PAR_DEBUG
628  //printf("Dist Sum: %f\n", m_dist_moved );
629  printf( "Coords : %d %d\n\n", l_x, l_y );
630 #endif
632  // Collect movement reports.
633  /*
634  if ( m_move_get_enable ) {
635  m_move_get_size++;
636  m_move_get_x.resize( m_move_get_size );
637  m_move_get_y.resize( m_move_get_size );
638  m_move_get_x[ m_move_get_index ] = l_x;
639  m_move_get_y[ m_move_get_index ] = l_y;
640  m_move_get_index++;
641  }
642  */
643 }
645  CoveyUpdateMemberPositions( l_x, l_y );
646  m_move_get_index = 0;
647  m_covey_x = l_x;
648  m_covey_y = l_y;
649  m_assess_done = false;
650 }

References CoveyUpdateMemberPositions(), m_assess_done, m_covey_x, m_covey_y, m_dist_moved, m_food_today, m_height, m_move_allowed, m_move_dir_qual, m_move_get_index, m_move_list, m_move_qual_memory, m_move_step_size, m_move_step_size_inv, m_move_whence_we_came, MoveDirectionsAllowed(), MoveDoIt(), MoveOptimalDirectionFast(), MoveOptimalDirectionSlow(), MoveQualMemory(), MoveWeighDirection(), and Norm().

◆ MoveTryExclude()

bool Partridge_Covey::MoveTryExclude ( int  a_dist_sq)

Uses the peg force to exclude possible movement directions.

MoveTryExclude() should return a boolean distribution depending on the squared distance from the current location and the covey 'peg'. It is used when determining which directions we are allowed in, given the current location, and is called on for quadrants 'perpendicular' to the direction of the peg. Ie. moves toward the peg are always allowed, perpendicular is determined by this method, and those away by Partridge_Covey::MoveTryExcludeHarder().
If both methods always return true for distances below a certain threshold, the covey is allowed to roam freely within a circle of sqrt(threshold).
Note that in these methods a_dist_sq is treated linearly, meaning that the 'force' against moves away from the peg will automatically be a second order polynomial.
The implementation of these methods are currently quite rudimentary. One might want to incorporate such variables as the age of the chicks, size of the territory etc.

Definition at line 2735 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

2735  {
2736  // Half Radius Squared
2737  int l_hrs = ( int )m_nearest_covey_dist >> 1;
2738  l_hrs = l_hrs * l_hrs;
2739  if ( a_dist_sq < l_hrs || ( random( 100 ) < 50 ) )
2740  return true;
2742  return false;
2743 }

References m_nearest_covey_dist.

Referenced by MoveDirectionsAllowed().

◆ MoveTryExcludeHarder()

bool Partridge_Covey::MoveTryExcludeHarder ( int  a_dist_sq)

Uses the peg force to exclude possible movement directions.

Called for quadrants facing away from the peg - see Partridge_Covey::MoveTryExclude

Definition at line 2750 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

2750  {
2751  // Half Radius Squared
2752  int l_hrs = ( int )m_nearest_covey_dist >> 1;
2753  l_hrs = l_hrs * l_hrs;
2754  if ( a_dist_sq < l_hrs )
2755  return true;
2757  if ( a_dist_sq < l_hrs * 1.6 && random( 100 ) < 10 )
2758  return true;
2760  return false;
2761 }

References m_nearest_covey_dist.

Referenced by MoveDirectionsAllowed().

◆ MoveVegConstInit()

void Partridge_Covey::MoveVegConstInit ( void  )

Part of movement evaluation.

These methods:
bool MoveSelectLimit( int a_limit, int a_x, int a_y );
int MoveSelect( void );
void MoveVegConstInit( void );
build a list of possible directions we can move to from our present location, given we are only interested in directions with a quality evaluation equal to a_limit.
This was intended to be used to modify movement characteristics dependent on vegetation type, but lacking data all values are set to 1.0.

Definition at line 3304 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

3304  {
3306  return;
3318  m_move_veg_const[tov_Maize] = 1.0;
3322  m_move_veg_const[tov_None] = 1.0;
3323  m_move_veg_const[tov_Oats] = 1.0;
3325  // 10
3339  // 20
3340  m_move_veg_const[tov_OOats] = 1.0;
3351  // 30
3365  // 40
3378  // 50
3394  m_move_veg_const[tov_Heath] = 1.0;
3396  // Must be here. tov_Undefined is returned by polygons
3397  // without growth.
3399 }

References m_move_veg_const, m_move_veg_const_init_done, tov_AgroChemIndustryCereal, tov_BroadBeans, tov_Carrots, tov_CloverGrassGrazed1, tov_CloverGrassGrazed2, tov_FieldPeas, tov_FodderBeet, tov_FodderGrass, tov_Heath, tov_Maize, tov_MaizeSilage, tov_NaturalGrass, tov_NoGrowth, tov_None, tov_Oats, tov_OBarleyPeaCloverGrass, tov_OCarrots, tov_OCloverGrassGrazed1, tov_OCloverGrassGrazed2, tov_OCloverGrassSilage1, tov_OFieldPeas, tov_OFieldPeasSilage, tov_OFirstYearDanger, tov_OFodderBeet, tov_OGrazingPigs, tov_OMaizeSilage, tov_OOats, tov_OPermanentGrassGrazed, tov_OPotatoes, tov_OSBarleySilage, tov_OSeedGrass1, tov_OSeedGrass2, tov_OSetaside, tov_OSpringBarley, tov_OSpringBarleyClover, tov_OSpringBarleyExt, tov_OSpringBarleyGrass, tov_OSpringBarleyPigs, tov_OTriticale, tov_OWinterBarley, tov_OWinterRape, tov_OWinterRye, tov_OWinterWheat, tov_OWinterWheatUndersown, tov_PermanentGrassGrazed, tov_PermanentGrassLowYield, tov_PermanentGrassTussocky, tov_PermanentSetaside, tov_Potatoes, tov_PotatoesIndustry, tov_SeedGrass1, tov_SeedGrass2, tov_Setaside, tov_SpringBarley, tov_SpringBarleyCloverGrass, tov_SpringBarleyGrass, tov_SpringBarleyPTreatment, tov_SpringBarleySeed, tov_SpringBarleySilage, tov_SpringBarleySKManagement, tov_SpringBarleySpr, tov_SpringRape, tov_SpringWheat, tov_SugarBeet, tov_Triticale, tov_Undefined, tov_WinterBarley, tov_WinterRape, tov_WinterRye, tov_WinterWheat, tov_WinterWheatShort, tov_WWheatPControl, tov_WWheatPToxicControl, and tov_WWheatPTreatment.

Referenced by Partridge_Covey().

◆ MoveWeighDirection()

int Partridge_Covey::MoveWeighDirection ( int  a_x,
int  a_y 

Weighted foraging walk.

Given our current location and m_move_list[], decide the direction to go next.
Do this by:
A) Remove directions from whence we came by calling Partridge_Coveh::MoveExcludedByPast()
B) Build list of possible move directions at a given limit (3 == best moves etc.)
C) Of those directions in the temporary select list, choose the previous direction we went to, or, if not present, a random direction.
D) If no valid directions could be found even at limit 1, try backtracking down the patch from where we came.
E) Try to fuzzy move from the choosen path (if not blocked).

Definition at line 344 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

344  {
345  int l_dir = -1;
346  bool loop=false; // This is only needed to stop compiler warnings
347  // The next section of code finds a direction with the best quality, medium then worst, then gives up if nothing
348  do { // This loop does not do anything except it prevents the MoveSelectLimit from being called unnecessarily
349  if ( MoveSelectLimit( 3, a_x, a_y ) ) {
350  l_dir = MoveSelect();
351  break;
352  }
354  if ( MoveSelectLimit( 2, a_x, a_y ) ) {
355  l_dir = MoveSelect();
356  break;
357  }
359  if ( MoveSelectLimit( 1, a_x, a_y ) ) {
360  l_dir = MoveSelect();
361  }
362  } while ( loop );
364 #ifdef PAR_DEBUG
365  printf( "Select : %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d :: %d\n", m_move_select_list[ 0 ], m_move_select_list[ 1 ],
369 #endif
371  // If we couldn't find an useful direction so far, then
372  // we just have to backtrack down the path from which we came.
373  // Do try to sidestep just a little in a random direction though.
374  if ( l_dir == -1 ) {
375  if ( random( 100 ) < 50 ) {
376  if ( m_move_list[ NormDec( m_move_whence_we_came - 1, 8 ) ] > 0 )
377  l_dir = NormDec( m_move_whence_we_came - 1, 8 ); else if ( m_move_list[ NormInc( m_move_whence_we_came + 1, 8 ) ] > 0 )
378  l_dir = NormInc( m_move_whence_we_came + 1, 8 ); else
379  l_dir = m_move_whence_we_came;
380  } else {
381  if ( m_move_list[ NormInc( m_move_whence_we_came + 1, 8 ) ] > 0 )
382  l_dir = NormInc( m_move_whence_we_came + 1, 8 ); else if ( m_move_list[ NormDec( m_move_whence_we_came - 1, 8 ) ] > 0 )
383  l_dir = NormDec( m_move_whence_we_came - 1, 8 ); else
384  l_dir = m_move_whence_we_came;
385  }
386  }
387  // Move fuzzy if allowed to do so.
388  int l_fuzzy = Norm( l_dir + MoveSelectFuzzy(), 8 );
389  if ( m_move_list[ l_fuzzy ] > 0 )
390  return l_fuzzy;
392  return l_dir;
393 }

References m_move_list, m_move_select_list, m_move_select_size, m_move_whence_we_came, MoveSelect(), MoveSelectFuzzy(), MoveSelectLimit(), Norm(), NormDec(), and NormInc().

Referenced by MoveDistance(), and MoveTo().

◆ NestBadArea()

bool Partridge_Covey::NestBadArea ( int  a_x,
int  a__y 

Nest location evaluation function.

Definition at line 2947 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

2947  {
2948  TTypesOfLandscapeElement l_cet = m_map->SupplyElementType( a_x, a_y );
2950  switch ( l_cet ) {
2951  case tole_PermPasture:
2952  case tole_Scrub:
2953  case tole_RiversidePlants:
2954  case tole_RiversideTrees:
2955  case tole_DeciduousForest:
2956  case tole_MixedForest:
2957  case tole_ConiferousForest:
2958  case tole_StoneWall:
2959  case tole_Fence:
2960  case tole_Track:
2961  case tole_SmallRoad:
2962  case tole_LargeRoad:
2963  case tole_ActivePit:
2964  case tole_Hedges:
2965  case tole_Marsh:
2966  case tole_PitDisused:
2967  case tole_RoadsideVerge:
2968  case tole_Railway:
2969  case tole_FieldBoundary:
2973  case tole_NaturalGrassDry:
2974  case tole_Heath:
2975  case tole_Orchard:
2976  case tole_YoungForest:
2977  case tole_HedgeBank:
2978  case tole_BeetleBank:
2980  case tole_Field:
2981  case tole_OrchardBand:
2982  case tole_MownGrass:
2983  case tole_NaturalGrassWet:
2984  case tole_RoadsideSlope:
2985  case tole_Vildtager:
2986  return false;
2988  case tole_MetalledPath:
2989  case tole_Carpark:
2990  case tole_Churchyard:
2991  case tole_Saltmarsh:
2992  case tole_Stream:
2993  case tole_HeritageSite:
2994  case tole_Garden:
2995  case tole_Building:
2996  case tole_Pond:
2997  case tole_Freshwater:
2998  case tole_River:
2999  case tole_Saltwater:
3000  case tole_Coast:
3001  case tole_BareRock:
3002  case tole_AmenityGrass:
3003  case tole_Parkland:
3004  case tole_UrbanNoVeg:
3005  case tole_UrbanPark:
3007  case tole_SandDune:
3008  case tole_Copse:
3009  case tole_IndividualTree:
3010  case tole_PlantNursery:
3011  case tole_WindTurbine:
3012  case tole_WoodyEnergyCrop:
3013  case tole_WoodlandMargin:
3014  case tole_Pylon:
3015  return true;
3017  default:
3018  g_msg->Warn( WARN_BUG, "Partridge_Covey::NestBadArea(): Unknown tole type", "" );
3019  exit( 1 );
3020  }
3021 }

References g_msg, m_map, Landscape::SupplyElementType(), tole_ActivePit, tole_AmenityGrass, tole_BareRock, tole_BeetleBank, tole_Building, tole_BuiltUpWithParkland, tole_Carpark, tole_Churchyard, tole_Coast, tole_ConiferousForest, tole_Copse, tole_DeciduousForest, tole_Fence, tole_Field, tole_FieldBoundary, tole_Freshwater, tole_Garden, tole_Heath, tole_HedgeBank, tole_Hedges, tole_HeritageSite, tole_IndividualTree, tole_LargeRoad, tole_Marsh, tole_MetalledPath, tole_MixedForest, tole_MownGrass, tole_NaturalGrassDry, tole_NaturalGrassWet, tole_Orchard, tole_OrchardBand, tole_Parkland, tole_PermanentSetaside, tole_PermPasture, tole_PermPastureLowYield, tole_PermPastureTussocky, tole_PitDisused, tole_PlantNursery, tole_Pond, tole_Pylon, tole_Railway, tole_River, tole_RiversidePlants, tole_RiversideTrees, tole_RoadsideSlope, tole_RoadsideVerge, tole_Saltmarsh, tole_Saltwater, tole_SandDune, tole_Scrub, tole_SmallRoad, tole_StoneWall, tole_Stream, tole_Track, tole_UnsprayedFieldMargin, tole_UrbanNoVeg, tole_UrbanPark, tole_Vildtager, tole_WindTurbine, tole_WoodlandMargin, tole_WoodyEnergyCrop, tole_YoungForest, MapErrorMsg::Warn(), and WARN_BUG.

Referenced by NestBadAreasScanFast(), and NestBadAreasScanSlow().

◆ NestBadAreasScanFast()

bool Partridge_Covey::NestBadAreasScanFast ( int  a_min_x,
int  a_min_y,
int  a_length,
int  a_x,
int  a_y 

Nest location evaluation function.

Definition at line 1170 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

1170  {
1171  for ( int i = 0; i < a_length; i++ ) {
1172  int x_inc = a_min_x + i;
1173  int y_inc = a_min_y + i;
1174  if ( NestBadArea( x_inc, y_inc ) || NestBadArea( x_inc, a_min_y + a_length - i ) || NestBadArea( x_inc, a_y )
1175  || NestBadArea( a_x, y_inc ) ) {
1176  return true;
1177  }
1178  }
1180  return false;
1181 }

References NestBadArea().

Referenced by NestNearBadAreas().

◆ NestBadAreasScanSlow()

bool Partridge_Covey::NestBadAreasScanSlow ( int  a_min_x,
int  a_min_y,
int  a_length,
int  a_x,
int  a_y 

Nest location evaluation function.

Definition at line 1150 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

1150  {
1151  int y_dec_base = NormInc( a_min_y + a_length, m_height );
1153  for ( int i = 0; i < a_length; i++ ) {
1154  int x_inc = Norm( a_min_x + i, m_width );
1155  int y_inc = Norm( a_min_y + i, m_height );
1156  int y_dec = Norm( y_dec_base - i, m_height );
1157  if ( NestBadArea( x_inc, y_inc ) || NestBadArea( x_inc, y_dec ) || NestBadArea( x_inc, a_y )
1158  || NestBadArea( a_x, y_inc ) ) {
1159  return true;
1160  }
1161  }
1163  return false;
1164 }

References m_height, m_width, NestBadArea(), Norm(), and NormInc().

Referenced by NestNearBadAreas().

◆ NestFindFast()

bool Partridge_Covey::NestFindFast ( int  a_min_x_incl,
int  a_max_x_excl,
int  a_min_y_incl,
int  a_max_y_excl 

Find nest location.

Definition at line 1207 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

1207  {
1208  int l_poly_cache = -1;
1210  for ( int loops = 0; loops < 10; loops++ ) {
1211  // Allows us 10 goes at finding a site
1212  for ( int x = a_min_x_incl; x < a_max_x_excl; x++ ) {
1213  for ( int y = a_min_y_incl; y < a_max_y_excl; y++ ) {
1214  int l_poly = m_map->SupplyPolyRef( x, y );
1215  if ( l_poly == l_poly_cache )
1216  continue;
1218  l_poly_cache = l_poly;
1220  if ( NestGoodSpot( x, y ) && !NestNearBadAreas( x, y ) && !NestNearNests( x, y, l_min_dist_sq ) ) {
1222  m_nest_on_nest = true;
1223  return true;
1224  }
1225  }
1226  }
1227  a_min_x_incl++;
1228  a_max_x_excl--;
1229  a_min_y_incl++;
1230  a_max_y_excl--;
1231  }
1232  return false;
1233 }

References CoveyUpdateMemberPositions(), g_par_nest_min_dist_other_nest, m_map, m_nest_on_nest, NestGoodSpot(), NestNearBadAreas(), NestNearNests(), Landscape::SupplyPolyRef(), and CfgInt::value().

Referenced by NestFindLocation().

◆ NestFindLocation()

bool Partridge_Covey::NestFindLocation ( void  )

Try to locate a suitable nesting location.

Update covey position if we can find a suitable location and return true, or false if we failed to find a good spot.

Definition at line 1107 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

1107  {
1108  // This algorithm can definitely be improved, time permitting!
1109  // FN, 16/6-2003.
1111  int l_whh = ( ( int )m_nearest_covey_dist ) >> 1;
1112  if ( g_par_terr_max_width.value() < l_whh ) {
1113  l_whh = g_par_terr_max_width.value();
1114  }
1116  int l_min_x_incl = m_center_x - l_whh;
1117  int l_max_x_excl = m_center_x + l_whh;
1118  int l_min_y_incl = m_center_y - l_whh;
1119  int l_max_y_excl = m_center_y + l_whh;
1121  if ( l_min_x_incl < 0 || l_max_x_excl > m_width || l_min_y_incl < 0 || l_max_y_excl > m_height ) {
1122  return NestFindSlow( l_min_x_incl, l_max_x_excl, l_min_y_incl, l_max_y_excl );
1123  }
1125  return NestFindFast( l_min_x_incl, l_max_x_excl, l_min_y_incl, l_max_y_excl );
1126 }

References g_par_terr_max_width, m_center_x, m_center_y, m_height, m_nearest_covey_dist, m_width, NestFindFast(), NestFindSlow(), and CfgInt::value().

Referenced by Partridge_Female::FMakingNest().

◆ NestFindSlow()

bool Partridge_Covey::NestFindSlow ( int  a_min_x_incl,
int  a_max_x_excl,
int  a_min_y_incl,
int  a_max_y_excl 

Find nest location (wrap around)

Definition at line 1236 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

1236  {
1237  int l_poly_cache = -1;
1240  ForIterator * l_fx = new ForIterator( a_min_x_incl, a_max_x_excl, 1, 0, m_width );
1241  int * l_lx = l_fx->GetList();
1243  ForIterator * l_fy = new ForIterator( a_min_y_incl, a_max_y_excl, 1, 0, m_height );
1244  int * l_ly = l_fy->GetList();
1245  for ( int loop = 0; loop < 10; loop++ ) {
1246  for ( int iy = loop; iy < l_fy->GetLimit(); iy++ ) {
1247  int y = l_ly[ iy ];
1248  for ( int ix = loop; ix < l_fx->GetLimit(); ix++ ) {
1249  int x = l_lx[ ix ];
1251  int l_poly = m_map->SupplyPolyRef( x, y );
1252  if ( l_poly != l_poly_cache ) {
1253  l_poly_cache = l_poly;
1255  if ( NestGoodSpot( x, y ) && !NestNearBadAreas( x, y ) && !NestNearNests( x, y, l_min_dist_sq ) ) {
1257  m_nest_on_nest = true;
1258  delete l_fy;
1259  delete l_fx;
1260  return true;
1261  }
1262  }
1263  }
1264  }
1265  }
1266  delete l_fy;
1267  delete l_fx;
1268  return false;
1269 }

References CoveyUpdateMemberPositions(), g_par_nest_min_dist_other_nest, ForIterator::GetLimit(), ForIterator::GetList(), m_height, m_map, m_nest_on_nest, m_width, NestGoodSpot(), NestNearBadAreas(), NestNearNests(), Landscape::SupplyPolyRef(), and CfgInt::value().

Referenced by NestFindLocation().

◆ NestGetX()

int Partridge_Covey::NestGetX ( void  )

Return nest x-coord.

Definition at line 521 of file Partridge_Covey.h.

521  {
522  return m_nest_x;
523  }

References m_nest_x.

Referenced by NestNearNests().

◆ NestGetY()

int Partridge_Covey::NestGetY ( void  )

Return nest y-coord.

Definition at line 526 of file Partridge_Covey.h.

526  {
527  return m_nest_y;
528  }

References m_nest_y.

◆ NestGoodSpot()

bool Partridge_Covey::NestGoodSpot ( int  a_x,
int  a_y 

Evaluate x,y as a nest location.

Evaluate the given x,y, coord in terms of nesting quality. These qualities are set as configuration variables.

Definition at line 2876 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

2876  {
2880  TTypesOfLandscapeElement l_cet = m_map->SupplyElementType( a_x, a_y );
2881  int score, st;
2882  switch ( l_cet ) {
2883  case tole_Field:
2884  score = cfg_nest_field.value();
2885  // Need to add something about patchy and tramlines
2887 #ifndef __P1950s
2888  if (m_map->SupplyVegPatchy( a_x, a_y )) score*=4; // doubled for patchy
2889  //else if (m_map->SupplyHasTramlines( a_x, a_y )) score*=2; // doubled for tramlines
2890 #else
2891  score *=4;
2892 #endif
2893  break;
2894  case tole_RoadsideVerge:
2895  score = cfg_nest_roadside.value();
2896  break;
2897  case tole_Railway:
2898  score = cfg_nest_railway.value();
2899  break;
2900  case tole_FieldBoundary:
2901  score = cfg_nest_fieldboundary.value();
2902  break;
2904  score = cfg_nest_permpastlowyield.value();
2905  break;
2907  score = cfg_nest_permpasttussocky.value();
2908  break;
2910  score = cfg_nest_permsetaside.value();
2911  break;
2912  case tole_Heath:
2913  case tole_NaturalGrassDry:
2914  score = cfg_nest_naturalgrass.value();
2915  break;
2916  case tole_BeetleBank:
2917  score = cfg_nest_hedgebank1.value();
2918  break;
2919  case tole_HedgeBank:
2920  st = m_OurLandscape->SupplyElementSubType( a_x, a_y );
2921  switch ( st ) {
2922  case 0:
2923  score = cfg_nest_hedgebank0.value();
2924  break;
2925  case 1:
2926  score = cfg_nest_hedgebank1.value();
2927  break;
2928  case 2:
2929  score = cfg_nest_hedgebank2.value();
2930  break;
2931  default:
2932  score = 100;
2933  }
2934  break;
2935  default:
2936  return false;
2937  }
2938  if ( score > random( 1000 ) ) return true;
2939  return false;
2940 }

References cfg_nest_field, cfg_nest_fieldboundary, cfg_nest_hedgebank0, cfg_nest_hedgebank1, cfg_nest_hedgebank2, cfg_nest_naturalgrass, cfg_nest_permpastlowyield, cfg_nest_permpasttussocky, cfg_nest_permsetaside, cfg_nest_railway, cfg_nest_roadside, m_map, TAnimal::m_OurLandscape, Landscape::SupplyElementSubType(), Landscape::SupplyElementType(), Landscape::SupplyVegPatchy(), tole_BeetleBank, tole_Field, tole_FieldBoundary, tole_Heath, tole_HedgeBank, tole_NaturalGrassDry, tole_PermanentSetaside, tole_PermPastureLowYield, tole_PermPastureTussocky, tole_Railway, tole_RoadsideVerge, and CfgInt::value().

Referenced by NestFindFast(), and NestFindSlow().

◆ NestLeave()

void Partridge_Covey::NestLeave ( void  )

◆ NestNearBadAreas()

bool Partridge_Covey::NestNearBadAreas ( int  a_x,
int  a__y 

Test for proximity to unacceptable areas.

Determines if the x,y, positon is too close to something unacceptable

Definition at line 1131 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

1131  {
1135  int l_min_x = a_x - g_par_nest_min_dist_bad_areas.value();
1136  int l_max_x = a_x + g_par_nest_min_dist_bad_areas.value() + 1;
1137  int l_min_y = a_y - g_par_nest_min_dist_bad_areas.value();
1138  int l_max_y = a_y + g_par_nest_min_dist_bad_areas.value() + 1;
1140  if ( l_min_x < 0 || l_max_x >= m_width || l_min_y < 0 || l_max_y >= m_height ) {
1141  return NestBadAreasScanSlow( l_min_x, l_min_y, l_max_x - l_min_x, a_x, a_y );
1142  }
1144  return NestBadAreasScanFast( l_min_x, l_min_y, l_max_x - l_min_x, a_x, a_y );
1145 }

References g_par_nest_min_dist_bad_areas, m_height, m_width, NestBadAreasScanFast(), NestBadAreasScanSlow(), and CfgInt::value().

Referenced by NestFindFast(), and NestFindSlow().

◆ NestNearNests()

bool Partridge_Covey::NestNearNests ( int  a_x,
int  a_y,
int  a_min_dist_sq 

Nest location evaluation function.

Definition at line 1188 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

1188  {
1189  for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < g_covey_list.size(); i++ ) {
1190  Partridge_Covey * l_covey = g_covey_list[ i ];
1191  // Skip coveys not on nest and ourselves.
1192  if ( !l_covey->NestOnNest() || l_covey->ID() == m_id ) {
1193  continue;
1194  }
1195  // Found covey on nest. See if this location is too close.
1196  int dx = l_covey->NestGetX() - a_x;
1197  int dy = l_covey->NestGetX() - a_y;
1199  if ( dx * dx + dy * dy < a_min_dist_sq ) {
1200  return true;
1201  }
1202  }
1203  return false;
1204 }

References g_covey_list, ID(), m_id, NestGetX(), and NestOnNest().

Referenced by NestFindFast(), and NestFindSlow().

◆ NestOnNest()

bool Partridge_Covey::NestOnNest ( void  )

Are we nesting?

Definition at line 511 of file Partridge_Covey.h.

511  {
512  return m_nest_on_nest;
513  }

References m_nest_on_nest.

Referenced by NestNearNests().

◆ Norm()

int Partridge_Covey::Norm ( int  a_coord,
int  a_size 

Wrap-around utility function.

A function to normalise co-ordinates that may have wrapped around and exceeded the landscape size (+/-)

Definition at line 866 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

866  {
870  while ( a_coord < 0 ) {
871  a_coord += a_size;
872  }
873  while ( a_coord >= a_size ) {
874  a_coord -= a_size;
875  }
876  return a_coord;
877 }

Referenced by FlyToSlow(), MoveDistance(), MoveDoIt(), MoveTo(), MoveWeighDirection(), and NestBadAreasScanSlow().

◆ NormDec()

int Partridge_Covey::NormDec ( int  a_coord,
int  a_size 

Wrap-around utility function.

A function to normalise co-ordinates that may have wrapped around and become negative

Definition at line 882 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

882  {
886  if ( a_coord < 0 )
887  return a_coord + a_size;
889  return a_coord;
890 }

Referenced by MoveOptimalDirectionSlow(), MoveSelectLimit(), and MoveWeighDirection().

◆ NormInc()

int Partridge_Covey::NormInc ( int  a_coord,
int  a_size 

Wrap-around utility function.

A function to normalise co-ordinates that may have wrapped around and exceeded the landscape maximum coord

Definition at line 895 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

895  {
899  if ( a_coord >= a_size )
900  return a_coord - a_size;
902  return a_coord;
903 }

Referenced by MoveOptimalDirectionSlow(), MoveSelectLimit(), MoveWeighDirection(), and NestBadAreasScanSlow().

◆ OnAddChick()

void Partridge_Covey::OnAddChick ( Partridge_Female a_pf)

Add a chick.

Definition at line 2451 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

2451  {
2452  if ( ++m_ourChicks == 1 ) {
2453  m_theMum = a_pf;
2454  m_theDad = m_theMum->GetMate();
2455  }
2456 }

References Partridge_Female::GetMate(), m_ourChicks, m_theDad, and m_theMum.

Referenced by Partridge_Chick::Partridge_Chick().

◆ OnChickDeath()

void Partridge_Covey::OnChickDeath ( void  )

Remove a dead chick.

Definition at line 2477 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

2477  {
2478  if ( --m_ourChicks == 0 ) {
2479  //Tell Both Parents
2480  // The line below is really debug information, this identifies the caller
2481  m_manager->m_comms_data->m_covey = this;
2482  // Call the mother via the message centre
2486  m_theDad = NULL;
2487  m_theMum = NULL;
2488  SetFixed( false );
2489  }
2490 }

References Partridge_Population_Manager::m_comms_data, PartridgeCommunicationData::m_covey, PartridgeCommunicationData::m_female, PartridgeCommunicationData::m_male, m_manager, Partridge_Population_Manager::m_messagecentre, m_ourChicks, m_theDad, m_theMum, Partridge_Communication::PassMessage(), pcomm_AllChicksDead, and SetFixed().

Referenced by Partridge_Chick::ChDying().

◆ OnChickMature()

void Partridge_Covey::OnChickMature ( void  )

Remove a matured chick.

Definition at line 2460 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

2460  {
2461  if ( --m_ourChicks == 0 ) {
2462  //Tell Both Parents
2463  // The line below is really debug information, this identifies the caller
2464  m_manager->m_comms_data->m_covey = this;
2465  // Call the mother via the message centre
2469  m_theDad = NULL;
2470  m_theMum = NULL;
2471  SetFixed( false );
2472  }
2473 }

References Partridge_Population_Manager::m_comms_data, PartridgeCommunicationData::m_covey, PartridgeCommunicationData::m_female, PartridgeCommunicationData::m_male, m_manager, Partridge_Population_Manager::m_messagecentre, m_ourChicks, m_theDad, m_theMum, Partridge_Communication::PassMessage(), pcomm_ChicksMature, and SetFixed().

Referenced by Partridge_Chick2::ChMaturing().

◆ OnDissolve()

void Partridge_Covey::OnDissolve ( int  date)

Dissolve message handler.

Definition at line 1624 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

1624  {
1626  SetCoveyDissolveDate( date );
1627 }

References m_state, pars_CoveyDissolve, and SetCoveyDissolveDate().

◆ OntheDadDead()

void Partridge_Covey::OntheDadDead ( void  )

Behaviour when alpha male is killed.

Definition at line 2502 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

2502  {
2503  //SanityCheck2(m_ourChicks );
2504  m_theDad = NULL;
2505  ActOnParentDeath();
2506 }

References ActOnParentDeath(), and m_theDad.

Referenced by RemoveMember().

◆ OntheMumDead()

void Partridge_Covey::OntheMumDead ( void  )

Behaviour when alpha female is killed.

Definition at line 2494 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

2494  {
2495  //SanityCheck2(m_ourChicks );
2496  m_theMum = NULL;
2497  ActOnParentDeath();
2498 }

References ActOnParentDeath(), and m_theMum.

Referenced by RemoveMember().

◆ Pressure()

double Partridge_Covey::Pressure ( double  a_distance)

Get the pressure force.

Returns the reciprocal of a_distance above a threshold given by MIN_MATH_DIST_SQ. Note that the calling function is responsible for ensuring a_distance is transformed correctly (sqrt()).

Definition at line 1724 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

1724  {
1729  return 1.0 / max( a_distance, MIN_MATH_DIST_SQ );
1730 }

Referenced by ManagerRethinkPos().

◆ PressureLimitExceeded()

bool Partridge_Covey::PressureLimitExceeded ( double  a_pressure)

Test for exceedence of pressure limit.

Definition at line 1737 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

1737  {
1738  if ( a_pressure > cfg_par_force_abs_limit.value() )
1739  return true;
1741  return false;
1742 }

References cfg_par_force_abs_limit, and CfgFloat::value().

Referenced by ManagerRethinkPos().

◆ RemoveExtraChick()

void Partridge_Covey::RemoveExtraChick ( )

Decrement the chick number.

Definition at line 466 of file Partridge_Covey.h.

466  {
467  m_ourChicks--;
468  }

References m_ourChicks.

Referenced by Partridge_Chick2::Partridge_Chick2().

◆ RemoveMember()

int Partridge_Covey::RemoveMember ( Partridge_Base a_former_member)

Remove a member from the covey.

RemoveMember() causes the current Covey instance to be deleted! if a_former_member was the last one.

Definition at line 1664 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

1664  {
1665  if ( !IsMember( a_former_member ) ) {
1666  g_msg->Warn( WARN_BUG, "Partridge_Covey::RemoveMember(): "
1667  "Attempting to remove a member not belonging to the flock!", "" );
1668  exit( 1 );
1669  }
1671  if ( a_former_member == m_theDad ) {
1672  OntheDadDead();
1673  } else if ( a_former_member == m_theMum ) {
1674  OntheMumDead();
1675  }
1677  if ( m_members_size == 1 ) {
1678  g_covey_manager->DelCovey( this );
1679  // Tell the population manager to delete us.
1680  m_members_size=0;
1681  m_CurrentStateNo = -1;
1682  m_StepDone = true;
1683  return 0;
1684  }
1686  //vector<Partridge_Base*> l_members;
1687  Partridge_Base * l_members[ 100 ];
1689  unsigned int j = 0;
1690  //l_members.resize( m_members.size() - 1 );
1692  for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < m_members_size; i++ ) {
1693  if ( m_members[ i ]->GetID() == a_former_member->GetID() ) {
1694  continue;
1695  }
1696  l_members[ j++ ] = m_members[ i ];
1697  }
1699  //m_members.resize( m_members.size() -1 );
1700  m_members_size--;
1701  for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < m_members_size; i++ ) {
1702  m_members[ i ] = l_members[ i ];
1703  }
1705  return m_members_size;
1706 }

References CoveyManager::DelCovey(), g_covey_manager, g_msg, Partridge_Base::GetID(), IsMember(), TALMaSSObject::m_CurrentStateNo, m_members, m_members_size, TALMaSSObject::m_StepDone, m_theDad, m_theMum, OntheDadDead(), OntheMumDead(), MapErrorMsg::Warn(), and WARN_BUG.

Referenced by Partridge_Chick::ChDying(), Partridge_Chick::ChMaturing(), Partridge_Chick2::ChMaturing(), Partridge_Clutch::ClDeveloping(), Partridge_Clutch::ClDying(), Partridge_Population_Manager::DissolveCovey(), Partridge_Female::FDying(), ManagerCheckMerge(), Partridge_Male::MDying(), Partridge_Male::MFindingMate(), and Partridge_Base::SwitchCovey().

◆ SanityCheck()

void Partridge_Covey::SanityCheck ( )

Debug method.

Definition at line 2403 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

2403  {
2404  if (m_CurrentStateNo==-1) return;
2405  for ( unsigned i = 0; i < m_members_size; i++ ) {
2406  // Checks that all members have pointers to here
2407  if ( m_members[ i ]->GetCovey() != this ) {
2408  g_msg->Warn( WARN_BUG, "Partridge_Covey::SanityCheck(): ""Non-mutual pointers", "" );
2409  exit( 1 );
2410  }
2411  }
2412 }

References g_msg, TALMaSSObject::m_CurrentStateNo, m_members, m_members_size, MapErrorMsg::Warn(), and WARN_BUG.

Referenced by Partridge_Population_Manager::DissolveCovey().

◆ SanityCheck2()

void Partridge_Covey::SanityCheck2 ( int  no_chicks)

Debug method.

Definition at line 2416 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

2416  {
2417  // this one checks that the number of chicks in the covey
2418  // is the same as the number no_chicks
2419  int count = 0;
2420  for ( unsigned i = 0; i < m_members_size; i++ )
2421  if ( ( m_members[ i ]->GetObjectType() == pob_Chick ) || ( m_members[ i ]->GetObjectType() == pob_Chick2 ) ) count++;
2422  if ( count != no_chicks ) {
2423  g_msg->Warn( WARN_BUG, "Partridge_Covey::SanityCheck2(): ""wrong number of chicks", "" );
2424  exit( 1 );
2425  }
2426 }

References g_msg, GetObjectType(), m_members, m_members_size, pob_Chick, pob_Chick2, MapErrorMsg::Warn(), and WARN_BUG.

◆ SanityCheck3()

void Partridge_Covey::SanityCheck3 ( )

Debug method.

Definition at line 2430 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

2430  {
2431  if ( m_move_list[ 0 ] > 7 ) {
2432  g_msg->Warn( WARN_BUG, "Partridge_Covey::SanityCheck3(): ""m_move_list illegal", "" );
2433  exit( 1 );
2434  }
2435 }

References g_msg, m_move_list, MapErrorMsg::Warn(), and WARN_BUG.

◆ SanityCheck4()

void Partridge_Covey::SanityCheck4 ( )

Debug method.

Definition at line 2439 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

2439  {
2440  for ( unsigned i = 0; i < m_members_size; i++ ) {
2441  // Checks that there are no clutches
2442  if ( m_members[ i ]->GetObjectType()==pob_Clutch ) {
2443  g_msg->Warn( WARN_BUG, "Partridge_Covey::SanityCheck(): ""Clutch present when it should not be!", "" );
2444  exit( 1 );
2445  }
2446  }
2447 }

References g_msg, GetObjectType(), m_members, m_members_size, pob_Clutch, MapErrorMsg::Warn(), and WARN_BUG.

◆ SetChickAge()

void Partridge_Covey::SetChickAge ( int  age)

Set chick age.

Definition at line 481 of file Partridge_Covey.h.

481  {
482  m_ChickAge = age;
483  }

References m_ChickAge.

Referenced by Partridge_Chick::BeginStep(), and Partridge_Chick2::BeginStep().

◆ SetCoveyDissolveDate()

void Partridge_Covey::SetCoveyDissolveDate ( int  date)

Set the dissolve date.

Definition at line 430 of file Partridge_Covey.h.

430  {
431  m_CoveyDissolveDate = date;
432  }

References m_CoveyDissolveDate.

Referenced by OnDissolve().

◆ SetFixed()

◆ SetUncle()

void Partridge_Covey::SetUncle ( void  )

Swap uncle to alhpha.

Called when both parents are dead but an uncle or aunt exist to take over the role.

Definition at line 2540 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

2540  {
2541  for ( unsigned i = 0; i < m_members_size; i++ ) {
2542  if ( m_members[ i ]->GetUncleStatus() ) {
2543  if ( m_members[ i ]->GetObjectType() == pob_Male ) {
2544  m_theDad = dynamic_cast<Partridge_Male*>( m_members[ i ]);
2546  } else {
2547  m_theMum = dynamic_cast<Partridge_Female*>( m_members[ i ]);
2549  }
2550  m_members[ i ]->SetUncleStatus(false);
2551  return;
2552  }
2553  }
2554  // If we reach here there is an error
2555  g_msg->Warn( WARN_BUG, "Partridge_Covey::SetUncle(): ""Called but no uncles found", "" );
2556  exit( 1 );
2557 }

References g_msg, GetObjectType(), m_members, m_members_size, m_theDad, m_theMum, pars_FCaringForYoung, pars_MCaringForYoung, pob_Male, Partridge_Base::SetState(), Partridge_Base::SetUncleStatus(), MapErrorMsg::Warn(), and WARN_BUG.

Referenced by ActOnParentDeath().

◆ Step()

void Partridge_Covey::Step ( void  )

Covey Step.

Reimplemented from TAnimal.

Definition at line 1607 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

1607  {
1608  if ( m_StepDone ) {
1609  return;
1610  }
1611  m_StepDone = true;
1612 }

References TALMaSSObject::m_StepDone.

◆ SupplyChickAge()

int Partridge_Covey::SupplyChickAge ( void  )

Returns the age of the chicks.

Definition at line 2608 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

2608  {
2609  // Relies on the fact that a covey can only have one set of chicks at a time
2610  for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < m_members_size; i++ ) {
2611  if ( m_members[ i ]->GetObjectType() == pob_Chick ) {
2612  return m_members[ i ]->GetAge();
2613  }
2614  }
2615  for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < m_members_size; i++ ) {
2616  if ( m_members[ i ]->GetObjectType() == pob_Chick2 ) {
2617  return m_members[ i ]->GetAge();
2618  }
2619  }
2620  g_msg->Warn( WARN_BUG, "Partridge_Covey::SupplyChickAge(): ""no chicks", "" );
2621  exit( 1 );
2622 }

References g_msg, Partridge_Base::GetAge(), GetObjectType(), m_members, m_members_size, pob_Chick, pob_Chick2, MapErrorMsg::Warn(), and WARN_BUG.

Referenced by ActOnParentDeath().

◆ SupplyDistanceMoved()

double Partridge_Covey::SupplyDistanceMoved ( void  )

Return the distance moved today.

Definition at line 914 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

914  {
915  if ( !m_move_done ) {
916  g_msg->Warn( WARN_BUG, "Partridge_Covey::SupplyDistanceMoved: Move not done yet!", "" );
917  exit( 1 );
918  }
919  return m_dist_moved;
920 }

References g_msg, m_dist_moved, m_move_done, MapErrorMsg::Warn(), and WARN_BUG.

◆ SupplyFoodToday()

double Partridge_Covey::SupplyFoodToday ( void  )

Return the food obtained today.

Definition at line 905 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

905  {
906  if ( !m_move_done ) {
907  g_msg->Warn( WARN_BUG, "Partridge_Covey::SupplyFoodToday: Move not done yet!", "" );
908  exit( 1 );
909  }
910  return m_food_today;
911 }

References g_msg, m_food_today, m_move_done, MapErrorMsg::Warn(), and WARN_BUG.

Referenced by Partridge_Chick::ChDeveloping().

◆ SupplyHabitatQuality()

double Partridge_Covey::SupplyHabitatQuality ( void  )

Return habitat quality at our location.

Definition at line 1050 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

1050  {
1051  if ( !m_terr_done ) {
1053  m_terr_done = true;
1054  }
1055  return m_terr_qual;
1056 }

References HabitatEvaluate(), m_center_x, m_center_y, m_terr_done, m_terr_qual, and m_terr_size.

◆ TooClose()

bool Partridge_Covey::TooClose ( )

Test for another covey too close.

Definition at line 1271 of file Partridge_Covey.cpp.

1271  {
1272  // Returns true if the covey centre peg of any fixed covey is too close
1273  DistanceUpdate2();
1274  if ( m_nearest_covey_dist > 50 ) return false; // was 50 23/04/2008
1275  return true;
1276 }

References DistanceUpdate2(), and m_nearest_covey_dist.

Referenced by Partridge_Female::FFindingTerritory().

◆ X()

unsigned int Partridge_Covey::X ( void  )

Definition at line 708 of file Partridge_Covey.h.

708  {
709  return m_covey_x;
710  }

References m_covey_x.

Referenced by Partridge_Female::FIncubating().

◆ XCenter()

unsigned int Partridge_Covey::XCenter ( void  )

Definition at line 718 of file Partridge_Covey.h.

718  {
719  return m_center_x;
720  }

References m_center_x.

◆ XCenterF()

double Partridge_Covey::XCenterF ( void  )

Definition at line 728 of file Partridge_Covey.h.

728  {
729  return m_center_x_float;
730  }

References m_center_x_float.

Referenced by DistanceToCovey(), and ManagerCheckMerge().

◆ Y()

unsigned int Partridge_Covey::Y ( void  )

Definition at line 713 of file Partridge_Covey.h.

713  {
714  return m_covey_y;
715  }

References m_covey_y.

Referenced by Partridge_Female::FIncubating().

◆ YCenter()

unsigned int Partridge_Covey::YCenter ( void  )

Definition at line 723 of file Partridge_Covey.h.

723  {
724  return m_center_y;
725  }

References m_center_y.

◆ YCenterF()

double Partridge_Covey::YCenterF ( void  )

Definition at line 733 of file Partridge_Covey.h.

733  {
734  return m_center_y_float;
735  }

References m_center_y_float.

Referenced by DistanceToCovey(), and ManagerCheckMerge().

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_assess_done

bool Partridge_Covey::m_assess_done

◆ m_assess_qual

double Partridge_Covey::m_assess_qual

Habitat quality.

Definition at line 160 of file Partridge_Covey.h.

Referenced by AssessHabitatQuality(), AssessHabitatQualityFaster(), and FixHabitat().

◆ m_assess_size

int Partridge_Covey::m_assess_size

Current homerange assessment radius.

Definition at line 296 of file Partridge_Covey.h.

Referenced by AssessGetSize(), AssessHabitatQuality(), FixHabitat(), and Partridge_Covey().

◆ m_center_x

int Partridge_Covey::m_center_x

◆ m_center_x_float

double Partridge_Covey::m_center_x_float

◆ m_center_y

int Partridge_Covey::m_center_y

◆ m_center_y_float

double Partridge_Covey::m_center_y_float

◆ m_ChickAge

int Partridge_Covey::m_ChickAge

Age of chicks.

Definition at line 397 of file Partridge_Covey.h.

Referenced by BeginStep(), GetChickAge(), and SetChickAge().

◆ m_covey_x

int Partridge_Covey::m_covey_x

◆ m_covey_y

int Partridge_Covey::m_covey_y

◆ m_CoveyDissolveDate

int Partridge_Covey::m_CoveyDissolveDate

Date for covey dissolve.

Definition at line 383 of file Partridge_Covey.h.

Referenced by BeginStep(), Partridge_Covey(), and SetCoveyDissolveDate().

◆ m_dist_done

bool Partridge_Covey::m_dist_done

Signals distance updating is done for today

Definition at line 114 of file Partridge_Covey.h.

Referenced by FlyTo(), HabitatEvaluate(), ManagerUpdatePos(), MoveDistance(), and Partridge_Covey().

◆ m_dist_moved

double Partridge_Covey::m_dist_moved

Distance moved.

Definition at line 164 of file Partridge_Covey.h.

Referenced by MoveDistance(), MoveTo(), Partridge_Covey(), and SupplyDistanceMoved().

◆ m_essence_low

bool Partridge_Covey::m_essence_low

flag for excess density - unused

Definition at line 100 of file Partridge_Covey.h.

Referenced by LifeEssenceLow(), ManagerRethinkPos(), and Partridge_Covey().

◆ m_flyto_dist

int Partridge_Covey::m_flyto_dist

costly intermediate variable

Definition at line 96 of file Partridge_Covey.h.

Referenced by FlyToFast(), FlyToSlow(), and Partridge_Covey().

◆ m_flyto_steps

int Partridge_Covey::m_flyto_steps

costly intermediate variable

Definition at line 94 of file Partridge_Covey.h.

Referenced by FlyToFast(), and FlyToSlow().

◆ m_flyto_ts

double Partridge_Covey::m_flyto_ts

costly intermediate variable

Definition at line 98 of file Partridge_Covey.h.

Referenced by FlyToFast(), and FlyToSlow().

◆ m_food_today

double Partridge_Covey::m_food_today

Food collected.

Definition at line 166 of file Partridge_Covey.h.

Referenced by MoveDistance(), MoveTo(), Partridge_Covey(), and SupplyFoodToday().

◆ m_force_low

bool Partridge_Covey::m_force_low


Definition at line 122 of file Partridge_Covey.h.

Referenced by ForceLow(), ManagerRethinkPos(), and Partridge_Covey().

◆ m_height

◆ m_id

unsigned int Partridge_Covey::m_id

◆ m_manager

Partridge_Population_Manager* Partridge_Covey::m_manager

Covey's population manager.

Definition at line 132 of file Partridge_Covey.h.

Referenced by BeginStep(), FindMateInArea(), HabitatEvaluateFaster(), OnChickDeath(), OnChickMature(), and Partridge_Covey().

◆ m_map

◆ m_maxAllowedMove

int Partridge_Covey::m_maxAllowedMove

Max move distance today.

Determined at the end of the begin step and depending on the age of the chicks. If MoveDistance is called in the BeginStep then it will use yesterdays values.

Definition at line 390 of file Partridge_Covey.h.

Referenced by GetmaxAllowedMove(), and Partridge_Covey().

◆ m_maxFoodNeedToday

double Partridge_Covey::m_maxFoodNeedToday

Food needed today.

Determined at the end of the begin step and depending on the age of the chicks. If MoveDistance is called in the BeginStep then it will use yesterdays values.

Definition at line 395 of file Partridge_Covey.h.

Referenced by BeginStep(), GetmaxFoodNeedToday(), and Partridge_Covey().

◆ m_members

◆ m_members_size

◆ m_move_done

bool Partridge_Covey::m_move_done

◆ m_move_get_index

int Partridge_Covey::m_move_get_index

Internal variable.

Definition at line 304 of file Partridge_Covey.h.

Referenced by MoveDistance(), and MoveTo().

◆ m_move_get_size

int Partridge_Covey::m_move_get_size

Internal variable.

Definition at line 306 of file Partridge_Covey.h.

◆ m_move_qual_hist

int Partridge_Covey::m_move_qual_hist[4][MOVE_QUAL_HIST_SIZE]

Internal variable.

Definition at line 310 of file Partridge_Covey.h.

Referenced by MoveQualMemory(), and Partridge_Covey().

◆ m_move_qual_memory

int Partridge_Covey::m_move_qual_memory[4]

Steps remembered.

Definition at line 308 of file Partridge_Covey.h.

Referenced by MoveDistance(), MoveQualMemory(), MoveSelectLimit(), MoveTo(), and Partridge_Covey().

◆ m_move_step_size

int Partridge_Covey::m_move_step_size

Internal variable.

Definition at line 318 of file Partridge_Covey.h.

Referenced by MoveDistance(), MoveOptimalDirectionFast(), MoveOptimalDirectionSlow(), MoveTo(), and Partridge_Covey().

◆ m_move_step_size_inv

double Partridge_Covey::m_move_step_size_inv

Internal variable.

Definition at line 320 of file Partridge_Covey.h.

Referenced by MoveDistance(), MoveEvalEdgesAndQual(), MoveTo(), and Partridge_Covey().

◆ m_move_whence_we_came

int Partridge_Covey::m_move_whence_we_came

Internal variable.

The direction we came from in the previous move. Remembered across daily steps.

Definition at line 316 of file Partridge_Covey.h.

Referenced by MoveDistance(), MoveSelectLimit(), MoveTo(), MoveWeighDirection(), and Partridge_Covey().

◆ m_nearest_covey_dist

double Partridge_Covey::m_nearest_covey_dist

◆ m_neighbourlist

Partridge_Covey* Partridge_Covey::m_neighbourlist[50]

List of coveys close to this covey.

Definition at line 284 of file Partridge_Covey.h.

Referenced by Partridge_Population_Manager::FillCoveyNeigbourList(), and FindNeighbour().

◆ m_neighbourlist_size

int Partridge_Covey::m_neighbourlist_size

Number of coveys close to this covey.

Definition at line 286 of file Partridge_Covey.h.

Referenced by Partridge_Population_Manager::FillCoveyNeigbourList(), and FindNeighbour().

◆ m_nest_on_nest

bool Partridge_Covey::m_nest_on_nest

Nesting flag.

Definition at line 152 of file Partridge_Covey.h.

Referenced by MoveDistance(), NestFindFast(), NestFindSlow(), NestLeave(), NestOnNest(), and Partridge_Covey().

◆ m_nest_x

int Partridge_Covey::m_nest_x

Nest coord-x.

Definition at line 154 of file Partridge_Covey.h.

Referenced by NestGetX(), and Partridge_Covey().

◆ m_nest_y

int Partridge_Covey::m_nest_y

Nest coord-y.

Definition at line 156 of file Partridge_Covey.h.

Referenced by NestGetY(), and Partridge_Covey().

◆ m_new_center_x_float

double Partridge_Covey::m_new_center_x_float

Covey centre as float.

Definition at line 138 of file Partridge_Covey.h.

Referenced by ManagerDriftPos(), ManagerRethinkPos(), and ManagerUpdatePos().

◆ m_new_center_y_float

double Partridge_Covey::m_new_center_y_float

Covey centre as float.

Definition at line 140 of file Partridge_Covey.h.

Referenced by ManagerDriftPos(), ManagerRethinkPos(), and ManagerUpdatePos().

◆ m_ourChicks

int Partridge_Covey::m_ourChicks

◆ m_peg_is_fixed

bool Partridge_Covey::m_peg_is_fixed

flag for fixed homerange

Definition at line 102 of file Partridge_Covey.h.

Referenced by IsFixed(), ManagerDriftPos(), ManagerRethinkPos(), ManagerUpdatePos(), Partridge_Covey(), and SetFixed().

◆ m_permanent_marker

bool Partridge_Covey::m_permanent_marker

◆ m_state

Partridge_State Partridge_Covey::m_state

The current behavioural state.

Definition at line 124 of file Partridge_Covey.h.

Referenced by BeginStep(), OnDissolve(), and Partridge_Covey().

◆ m_step_done

bool Partridge_Covey::m_step_done

Signals Step is done for today

Definition at line 112 of file Partridge_Covey.h.

Referenced by EndStep(), and Partridge_Covey().

◆ m_terr_done

bool Partridge_Covey::m_terr_done

Signals homerange evaluation done

Definition at line 118 of file Partridge_Covey.h.

Referenced by EndStep(), FixHabitat(), FlyTo(), ManagerUpdatePos(), Partridge_Covey(), and SupplyHabitatQuality().

◆ m_terr_qual

double Partridge_Covey::m_terr_qual

Homerange evaluation score

Definition at line 120 of file Partridge_Covey.h.

Referenced by FixHabitat(), and SupplyHabitatQuality().

◆ m_terr_size

int Partridge_Covey::m_terr_size

Homerange width.

Definition at line 150 of file Partridge_Covey.h.

Referenced by FixHabitat(), Partridge_Covey(), and SupplyHabitatQuality().

◆ m_theDad

Partridge_Male* Partridge_Covey::m_theDad

Pointer to the alpha female.

Definition at line 379 of file Partridge_Covey.h.

Referenced by ActOnParentDeath(), OnAddChick(), OnChickDeath(), OnChickMature(), OntheDadDead(), Partridge_Covey(), RemoveMember(), and SetUncle().

◆ m_theMum

Partridge_Female* Partridge_Covey::m_theMum

Pointer to the alpha male.

Definition at line 377 of file Partridge_Covey.h.

Referenced by ActOnParentDeath(), OnAddChick(), OnChickDeath(), OnChickMature(), OntheMumDead(), Partridge_Covey(), RemoveMember(), and SetUncle().

◆ m_width

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Definition: tov_declaration.h:55
int m_covey_x
Covey x-coord.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.h:146
CfgInt cfg_par_chick_extra_mort("PAR_CHICK_EXTRA_MORT", CFG_CUSTOM, 200)
Extra mortality applied to chicks on death of parents.
Partridge_State m_state
The current behavioural state.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.h:124
Definition: tov_declaration.h:46
Definition: tole_declaration.h:68
Definition: tole_declaration.h:78
int m_ourChicks
No chicks in covey.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.h:381
void SetUncleStatus(bool a_Status)
Set uncle status.
Definition: Partridge_All.h:442
bool m_essence_low
flag for excess density - unused
Definition: Partridge_Covey.h:100
bool NestBadAreasScanFast(int a_min_x, int a_min_y, int a_length, int a_x, int a_y)
Nest location evaluation function.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.cpp:1170
bool m_force_low
Definition: Partridge_Covey.h:122
Definition: tole_declaration.h:66
double m_assess_qual
Habitat quality.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.h:160
void OntheMumDead()
Behaviour when alpha female is killed.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.cpp:2494
Definition: tov_declaration.h:40
Definition: tole_declaration.h:72
Definition: tov_declaration.h:47
int MoveSelectFuzzy(void)
Fuzzdy movement selection.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.cpp:244
int RemoveMember(Partridge_Base *a_former_member)
Remove a member from the covey.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.cpp:1664
double Pressure(double a_distance)
Get the pressure force.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.cpp:1724
Definition: Partridge_All.h:283
The partridge male class.
Definition: Partridge_All.h:657
double Getpar_force_ignore_below()
Get the minimum interesting force.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.h:822
The partridge female class.
Definition: Partridge_All.h:770
double m_maxFoodNeedToday
Food needed today.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.h:395
Definition: tole_declaration.h:62
bool PassMessage(PartridgeCommunicationData *pc_data, TypeOfPartridge_Communication pc)
Pass a message.
Definition: Partridge_Communication.cpp:86
void OnYouAreDead()
Message handler.
Definition: Partridge_All.cpp:1016
void MoveDirectionsAllowed(int a_x, int a_y)
Test possible movement directions.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.cpp:397
int m_center_y
Covey centre.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.h:144
Definition: landscape.h:60
Definition: tole_declaration.h:64
Definition: tov_declaration.h:44
int NormInc(int a_coord, int a_size)
Wrap-around utility function.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.cpp:895
TTypesOfVegetation SupplyVegType(int a_x, int a_y)
Definition: landscape.h:1321
int NormDec(int a_coord, int a_size)
Wrap-around utility function.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.cpp:882
int MoveCanMove(TTypesOfLandscapeElement a_ele)
Test if we can go there.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.cpp:3221
TTypesOfLandscapeElement SupplyElementType(int a_polyref)
Definition: landscape.h:1110
Definition: tole_declaration.h:77
TAnimal * ObjectLoopFetch(void)
Definition: Partridge_Population_Manager.cpp:196
int SupplyChickAge(void)
Returns the age of the chicks.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.cpp:2608
Definition: tole_declaration.h:56
int NestGetX(void)
Return nest x-coord.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.h:521
Iterator class for wrap around landscape
Definition: Partridge_Covey.h:48
Definition: tole_declaration.h:49
CfgInt cfg_par_movequal_histlimit("PAR_MOVEQUAL_HISTLIMIT", CFG_CUSTOM, 3)
The length of memory for backtracking.
int m_move_get_index
Internal variable.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.h:304
Definition: tole_declaration.h:58
Partridge_Base * GetAMember()
Returns a random member.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.cpp:1634
Definition: tov_declaration.h:44
Definition: tole_declaration.h:86
Definition: tole_declaration.h:83
Definition: tole_declaration.h:53
double m_new_center_y_float
Covey centre as float.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.h:140
CfgInt cfg_par_move_fuzzy_chance("PAR_MOVE_FUZZY_CHANCE", CFG_CUSTOM, 50)
Chance of imperfect movement decisions.
Definition: tov_declaration.h:46
Definition: landscape.h:60
Definition: tov_declaration.h:47
CfgInt cfg_IndividualEmigration
Emigration rate of alone individuals (of 10000)
Definition: Partridge_All.h:279
Landscape * m_map
A pointer to the landscape.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.h:126
void CoveyUpdateMemberPositions(int a_x, int a_y)
Update all covey members x,y coords.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.cpp:1093
Definition: tov_declaration.h:49
Definition: tole_declaration.h:82
Definition: tov_declaration.h:114
int m_CoveyDissolveDate
Date for covey dissolve.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.h:383
int m_width
Landscape width.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.h:128
CfgInt cfg_par_mature_threshold
Age at maturing in days.
bool NestFindSlow(int a_min_x_incl, int a_max_x_excl, int a_min_y_incl, int a_max_y_excl)
Find nest location (wrap around)
Definition: Partridge_Covey.cpp:1236
CfgInt cfg_nest_fieldboundary("PAR_NEST_FIELDBOUNDARY", CFG_CUSTOM, 200)
Nesting quality for field boundaries.
CfgInt cfg_par_highqualthreshold("PAR_HIGHQUALTHRESHOLD", CFG_CUSTOM, 18)
An arbitrary value for determine movement quality.
Definition: tole_declaration.h:75
Definition: tole_declaration.h:88
bool NestFindFast(int a_min_x_incl, int a_max_x_excl, int a_min_y_incl, int a_max_y_excl)
Find nest location.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.cpp:1207
bool PressureLimitExceeded(double a_pressure)
Test for exceedence of pressure limit.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.cpp:1737
Landscape * m_OurLandscape
Definition: populationmanager.h:229
Definition: tov_declaration.h:55
Definition: tov_declaration.h:43
CfgInt cfg_nest_field("PAR_NEST_FIELD", CFG_CUSTOM, 1)
Nesting quality for fields.
double XCenterF(void)
Definition: Partridge_Covey.h:728
Definition: tov_declaration.h:49
void SetState(Partridge_State a_pars)
Set state.
Definition: Partridge_All.h:462
Definition: tole_declaration.h:39
Definition: tov_declaration.h:66
double m_center_x_float
Covey centre as float.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.h:134
Definition: Partridge_Communication.h:56
PartridgeCommunicationData * m_comms_data
Message data.
Definition: Partridge_Population_Manager.h:161
int m_height
Landscape height.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.h:130
static vector< Partridge_Covey * > g_covey_list
Definition: Partridge_Covey.h:782
Definition: tole_declaration.h:38
CfgInt cfg_par_parentdead_age2("PAR_PARENTDEAD_AGETWO", CFG_CUSTOM, 63)
Mortalty chance on parent death, older.
static int m_move_select_list[8]
Definition: Partridge_Covey.cpp:229
Definition: tole_declaration.h:96
Definition: Partridge_All.h:285
Definition: tov_declaration.h:43
Definition: maperrormsg.h:34
int m_maxAllowedMove
Max move distance today.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.h:390
CfgInt cfg_nest_permsetaside("PAR_NEST_PERMSETASIDE", CFG_CUSTOM, 100)
Nesting quality for setaside.
Definition: tole_declaration.h:98
double GetQualIndexed(int a_x, int a_y)
Definition: Partridge_Population_Manager.h:78
Base class for all partridge classes.
Definition: Partridge_All.h:401
void ActOnParentDeath()
Determine the chick mortality on parent death.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.cpp:2516
Definition: tov_declaration.h:49
Definition: tole_declaration.h:97
int GetOurChicks()
Return the number of chicks.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.h:471
Definition: tole_declaration.h:63
Partridge_Female * m_theMum
Pointer to the alpha male.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.h:377
int m_flyto_steps
costly intermediate variable
Definition: Partridge_Covey.h:94
CfgInt cfg_nest_roadside("PAR_NEST_ROADSIDE", CFG_CUSTOM, 100)
Nesting quality for roadsize verges.
int Supply_m_Location_x()
Definition: populationmanager.h:213
Partridge_Female * GetMate(void)
Are we paired?
Definition: Partridge_All.h:719
Definition: tov_declaration.h:46
void DistanceUpdate(void)
Updates distance to nearest covey.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.cpp:1301
Definition: tov_declaration.h:50
CfgInt cfg_nest_permpastlowyield("PAR_NEST_PERMPASTLOWYIELD", CFG_CUSTOM, 1)
Nesting quality for low yield pasture.
virtual void Dying()
Definition: populationmanager.h:266
double MoveMagicVegToFood(int a_polygon)
Move optimising food intake.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.cpp:3147
void MoveVegConstInit(void)
Part of movement evaluation.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.cpp:3304
Definition: tov_declaration.h:52
int MoveSelect(void)
Part of movement evaluation.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.cpp:330
Definition: tov_declaration.h:65
void KillChicks(int percent)
Kill a proportion of the chicks.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.cpp:2595
Definition: Partridge_All.h:283
int SupplyVegDensity(int a_polyref)
Definition: landscape.h:975
Partridge_Male * GetMate(void)
Supply mate pointer.
Definition: Partridge_All.h:872
Definition: tov_declaration.h:55
Definition: tole_declaration.h:74
Definition: tov_declaration.h:66
void MoveOptimalDirectionSlow(int a_x, int a_y)
Choose best foraging direction.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.cpp:3404
Definition: tov_declaration.h:43
Definition: tole_declaration.h:55
Definition: tole_declaration.h:89
Partridge_Male * m_male
Definition: Partridge_Communication.h:83
bool NestGoodSpot(int a_x, int a_y)
Evaluate x,y as a nest location.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.cpp:2876
Definition: Partridge_Covey.cpp:233
Definition: tov_declaration.h:41
Definition: tole_declaration.h:54
Definition: tov_declaration.h:56
class MapErrorMsg * g_msg
Definition: maperrormsg.cpp:41
bool m_assess_done
Have assessed habitat quality?
Definition: Partridge_Covey.h:158
Definition: tov_declaration.h:52
CfgFloat cfg_par_bio_hindrance_inv("PAR_BIO_HINDRANCE", CFG_CUSTOM, 0.00667)
Definition: landscape.h:60
bool DelCovey(Partridge_Covey *a_covey)
Remove a covey.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.cpp:2230
TAnimal(int x, int y, Landscape *L)
Definition: PopulationManager.cpp:1367
CfgFloat cfg_par_force_abs_limit("PAR_COVEY_FORCE_ABS_LIMIT", CFG_CUSTOM, 100.0)
void MoveOptimalDirectionFast(int a_x, int a_y)
Choose best foraging direction (wrap around)
Definition: Partridge_Covey.cpp:3667
Definition: tole_declaration.h:61
Partridge_Male * m_theDad
Pointer to the alpha female.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.h:379
double YCenterF(void)
Definition: Partridge_Covey.h:733
CoverTempMap * m_territoryqualmap
Pointer to territory quality map.
Definition: Partridge_Population_Manager.h:165
bool NestNearBadAreas(int a_x, int a__y)
Test for proximity to unacceptable areas.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.cpp:1131
bool AllFlocking()
Debug method.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.cpp:2362
Partridge_Population_Manager * m_manager
Covey's population manager.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.h:132
Definition: tov_declaration.h:60
Definition: tov_declaration.h:65
Definition: tov_declaration.h:52
double g_FoodNeed[200]
Definition: Partridge_Population_Manager.cpp:65
void SetX(int a_x)
Definition: populationmanager.h:240
long GetID(void)
Supply ID.
Definition: Partridge_All.h:482
Definition: tole_declaration.h:41
Definition: tov_declaration.h:30
Definition: tole_declaration.h:73
bool NestBadArea(int a_x, int a__y)
Nest location evaluation function.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.cpp:2947
Partridge_Female * m_female
Definition: Partridge_Communication.h:84
Definition: tov_declaration.h:53
static bool m_move_veg_const_init_done
Definition: Partridge_Covey.cpp:3299
bool NestNearNests(int a_x, int a_y, int a_min_dist_sq)
Nest location evaluation function.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.cpp:1188
Definition: tole_declaration.h:101
double m_terr_qual
Homerange evaluation score
Definition: Partridge_Covey.h:120
int SupplySimAreaHeight(void)
Definition: landscape.h:1637
double m_move_step_size_inv
Internal variable.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.h:320
Definition: tov_declaration.h:50
unsigned int GetCoveySize()
Return the covey size.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.h:476
int SupplySimAreaWidth(void)
Definition: landscape.h:1632
int m_neighbourlist_size
Number of coveys close to this covey.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.h:286
Definition: tov_declaration.h:63
int m_Location_y
Definition: populationmanager.h:228
CfgBool cfg_par_covey_drift_enable("PAR_COVEY_DRIFT_ENABLE", CFG_CUSTOM, true)
Definition: tov_declaration.h:62
Definition: landscape.h:60
Definition: tov_declaration.h:31
bool MoveTryExcludeHarder(int a_dist_sq)
Uses the peg force to exclude possible movement directions.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.cpp:2750
Definition: landscape.h:60
Definition: tole_declaration.h:47
Definition: Partridge_All.h:297
static int m_move_select_size
Definition: Partridge_Covey.cpp:230
unsigned int ID(void)
Definition: Partridge_Covey.h:738
void DistanceUpdate2(void)
Updates distance to fixed nearest covey.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.cpp:1281
Definition: Partridge_All.h:297
double HabitatEvaluateSlow(int a_min_x_incl, int a_max_x_excl, int a_min_y_incl, int a_max_y_excl)
Definition: Partridge_Covey.cpp:952
bool m_move_allowed[8]
Definition: Partridge_Covey.cpp:228
The base class for all ALMaSS animal classes.
Definition: populationmanager.h:205
The collective for a family of partridges
Definition: Partridge_Covey.h:90
double m_nearest_covey_dist
Closest covey distance
Definition: Partridge_Covey.h:116
Definition: tov_declaration.h:52
Partridge_Male * GetOldMate(void)
Supply old mate pointer.
Definition: Partridge_All.h:893
Definition: tov_declaration.h:53
Definition: tov_declaration.h:44
Definition: tov_declaration.h:66
bool SupplyVegPatchy(int a_polyref)
Definition: landscape.h:986
unsigned int m_members_size
Size of covey
Definition: Partridge_Covey.h:110
double m_move_veg_const[]
Definition: Partridge_Covey.cpp:223
Definition: tole_declaration.h:46
Definition: tov_declaration.h:56
int MoveWeighDirection(int a_x, int a_y)
Weighted foraging walk.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.cpp:344
Definition: tov_declaration.h:49
class CoveyManager * g_covey_manager
Definition: Partridge_Covey.cpp:2070
Partridge_Covey * m_covey
Definition: Partridge_Communication.h:85
Definition: tole_declaration.h:79
void SetFixed(bool a_is_fixed)
Prevent/enable peg drift.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.h:572
int m_center_x
Covey centre.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.h:142
Definition: tov_declaration.h:33
void SetY(int a_y)
Definition: populationmanager.h:243
Definition: tole_declaration.h:59
Definition: tov_declaration.h:55
double m_flyto_ts
costly intermediate variable
Definition: Partridge_Covey.h:98
void Warn(MapErrorState a_level, std::string a_msg1, std::string a_msg2)
Definition: maperrormsg.cpp:59
int m_move_qual_hist[4][MOVE_QUAL_HIST_SIZE]
Internal variable.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.h:310
Definition: tov_declaration.h:50
CfgBool cfg_par_force_enable("PAR_COVEY_FORCE_ENABLE", CFG_CUSTOM, true)
Enable the calculation of the repulsive inter-covey 'force'.
CfgFloat cfg_terr_qual_good("PAR_TERR_QUAL_GOOD", CFG_CUSTOM, 4.0)
Nesting quality for OK areas.
int SupplyDayInYear(void)
Definition: landscape.h:1596
Definition: Partridge_Communication.h:63
Partridge_Communication m_messagecentre
Message class pointer.
Definition: Partridge_Population_Manager.h:163
int GetFamily(void)
Supply family ID.
Definition: Partridge_All.h:467
CfgInt cfg_nest_naturalgrass("PAR_NEST_NATURALGRASS", CFG_CUSTOM, 100)
Nesting quality for natural grass.
bool NestBadAreasScanSlow(int a_min_x, int a_min_y, int a_length, int a_x, int a_y)
Nest location evaluation function.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.cpp:1150
int m_assess_size
Current homerange assessment radius.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.h:296
bool SupplyHasTramlines(int a_x, int a_y)
Definition: landscape.h:1252
bool m_StepDone
Indicates whether the iterative step code is done for this timestep.
Definition: populationmanager.h:118
Definition: landscape.h:60
unsigned int m_id
Unique ID no-
Definition: Partridge_Covey.h:106
Definition: Partridge_All.h:285
Definition: tole_declaration.h:87
CfgInt cfg_par_parentdead_age1("PAR_PARENTDEAD_AGEONE", CFG_CUSTOM, 35)
Mortalty chance on parent death, young.
Partridge_Object GetObjectType(void)
Return object type.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.h:582
Definition: tov_declaration.h:65
Definition: tole_declaration.h:71
Definition: tole_declaration.h:84
void SetCoveyDissolveDate(int date)
Set the dissolve date.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.h:430
Definition: tov_declaration.h:36
double m_food_today
Food collected.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.h:166
int m_covey_y
Covey y-coord.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.h:148
void MoveQualMemory(int a_qual)
Make a move based on memory of quality.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.cpp:538
CfgFloat cfg_par_force_speed("PAR_COVEY_FORCE_SPEED", CFG_CUSTOM, 2.0)
bool FlyToFast(int a_distance)
Move a_distance from current covey position.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.cpp:1349
CfgFloat cfg_parinsectScaler("PAR_INSECTSCALER", CFG_CUSTOM, 0.5)
Default for 2000s, 1950s=1.0.
bool m_move_done
Have moved?
Definition: Partridge_Covey.h:162
Definition: tov_declaration.h:47
Definition: tov_declaration.h:55
Definition: tole_declaration.h:81
double value(void)
Definition: configurator.h:118
Definition: tole_declaration.h:94
Definition: tov_declaration.h:34
int m_move_step_size
Internal variable.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.h:318
Definition: tov_declaration.h:66
CfgInt cfg_nest_permpasttussocky("PAR_NEST_PERMPASTTUSSOCKY", CFG_CUSTOM, 1)
Nesting quality for very low grazed pasture.
bool NestOnNest(void)
Are we nesting?
Definition: Partridge_Covey.h:511
int m_ChickAge
Age of chicks.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.h:397
Definition: tole_declaration.h:65
Definition: tov_declaration.h:46
void SetCovey(Partridge_Covey *a_covey)
Set covey pointer.
Definition: Partridge_All.h:492
CfgInt g_par_terr_max_width("PAR_TERR_MAX_WIDTH", CFG_CUSTOM, 500)
Limit to homerange radius.
double AssessHabitatQuality(int &a_sz)
Assess habitat quality (with checks)
Definition: Partridge_Covey.cpp:1059
Definition: tov_declaration.h:65
Definition: tole_declaration.h:42
double HabitatEvalPoly(TTypesOfLandscapeElement a_cet, int a_poly)
Definition: Partridge_Covey.cpp:2769
Definition: tov_declaration.h:43
bool IsMember(Partridge_Base *a_possible_member)
Definition: Partridge_Covey.cpp:1709
Definition: tole_declaration.h:45
Definition: tov_declaration.h:47
bool FlyToSlow(int a_distance)
Move a_distance from current covey position (wraparound)
Definition: Partridge_Covey.cpp:1422
double SupplyInsects(int a_polyref)
Definition: landscape.h:1088
CfgFloat cfg_par_covey_drift_speed("PAR_COVEY_DRIFT_SPEED", CFG_CUSTOM, 2.0)
Drift force on the peg.
Definition: tov_declaration.h:66
bool m_nest_on_nest
Nesting flag.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.h:152
double DistanceToCovey(Partridge_Covey *a_covey)
Get distance too covey.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.cpp:1319
const int June
Definition: landscape.h:41
CfgFloat cfg_min_merge_dist("PAR_MIN_MERGE_DIST", CFG_CUSTOM, 50.0)
The minimum merging distance.
Definition: tov_declaration.h:63
CfgInt cfg_nest_railway("PAR_NEST_RAILWAY", CFG_CUSTOM, 100)
Nesting quality for railway ebankments.
double SupplyVegHeight(int a_polyref)
Definition: landscape.h:936
double m_dist_moved
Distance moved.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.h:164
Definition: tole_declaration.h:43
Partridge chick class.
Definition: Partridge_All.h:581
Definition: tole_declaration.h:40
Definition: tole_declaration.h:44
int m_terr_size
Homerange width.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.h:150
void SetUncle()
Swap uncle to alhpha.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.cpp:2540
bool MoveTryExclude(int a_dist_sq)
Uses the peg force to exclude possible movement directions.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.cpp:2735
static double * g_trig_sin
Definition: Partridge_Covey.cpp:235
CfgInt g_par_nest_min_dist_bad_areas("PAR_NEST_MIN_DIST_BAD_AREAS", CFG_CUSTOM, 25)
Minimum nest distance to 'bad' areas.
Definition: tole_declaration.h:51
int m_move_qual_memory[4]
Steps remembered.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.h:308
Definition: tov_declaration.h:53
static double * g_trig_cos
Definition: Partridge_Covey.cpp:236
Definition: landscape.h:60
void DissolveCovey(Partridge_Covey *a_covey)
Definition: Partridge_Population_Manager.cpp:1475
Definition: tov_declaration.h:37
Definition: Partridge_All.h:279
CfgInt cfg_nest_hedgebank2("PAR_NEST_HEDGEBANKTWO", CFG_CUSTOM, 200)
Nesting quality for hedgebank type 2.
Definition: tole_declaration.h:36
Definition: tole_declaration.h:93
CfgFloat cfg_par_force_ignore_dist_sq("PAR_COVEY_FORCE_IGNORE_DIST_SQ", CFG_CUSTOM, 250000.0)
double m_new_center_x_float
Covey centre as float.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.h:138
Definition: tov_declaration.h:50
int m_nest_y
Nest coord-y.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.h:156
int Supply_m_Location_y()
Definition: populationmanager.h:216
void ObjectLoopInit(int ob_type)
Definition: Partridge_Population_Manager.cpp:187
int GetUncleNumber()
Returns the number of uncles.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.cpp:2560
void AddMember(Partridge_Base *a_new_member)
Definition: Partridge_Covey.cpp:1644
Definition: tole_declaration.h:50
Definition: tov_declaration.h:62
int GetLimit(void)
Get how many points
Definition: Partridge_Covey.h:61
Definition: tov_declaration.h:38
Definition: tov_declaration.h:44
Definition: tole_declaration.h:90
bool m_peg_is_fixed
flag for fixed homerange
Definition: Partridge_Covey.h:102
double HabitatEvaluateFaster(int a_center_x, int a_center_y)
Evaluate habitat fast.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.cpp:1027
int value(void)
Definition: configurator.h:98
int m_move_whence_we_came
Internal variable.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.h:316
Definition: tole_declaration.h:95
void OntheDadDead()
Behaviour when alpha male is killed.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.cpp:2502
Definition: Partridge_All.h:282
Partridge_Base * m_members[100]
List of covey members
Definition: Partridge_Covey.h:108
Definition: tov_declaration.h:46
CfgFloat cfg_par_force_below("PAR_COVEY_FORCE_BELOW", CFG_CUSTOM, 0.1)
int m_flyto_dist
costly intermediate variable
Definition: Partridge_Covey.h:96
CfgInt cfg_nest_hedgebank0("PAR_NEST_HEDGEBANKZERO", CFG_CUSTOM, 1)
Nesting quality for hedgebank type 0.
Definition: Partridge_All.h:297
int m_move_list[8]
Definition: Partridge_Covey.cpp:226
Default for 2000s, 1950s=1.0.
bool ArePaired()
Debug method.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.cpp:2384
Definition: tov_declaration.h:56
bool IsFixed(void)
Wonder whether the peg is fixed?
Definition: Partridge_Covey.h:577
Definition: tov_declaration.h:53
Definition: tov_declaration.h:52
Definition: tov_declaration.h:49
Definition: tole_declaration.h:85
double HabitatEvaluate(int a_center_x, int a_center_y, int *a_size_used, bool a_rethink_size)
Entry point for habitat evaluation.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.cpp:991
Definition: tov_declaration.h:44
Definition: tole_declaration.h:52
int m_CurrentStateNo
The basic state number for all objects - '-1' indicates death.
Definition: populationmanager.h:116
Definition: tov_declaration.h:32
double MoveDoIt(int *a_x, int *a_y, int a_dir, int a_step_size)
We know where we want to go. Now do it!
Definition: Partridge_Covey.cpp:811
void KillExcessChicks(int remaining)
Kill extra chicks.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.cpp:2573
Definition: tole_declaration.h:37
Definition: tov_declaration.h:43
Definition: tov_declaration.h:35
void AddCovey(Partridge_Covey *a_covey)
Add a new covey.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.cpp:2222
Definition: Partridge_All.h:297
Definition: tov_declaration.h:55
Definition: tov_declaration.h:53
Definition: Partridge_All.h:297
Definition: tole_declaration.h:99
bool CanWeMerge(int a_NoUncles)
Merging test.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.cpp:1833
CfgInt cfg_par_merging_chance("PAR_MERGE_CHANCE", CFG_CUSTOM, 5)
The merging probability.
int HabitatEvalPolyField(int a_field)
Evaluate a field's habitat quality.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.cpp:3028
Partridge_Covey * m_neighbourlist[50]
List of coveys close to this covey.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.h:284
void RemoveOldMate(bool a_knockon)
Forget old mate.
Definition: Partridge_All.h:903
bool value(void)
Definition: configurator.h:135
CfgInt cfg_nest_hedgebank1("PAR_NEST_HEDGEBANKONE", CFG_CUSTOM, 100)
Nesting quality for hedgebank type 1.
Definition: tole_declaration.h:76
int m_Location_x
Definition: populationmanager.h:225
bool MoveSelectLimit(int a_limit, int a_x, int a_y)
Part of movement evaluation.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.cpp:261
int MoveEvalEdgesAndQual(int a_edges, double a_qual)
Move evaluation taking edges into account.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.cpp:2684
Definition: tole_declaration.h:48
CfgInt cfg_par_flyto_stepsize("PAR_FLYTO_STEPSIZE", CFG_CUSTOM, 1)
CfgInt g_par_nest_min_dist_other_nest("PAR_NEST_MIN_DIST_OTHER_NEST", CFG_CUSTOM, 50)
Minimum nest distance to other nests.
Definition: tole_declaration.h:69
int SupplyPolyRef(int a_x, int a_y)
Definition: landscape.h:1488
Definition: tov_declaration.h:50
double m_move_dir_qual[8]
Definition: Partridge_Covey.cpp:227
Definition: Partridge_All.h:297
bool m_dist_done
Signals distance updating is done for today
Definition: Partridge_Covey.h:114
CfgFloat cfg_par_hei_hindrance_inv("PAR_HEI_HINDRANCE", CFG_CUSTOM, 0.04)
static unsigned int g_covey_id_counter
Definition: Partridge_Covey.cpp:231
Definition: tov_declaration.h:46
int GetAge(void)
Supply age.
Definition: Partridge_All.h:472
int m_nest_x
Nest coord-x.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.h:154
Definition: tole_declaration.h:67
bool m_terr_done
Signals homerange evaluation done
Definition: Partridge_Covey.h:118
Definition: tole_declaration.h:80
CfgInt cfg_par_parentdead_mort("PAR_PARENTDEAD_MORT", CFG_CUSTOM, 100)
Mortalty chance on parent death.
Definition: tole_declaration.h:60
Definition: tov_declaration.h:39
int SupplyElementSubType(int a_polyref)
Definition: landscape.h:1121
int Norm(int a_coord, int a_size)
Wrap-around utility function.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.cpp:866
Definition: tole_declaration.h:57
bool m_step_done
Signals Step is done for today
Definition: Partridge_Covey.h:112
Definition: tov_declaration.h:63
Definition: landscape.h:60
double HabitatEvaluateFast(int a_min_x_incl, int a_max_x_excl, int a_min_y_incl, int a_max_y_excl)
Evaluate habitat (wrap around)
Definition: Partridge_Covey.cpp:926
bool m_permanent_marker
Definition: Partridge_Covey.h:104
double m_center_y_float
Covey centre as float.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.h:136
The covey manager class.
Definition: Partridge_Covey.h:792
void AddObject(int ob_type, TAnimal *pTAo)
Definition: Partridge_Population_Manager.cpp:457
int * GetList(void)
Get pointer to list of points
Definition: Partridge_Covey.h:56
Definition: tole_declaration.h:70