ALMaSS Partridge ODdox  1.1
The partridge model description following ODdox protocol
NonAnimalFarm Class Reference

Subclass of the OptimisingFarm. Either plant or other farm. More...

#include <farm.h>

Inheritance diagram for NonAnimalFarm:
OptimisingFarm Farm OptimisingOtherFarm OptimisingPlantFarm

Public Member Functions

 NonAnimalFarm (FarmManager *a_myfarmmanager, int a_No)
virtual ~NonAnimalFarm ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from OptimisingFarm
 OptimisingFarm (FarmManager *a_myfarmmanager, int a_No)
 The constructor. More...
virtual ~OptimisingFarm ()
TTypesOfOptFarms Get_farmType (void)
TTypesOfSoils Get_soilType (void)
TTypesOfFarmSize Get_farmSize (void)
int Get_farmRealID (void)
int Get_soilSubType (void)
int Get_almass_no (void)
CropOptimisedGet_crop (int i)
int Get_cropsSize (void)
void Set_Livestock (Livestock *p_lvs)
void Set_Crop (CropOptimised *p_crop)
void Set_Neighbour (OptimisingFarm *farm)
int Get_NeighboursSize (void)
OptimisingFarmGet_Neighbour (int i)
vector< AlmassCropGet_rotational_crops ()
vector< AlmassCropGet_rotational_crops_visible ()
double Get_actual_profit ()
double Get_actual_aggregated_yield ()
int GetFarmCentroidX ()
int GetFarmCentroidY ()
void Set_main_goal (TTypeOfFarmerGoal a_goal)
TTypeOfFarmerGoal Get_main_goal ()
void Set_animals_no (int a_number)
int Get_decision_mode_counters (int index)
bool Harvest (LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days)
 OptimisingFarm's virtual version of Farm::Harvest(). Saves information on biomass of a crop at harvest. More...
void Match_crop_to_field (LE *a_field)
 Finds a crop to be grown on a given field next year. More...
OptimisingFarmFind_neighbour_to_imitate ()
 Picks randomly a farmer to imitate/compare with. It chooses among neighbouring farmers with similar farms. More...
void ActualProfit ()
 Function that determines actual crop yields and profit in a given year. More...
void Save_last_years_crops ()
 It saves the OptimisingFarm::m_rotational_crops in a vector m_rotational_crops_visible which is accessible for other farmers if they decide to copy it in the following year. More...
void ChooseDecisionMode ()
 Function determines which decision mode to use. The choice depends on the values of need satisfaction and uncertainty. More...
virtual bool Spraying_herbicides (TTypesOfVegetation a_tov_type)
 Returns true if a farmer decided to treat a given crop with herbicides. More...
virtual bool Spraying_fungins (TTypesOfVegetation a_tov_type)
 Returns true if a farmer decided to treat a given crop with fung- and insecticides. More...
virtual double Prob_multiplier ()
 Used when determining whether there should be a spraying event (i.e. pesticides application) or not. For yield maximizer it increases the chance of spraying event to account for his 'just in case' spraying. More...
void Init (ofstream *ap_output_file)
 Function carrying out the initial calculations at a farm level (including the initial optimisation). More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Farm
virtual void Management (void)
 Starts the main management loop for the farm and performs some error checking. More...
void AddField (LE *a_newfield)
 Adds a field to a farm. More...
void RemoveField (LE *a_field)
 Removes a field from a farm. More...
 Farm (FarmManager *a_manager)
 Farm constructor - creates an instance of each possible crop type. More...
virtual ~Farm (void)
 Farm destructor - deletes all crop instances and empties event queues. More...
void SetFarmNumber (int a_farm_num)
int GetFarmNumber (void)
void Assign_rotation (vector< TTypesOfVegetation >a_new_rotation)
polylistListOpenFields (int a_openness)
 Returns a list of fields with openness above a_openness. More...
void Centroids ()
 Finds farm's centroids - x and y. More...
int GetNoFields ()
 Returns the number of the fields owned. More...
int GetNoOpenFields (int a_openness)
 Returns the number of the fields above an openness of a_openness. More...
int GetAreaOpenFields (int a_openness)
 Returns the area of the fields above an openness of a_openness. More...
APoint GetValidCoords ()
 Returns the valid coordinates of the first field owned by a farm. More...
int GetMaxOpenness ()
 Returns the maximum openness score of the fields. More...
virtual bool SleepAllDay (LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days)
 Nothing to to today on a_field. More...
virtual bool AutumnPlough (LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days)
 Carry out a ploughing event in the autumn on a_field. More...
virtual bool StubblePlough (LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days)
 Carry out a stubble ploughing event on a_field. This is similar to normal plough but shallow (normally 6-8cm, is special cases up to 12-15cm). Done as a part of after-harvest treatments (instead of stubble cultivation) More...
virtual bool StubbleCultivatorHeavy (LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days)
 Carry out a stubble cultivation event on a_field. This is non-inversion type of cultivation which can be done instead of autumn plough (on a depth up to 40 cm even, if necessary) More...
virtual bool AutumnHarrow (LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days)
 Carry out a harrow event in the autumn on a_field. More...
virtual bool AutumnRoll (LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days)
 Carry out a roll event in the autumn on a_field. More...
virtual bool PreseedingCultivator (LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days)
 Carry out preseeding cultivation on a_field (tilling set including cultivator and string roller to compact soil) More...
virtual bool PreseedingCultivatorSow (LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days)
 Carry out preseeding cultivation together with sow on a_field (tilling and sowing set including cultivator and string roller to compact soil) More...
virtual bool AutumnSow (LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days)
 Carry out a sowing event in the autumn on a_field. More...
virtual bool WinterPlough (LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days)
 Carry out a ploughing event in the winter on a_field. More...
virtual bool DeepPlough (LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days)
 Carry out a deep ploughing event on a_field. More...
virtual bool SpringPlough (LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days)
 Carry out a ploughing event in the spring on a_field. More...
virtual bool SpringHarrow (LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days)
 Carry out a harrow event in the spring on a_field. More...
virtual bool SpringRoll (LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days)
 Carry out a roll event in the spring on a_field. More...
virtual bool SpringSow (LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days)
 Carry out a sowing event in the spring on a_field. More...
virtual bool SpringSowWithFerti (LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days)
 Carry out a sowing event with start fertilizer in the spring on a_field. More...
virtual bool GrowthRegulator (LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days)
 Apply growth regulator to a_field. More...
virtual bool ProductApplication (LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days, double a_applicationrate, PlantProtectionProducts a_ppp)
 Apply test pesticide to a_field. More...
virtual bool ProductApplication_DateLimited (LE *a_field, double, int, double a_applicationrate, PlantProtectionProducts a_ppp)
 Special pesticide trial functionality. More...
virtual bool Molluscicide (LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days)
 Apply molluscidie to a_field. More...
virtual bool RowCultivation (LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days)
 Carry out a harrowing between crop rows on a_field. More...
virtual bool Strigling (LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days)
 Carry out a mechanical weeding on a_field. More...
virtual bool StriglingSow (LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days)
 Carry out a mechanical weeding followed by sowing on a_field. More...
virtual bool StriglingHill (LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days)
 Carry out a mechanical weeding on a_field followed by hilling up (probably on potatoes) More...
virtual bool HillingUp (LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days)
 Do hilling up on a_field, probably of potatoes. More...
virtual bool Water (LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days)
 Carry out a watering on a_field. More...
virtual bool Swathing (LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days)
 Cut the crop on a_field and leave it lying (probably rape) More...
virtual bool HarvestLong (LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days)
 Carry out a harvest on a_field. More...
virtual bool CattleOut (LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days)
 Start a grazing event on a_field today. More...
virtual bool CattleOutLowGrazing (LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days)
 Start a extensive grazing event on a_field today. More...
virtual bool CattleIsOut (LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days, int a_max)
 Generate a 'cattle_out' event for every day the cattle are on a_field. More...
virtual bool CattleIsOutLow (LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days, int a_max)
 Generate a 'cattle_out_low' event for every day the cattle are on a_field. More...
virtual bool PigsOut (LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days)
 Generate a 'pigs_out' event for every day the cattle are on a_field. More...
virtual bool PigsAreOut (LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days)
 Start a pig grazing event on a_field today or soon. More...
virtual bool PigsAreOutForced (LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days)
 Start a pig grazing event on a_field today - no exceptions. More...
virtual bool CutToHay (LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days)
 Carry out hay cutting on a_field. More...
virtual bool CutWeeds (LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days)
 Carry out weed topping on a_field. More...
virtual bool CutToSilage (LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days)
 Cut vegetation for silage on a_field. More...
virtual bool CutOrch (LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days)
 Cut vegetation on orchard crop. //based on cut to silage - values from cutting function of orchard. More...
virtual bool StrawChopping (LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days)
 Carry out straw chopping on a_field. More...
virtual bool HayTurning (LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days)
 Carry out hay turning on a_field. More...
virtual bool HayBailing (LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days)
 Carry out hay bailing on a_field. More...
virtual bool BurnStrawStubble (LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days)
 Burn stubble on a_field. More...
virtual bool StubbleHarrowing (LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days)
 Carry out stubble harrowing on a_field. More...
virtual bool FP_NPKS (LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days)
 Apply NPKS fertilizer, on a_field owned by an arable farmer. More...
virtual bool FP_NPK (LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days)
 Apply NPK fertilizer, on a_field owned by an arable farmer. More...
virtual bool FP_PK (LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days)
 Apply PK fertilizer, on a_field owned by an arable farmer. More...
virtual bool FP_LiquidNH3 (LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days)
 Apply liquid ammonia fertilizer to a_field owned by an arable farmer. More...
virtual bool FP_Slurry (LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days)
 Apply slurry to a_field owned by an arable farmer. More...
virtual bool FP_ManganeseSulphate (LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days)
 Apply Manganse Sulphate to a_field owned by an arable farmer. More...
virtual bool FP_AmmoniumSulphate (LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days)
 Apply Ammonium Sulphate to a_field owned by an arable farmer. More...
virtual bool FP_Manure (LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days)
 Spread manure on a_field owned by an arable farmer. More...
virtual bool FP_GreenManure (LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days)
 Spread green manure on a_field owned by an arable farmer. More...
virtual bool FP_Sludge (LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days)
 Spread sewege on a_field owned by an arable farmer. More...
virtual bool FP_RSM (LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days)
 RSM (ammonium nitrate solution) applied on a_field owned by an arable farmer. More...
virtual bool FP_Calcium (LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days)
 Calcium applied on a_field owned by an arable farmer. More...
virtual bool FA_NPKS (LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days)
 Apply NPKS fertilizer, on a_field owned by a stock farmer. More...
virtual bool FA_NPK (LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days)
 Apply NPK fertilizer to a_field owned by an stock farmer. More...
virtual bool FA_PK (LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days)
 Apply PK fertilizer to a_field owned by an stock farmer. More...
virtual bool FA_Slurry (LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days)
 Spready slurry on a_field owned by an stock farmer. More...
virtual bool FA_ManganeseSulphate (LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days)
 Apply manganese sulphate to a_field owned by an stock farmer. More...
virtual bool FA_AmmoniumSulphate (LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days)
 Apply ammonium sulphate to a_field owned by an stock farmer. More...
virtual bool FA_Manure (LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days)
 Spread manure on a_field owned by an stock farmer. More...
virtual bool FA_GreenManure (LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days)
 Spread green manure on a_field owned by an stock farmer. More...
virtual bool FA_Sludge (LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days)
 Spread sewege sludge on a_field owned by an stock farmer. More...
virtual bool FA_RSM (LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days)
 RSM (ammonium nitrate solution) applied on a_field owned by a stock farmer. More...
virtual bool FA_Calcium (LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days)
 Calcium applied on a_field owned by a stock farmer. More...
virtual bool Biocide (LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days)
 Biocide applied on a_field. More...
virtual bool BedForming (LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days)
 Do bed forming up on a_field, probably of carrots. More...
virtual bool ShallowHarrow (LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days)
 Carry out a shallow harrow event on a_field, e.g., after grass cutting event. More...
virtual bool HeavyCultivatorAggregate (LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days)
 Carry out a heavy cultivation event on a_field. This is non-inversion type of cultivation which can be done after fertilizers application on spring for a spring crop. More...
virtual bool FlowerCutting (LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days)
 Flower cutting applied on a_field. More...
virtual bool BulbHarvest (LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days)
 Carry out a bulb harvest on a_field. More...
virtual bool StrawCovering (LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days)
 Straw covering applied on a_field. More...
virtual bool StrawRemoval (LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days)
 Straw covering applied on a_field. More...
void AddNewEvent (TTypesOfVegetation a_event, long a_date, LE *a_field, int a_todo, long a_num, bool a_lock, int a_start, bool a_first_year, TTypesOfVegetation a_crop)
 Adds an event to the event queue for a farm. More...
bool DoIt (double a_probability)
 Return chance out of 0 to 100. More...
bool DoIt_prob (double a_probability)
 Return chance out of 0 to 1. More...
TTypesOfFarm GetType (void)
int GetArea (void)
 Returns the area of arable fields owned by that farm. More...
int GetTotalArea (void)
 Returns the area of all fields owned by that farm. More...
double GetAreaDouble (void)
 Returns the area of arable fields owned by that farm. More...
bool IsStockFarmer (void)
virtual void MakeStockFarmer (void)
int GetIntensity (void)
APoint GetCentroids ()
TTypesOfVegetation GetPreviousCrop (int a_index)
TTypesOfVegetation GetCrop (int a_index)
TTypesOfVegetation GetNextCrop (int a_index)
void AddHunter (Hunter *a_hunter)
void RemoveHunter (Hunter *a_hunter)

Protected Member Functions

virtual void findFodderDemand ()
 Determines farm's total demand for fodder (m_totalFUdemand). More...
virtual void checkWinterRotation1 ()
 Checks if the restriction on a winter rotation is fulfilled. More...
virtual void checkWinterCrops ()
 Checks if the restriction on a max. share of winter crops is fulfilled. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from OptimisingFarm
virtual void InitiateManagement (void)
 Kicks off the farm's management. More...
void Initialize (FarmManager *a_pfm)
 Assigns to each farm its farm type, farm size, farm's real ID number, and soil type. It creates livestock and crops. More...
virtual void HandleEvents (void)
 If there are events to carry out do this, and perhaps start a new crop. More...
virtual bool FungicideTreat (LE *a_field, double, int a_days)
 Carries out fungicide application. Saves information on each application for a given crop. More...
virtual bool InsecticideTreat (LE *a_field, double, int a_days)
 Carries out insecticide application. Saves information on each application for a given crop. More...
virtual bool HerbicideTreat (LE *a_field, double, int a_days)
 Carries out herbicide application. Saves information on each application for a given crop. More...
virtual void createCropsLists (int a_foobar)
 Creates lists of crops. More...
void createVariableCrops (int a_foobar)
 Creates a list of pointers to all variable crops included in the optimisation and a list of pointers to fixed crops. More...
void FarmLevelCalculation ()
 Calls functions determining farm level values before the initial optimisation. More...
void OptimiseFarm (int a_foobar)
 Carries out the whole farm optimisation. More...
void Check_SG_and_CGG ()
 Modifies areas of SeedGrass1 and SeedGrass2, CloverGrassGrazed1 and CloverGrassGrazed2 to be even. Used only in ALMaSS crops mode (in Bedriftsmodel (original farm optimization model) crops mode this is taken care of in Translate_crops_to_almass()). More...
void findTotalArea ()
 Determines m_totalArea of a farm. More...
void findTotalNanim ()
 Determines total animal fertilizer (m_totalNanim) available at a farm. More...
void findNanim ()
 Determines amount of animal fertilizer per ha (m_Nanim) at a farm. More...
virtual void preventCashCrops ()
 Prevents small cattle farms from growing cash crops and maize silage. More...
void optimizeCrops (int a_foobar)
 Carries out crop optimisation at a farm. More...
void findFertilizer (CropOptimised *a_crop, int a_foobar, double benefit)
 Determines the optimal amounts of: total fertilizer (CropOptimised::m_n) and purchased fertilizer (CropOptimised::m_nt) for a given crop at a farm. More...
void findResponse (CropOptimised *a_crop, int a_foobar)
 Determines the response (CropOptimised::m_resp) of a crop at a farm. More...
void findBIs (CropOptimised *a_crop, double benefit)
 Determines the optimal Treatment frequency indices (behandling index, BI in Danish) (CropOptimised::m_BIHerb, CropOptimised::m_BIFi, CropOptimised::m_BI) for a given crop at a farm. More...
void fixBI ()
 Sets values of Treatment frequency indices (BI) for crops with fixed amount of pesticides (CropOptimised::m_BIHerb for FodderBeet and both CropOptimised::m_BIHerb and CropOptimised::m_BIFi for PotatoesIndustry and Potatoes). More...
void findMWeedControl (CropOptimised *a_crop)
 Determines the optimal mechanical weed control means (CropOptimised::m_grooming, CropOptimised::m_hoeing, CropOptimised::m_weeding) for a given crop at a farm. More...
void findYieldLoss (CropOptimised *a_crop)
 Determines the yield losses (CropOptimised::m_lossHerb, CropOptimised::m_lossFi, CropOptimised::m_totalLoss) for a given crop at a farm. More...
void findGrossMargin (CropOptimised *a_crop, int a_foobar, double benefit)
 Determines the gross margin (CropOptimised::m_GM) for a given crop at a farm. More...
void assignFixed ()
 Adds areas of fixed crops to the variable m_assigned. For each fixed crop it saves its area under variable CropOptimised::m_areaPercent. More...
void sumMinAreas ()
 Adds minimum required areas of variable crops to the variable m_assigned. More...
virtual void determineAreas (int a_foobar)
 Determines areas of variable crops. More...
void determineAreas_ha (vector< CropOptimised * >crops)
 Determines areas of crops in ha. More...
virtual void checkRestrictions ()
 Checks if the restrictions are fulfilled and corrects crops' areas if necessary. More...
void setRotationCropsAtMax ()
 Increases area of winter rotation crops to their max. allowed area. More...
double crop_parameter (int index, string par_name)
 Reads in crop parameters that do NOT vary with any farm level parameters. More...
CropOptimisedfindCropByName (string crop_name)
 Returns a pointer to a crop whose name is specified as the argument (bedriftsmodel, i.e. original farm optimization model, crops mode). More...
CropOptimisedfindCropByName_almass (string crop_name)
 Returns a pointer to almass crop whose name is specified as the argument (ALMaSS crops mode). More...
CropOptimisedfindCropByName_almass (TTypesOfVegetation a_tov_type)
 Returns a pointer to almass crop whose tov type is specified as the argument. More...
double total (TTypesOfCropVariables variable_name)
 Function for determining total values per farm after initial optimisation. More...
void sortCrops (vector< CropSort > &cropsToSort, string sortingKey)
 Sorts structs of type CropSort. More...
void randomizeCropList (vector< CropSort > &listToRandomize, string key)
 Swaps randomly elements of the list holding same values of the key (according to which the list was previosuly sorted). More...
virtual void increaseCrops (vector< CropSort >cropsToIncrease, double &howMuchToIncrease)
 Increases area of crops by a specified number. More...
virtual void decreaseCrops (vector< CropSort >cropsToDecrease, double &howMuchToDecrease)
 Decreases area of a crops by a specified number. More...
void Print_FarmVariables (ofstream *ap_output_file)
 Prints farm-level variables to a text file (one file for all farms). More...
void Make_rotations ()
 Creates m_rotation. Not used in ALMaSS crop mode. More...
void Check_if_area_100 ()
 Checks if the sum of crops' areaPercent is 100%. More...
void Translate_crops_to_almass ()
 Translates crops from Bedriftsmodel (original farm optimization model) to Almass crops. Used in Bedriftsmodel crop mode. More...
void Make_almass_crops_vector ()
 Creates a vector storing crops with positive area. Used in ALMaSS crop mode. More...
void Make_rotational_crops ()
 Creates a vector m_rotational_crops using the results of optimisation. More...
void Print_rotations (ofstream *ap_output_file)
 Prints the content of a farm's m_rotation. Not used in ALMaSS crop mode. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Farm
int GetFirstDate (TTypesOfVegetation a_tov)
 Gets the start date for a crop type. More...
int GetNextCropStartDate (LE *a_field, TTypesOfVegetation &a_curr_veg)
 Returns the start date of the next crop in the rotation. More...
virtual int GetFirstCropIndex (TTypesOfLandscapeElement a_type)
 Gets the first crop for the farm. More...
virtual int GetNextCropIndex (int a_rot_index)
 Returns the next crop in the rotation. More...
bool LeSwitch (FarmEvent *ev)
 Call do function for any crop with an outstanding event. Signal if the crop has terminated. More...
void CheckRotationManagementLoop (FarmEvent *ev)
void ReadRotation (std::string fname)
 Reads a rotation file into the rotation. More...
void AssignPermanentCrop (TTypesOfVegetation tov, int pct)
 Used to assign a permanent crop to an otherwise rotational field polygon. More...
int InvIntPartition (vector< tpct > *items, int target)
 Finds all possible sums of the integers in the items array. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Attributes inherited from OptimisingFarm
TTypeOfFarmerGoal m_main_goal
 Farmer's main goal (determined by a farmer's type) . More...
vector< OptimisingFarm * > m_neighbours
 Vector of pointers to the farms considered neighbours (fulfilling the neighbourship condition) of a given farm. More...
double m_need_satisfaction_level
 Farmer's actual satisfaction level. More...
double m_certainty_level
 Farmer's certainty level. More...
vector< int > m_decision_mode_counters
 Vector with counters for each decision mode. 0 - imitation, 1 - social comparison, 2 - repeat, 3 - deliberation. More...
double m_actual_profit
 An actual profit realised at a farm in a given year. More...
double m_exp_profit
 An expected farm's profit for a given year. More...
double m_actual_income
 An actual income at a farm in a given year. More...
double m_exp_income
 An expected farm's income at a farm in a given year. More...
double m_actual_costs
 Actual costs at a farm in a given year. More...
double m_exp_costs
 Expected costs at a farm in a given year. More...
double m_actual_aggregated_yield
 Actual aggregated yield at a farm in a given year. More...
double m_exp_aggregated_yield
 Expected aggregated yield at a farm in a given year. More...
vector< double > m_previous_profits
 Vector of profits from previous years. More...
vector< double > m_previous_incomes
 Vector of incomes from previous years. More...
vector< double > m_previous_costs
 Vector of costs from previous years. More...
vector< double > m_previous_aggregated_yields
 Vector of aggregated yields from previous years. More...
vector< double > m_previous_satisfaction_levels
 Vector of satisfaction levels in five previous years. More...
 The neighbouring farmer whose crops might be copied in imitation and social comparison decision modes. More...
vector< double > m_animals_numbers
 Vector for storing numbers of animals at a farm in previous years (3). More...
bool force_deliberation
 If set to true, a farm must use deliberation as a decision strategy. More...
int animals_no
 Holds the number of animals in a farm at a particular day in a year (depends on a species). More...
vector< Livestock * > m_livestock
 Vector of pointers to animals belonging to a farm. More...
vector< CropOptimised * > m_crops
 Vector of pointers to all crops. More...
vector< CropSortm_variableCrops
 Vector of structs containing pointers to crops which are not fixed. More...
vector< CropSortm_variableCrops2
 Vector of structs containing pointers to crops which are not fixed and: in case of the winter rotation restriction - exclude winter rotation crops, in case of the cattle rotation restriction - exclude the three crops that form the condition of the restriction and winter wheat. More...
vector< CropOptimised * > m_grownVariableCrops
 Vector of pointers to variable crops that are grown on area larger than areaMin (after determineAreas function was called). More...
vector< CropOptimised * > m_fixedCrops
 Vector of pointers to fixed crops. More...
vector< CropSortm_rotationCrops
 Vector of structs containing pointers to (winter) rotation crops. More...
vector< CropSortm_winterCrops
 Vector of structs containing pointers to winter crops. More...
vector< AlmassCropm_crops_almass
 Vector of structs with almass type crops with positive areas in % (result of optimisation). More...
vector< AlmassCropm_rotational_crops
 Vector of structs with almass type crops with positive areas in % (result of optimisation): includes only rotational crops. More...
vector< AlmassCropm_rotational_crops_copy
 A copy of m_rotational_crops used when matching crops to fields. More...
vector< AlmassCropm_rotational_crops_visible
 Stores a copy of m_rotational_crops from a previous year and is accessible to farmers who want to copy this farm's crops (in imitation or social comparison decision mode). More...
TTypesOfOptFarms m_farmType
 Farm's type (cattle, pig, plant, other). More...
TTypesOfSoils m_soilType
 Farm's soil type (sandy, clay, other). More...
TTypesOfFarmSize m_farmSize
 Scale of the farm - business (size above 10 ha) or private (size below 10 ha). More...
int m_farmRealID
 Farm's real ID number. More...
int m_soilSubType
 Farm's soil subtype. Defined only for cattle farms on sandy soil (0-bad, 1-good, 2-undefined). More...
int m_almass_no
 Farm's almass number. More...
double m_totalArea
 Total area of a farm. A sum of initial crop areas (if in bedriftsmodel, i.e. original farm optimization model, crops mode) or a sum of farm's fields area (if in ALMaSS crops mode). [ha]. More...
double m_totalArea_original
 Total area of a farm as in bedriftsmodel, i.e. original farm optimization model. [ha]. More...
double m_area_scaling_factor
 Factor used to scale areas of fixed crops and livestock numbers. Used to adjust these values to the farm's area used in ALMaSS crops mode. More...
double m_totalNanim
 Total animal fertilizer at a farm. A sum of Livestock::m_NanimUsable (from all types of livestock). [kg]. More...
double m_Nanim
 Amount of animal fertilizer available at a farm per hectar. [kg/ha]. More...
double m_totalFUdemandBefore
 Farm's total demand for fodder. [fodder units] More...
double m_totalFUdemand
 Farm's total demand for fodder (it is covered by growing fodder crops and/or purchasing fodder and thus, at the end of a year it should not be positive). [fodder units] More...
double m_totalFUt
 Fodder from trade (has to be purchased). [fodder units]. More...
double m_totalFUgrown
 Fodder grown, i.e. obtained from growing fodder crops. [fodder units]. More...
double m_assigned
 Variable holding a value of area already reserved for certain crops at a farm. [0-100%]. More...
double m_totalN
 Total amount of fertilizer used at a farm. [kg]. More...
double m_totalNt
 Total amount of fertilizer purchased at a farm. [kg]. More...
double m_totalBIHerb
 Total amount of herbicides which is planned to be applied at a farm. Expressed as a Treatment frequency index (behandling indeks, BI in Danish). More...
double m_totalBIFi
 Total amount of fung- and insecticides which is planned to be applied at a farm. Expressed as a Treatment frequency index (behandling indeks, BI in Danish). More...
double m_totalBI
 Total amount of pesticides (sum of m_totalBIHerb and m_totalBIFi) which is planned to be applied at a farm. Expressed as a Treatment frequency index (behandling indeks, BI in Danish). More...
double m_totalGrooming
 Total grooming planned at a farm. More...
double m_totalHoeing
 Total hoeing planned at a farm. More...
double m_totalWeeding
 Total manual weeding planned at a farm. More...
double m_totalCosts
 Planned total costs of growing crops at a farm. [DKK]. More...
double m_totalIncome
 Planned total income from growing crops at a farm. [DKK]. More...
double m_totalProfit
 Planned total profit (= income - costs) at a farm. In case of animal farms costs of purchased fodder is subtracted from the profit. [DKK]. More...
double m_area_rot
 Area assigned to rotational crops. [ha]. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from Farm
 Pointer to the FarmManager. More...
LowPriority< FarmEvent * > m_queue
vector< LE * > m_fields
vector< TTypesOfVegetationm_rotation
vector< PermCropDatam_PermCrops
TTypesOfFarm m_farmtype
HunterList m_HuntersList
 A list of hunters allocated to this farm. More...
bool m_stockfarmer
int m_farm_num
int m_rotation_sync_index
int m_intensity
int m_farm_centroidx
 Farm's centroid, value x. Equal to the average of the x centroid values of all farm's fields. More...
int m_farm_centroidy
 Farm's centroid, value y. Equal to the average of the y centroid values of all farm's fields. More...
Carrots * m_carrots
BroadBeans * m_broadbeans
FodderGrass * m_foddergrass
CloverGrassGrazed1 * m_CGG1
CloverGrassGrazed2 * m_CGG2
FieldPeas * m_fieldpeas
FieldPeasSilage * m_fieldpeassilage
Fodderbeet * m_fodderbeet
Sugarbeet * m_sugarbeet
OFodderbeet * m_ofodderbeet
Maize * m_maize
MaizeSilage * m_maizesilage
OMaizeSilage * m_omaizesilage
OBarleyPeaCloverGrass * m_OBarleyPCG
OCarrots * m_ocarrots
OCloverGrassGrazed1 * m_OCGG1
OCloverGrassGrazed2 * m_OCGG2
OCloverGrassSilage1 * m_OCGS1
OFieldPeas * m_ofieldpeas
OFieldPeasSilage * m_ofieldpeassilage
OFirstYearDanger * m_ofirstyeardanger
OGrazingPigs * m_ograzingpigs
OrchardCrop * m_orchardcrop
Oats * m_oats
OOats * m_ooats
OPermanentGrassGrazed * m_opermgrassgrazed
OPotatoes * m_opotatoes
OSeedGrass1 * m_oseedgrass1
OSeedGrass2 * m_oseedgrass2
OSpringBarley * m_ospringbarley
OSpringBarleyExt * m_ospringbarleyext
OSpringBarleyPigs * m_ospringbarleypigs
OSBarleySilage * m_osbarleysilage
OTriticale * m_otriticale
OWinterBarley * m_owinterbarley
OWinterBarleyExt * m_owinterbarleyext
OWinterRape * m_owinterrape
OWinterRye * m_owinterrye
OWinterWheatUndersown * m_owinterwheatundersown
OWinterWheat * m_owinterwheat
OWinterWheatUndersownExt * m_owinterwheatundersownext
PermanentGrassGrazed * m_permgrassgrazed
PermanentGrassLowYield * m_permgrasslowyield
PermanentGrassTussocky * m_permgrasstussocky
PermanentSetAside * m_permanentsetaside
Potatoes * m_potatoes
PotatoesIndustry * m_potatoesindustry
SeedGrass1 * m_seedgrass1
SeedGrass2 * m_seedgrass2
SetAside * m_setaside
SpringBarley * m_springbarley
SpringBarleySpr * m_springbarleyspr
SpringBarleySKManagement * m_springbarleyskmanagement
SpringBarleyPTreatment * m_springbarleyptreatment
SpringBarleyCloverGrass * m_sbarleyclovergrass
SpringBarleySeed * m_springbarleyseed
SpringBarleySilage * m_springbarleysilage
SpringRape * m_springrape
Triticale * m_triticale
WinterBarley * m_winterbarley
WinterRape * m_winterrape
WinterRye * m_winterrye
WinterWheat * m_winterwheat
WWheatPControl * m_wwheatpcontrol
WWheatPToxicControl * m_wwheatptoxiccontrol
WWheatPTreatment * m_wwheatptreatment
AgroChemIndustryCereal * m_agrochemindustrycereal
WinterWheatStrigling * m_winterwheatstrigling
WinterWheatStriglingCulm * m_winterwheatstriglingculm
WinterWheatStriglingSingle * m_winterwheatstriglingsingle
SpringBarleyCloverGrassStrigling * m_springbarleyclovergrassstrigling
SpringBarleyStrigling * m_springbarleystrigling
SpringBarleyStriglingCulm * m_springbarleystriglingculm
SpringBarleyStriglingSingle * m_springbarleystriglingsingle
MaizeStrigling * m_maizestrigling
WinterRapeStrigling * m_winterrapestrigling
WinterRyeStrigling * m_winterryestrigling
WinterBarleyStrigling * m_winterbarleystrigling
FieldPeasStrigling * m_fieldpeasstrigling
SpringBarleyPeaCloverGrassStrigling * m_springbarleypeaclovergrassstrigling
YoungForestCrop * m_youngforest
NorwegianPotatoes * m_norwegianpotatoes
NorwegianOats * m_norwegianoats
NorwegianSpringBarley * m_norwegianspringbarley
PLWinterWheat * m_plwinterwheat
PLWinterRape * m_plwinterrape
PLWinterBarley * m_plwinterbarley
PLWinterTriticale * m_plwintertriticale
PLWinterRye * m_plwinterrye
PLSpringWheat * m_plspringwheat
PLSpringBarley * m_plspringbarley
PLMaize * m_plmaize
PLMaizeSilage * m_plmaizesilage
PLPotatoes * m_plpotatoes
PLBeet * m_plbeet
PLFodderLucerne1 * m_plfodderlucerne1
PLFodderLucerne2 * m_plfodderlucerne2
PLCarrots * m_plcarrots
PLSpringBarleySpr * m_plspringbarleyspr
PLWinterWheatLate * m_plwinterwheatlate
PLBeetSpr * m_plbeetspr
PLBeans * m_plbeans
NLBeet * m_nlbeet
NLCarrots * m_nlcarrots
NLMaize * m_nlmaize
NLPotatoes * m_nlpotatoes
NLSpringBarley * m_nlspringbarley
NLWinterWheat * m_nlwinterwheat
NLCabbage * m_nlcabbage
NLTulips * m_nltulips
NLGrassGrazed1 * m_nlgrassgrazed1
NLGrassGrazed1Spring * m_nlgrassgrazed1spring
NLGrassGrazed2 * m_nlgrassgrazed2
NLGrassGrazedLast * m_nlgrassgrazedlast
NLPermanentGrassGrazed * m_nlpermanentgrassgrazed
NLBeetSpring * m_nlbeetspring
NLCarrotsSpring * m_nlcarrotsspring
NLMaizeSpring * m_nlmaizespring
NLPotatoesSpring * m_nlpotatoesspring
NLSpringBarleySpring * m_nlspringbarleyspring
NLCabbageSpring * m_nlcabbagespring
NLCatchPeaCrop * m_nlcatchpeacrop
DummyCropPestTesting * m_dummycroppesttesting

Detailed Description

Subclass of the OptimisingFarm. Either plant or other farm.

Definition at line 2475 of file farm.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ NonAnimalFarm()

NonAnimalFarm::NonAnimalFarm ( FarmManager a_myfarmmanager,
int  a_No 

Definition at line 5276 of file farm.cpp.

5276  : OptimisingFarm(a_myfarmmanager, a_No){
5277  ;
5278 }

◆ ~NonAnimalFarm()

virtual NonAnimalFarm::~NonAnimalFarm ( )

Definition at line 2478 of file farm.h.

2478 {};

Member Function Documentation

◆ checkWinterCrops()

void NonAnimalFarm::checkWinterCrops ( )

Checks if the restriction on a max. share of winter crops is fulfilled.

Function checking if the restriction on maximum winter crops area is fulfilled. If not, it corrects winter crops areas (starting with the one with the lowest GM) and assigns the area above the limit for winter crops to the most profitable variable crop(s) that haven't reached the maximimum area after the OptimisingFarm::determineAreas function was called. None of the winter crops is fixed.

Reimplemented from OptimisingFarm.

Definition at line 6836 of file farm.cpp.

6836  {
6843  CropOptimised *wBarley;
6844  CropOptimised *wWheat;
6845  CropOptimised *wRye;
6846  CropOptimised *wRape;
6847  CropOptimised *wCerealSil = NULL; // Prevents warning
6850  wBarley = findCropByName("WBarley");
6851  wWheat = findCropByName("WWheat");
6852  wRye = findCropByName("WRye");
6853  wRape = findCropByName("WRape"); //should not be decreased - might cause violation of winterRotation restriction
6854  wCerealSil = findCropByName("WCerealSil");
6855  }
6856  else{
6857  wBarley = findCropByName_almass("WinterBarley");
6858  wWheat = findCropByName_almass("WinterWheat");
6859  wRye = findCropByName_almass("WinterRye");
6860  wRape = findCropByName_almass("WinterRape"); //should not be decreased - might cause violation of winterRotation restriction
6861  }
6864  double areaWBarley = wBarley->m_areaPercent;
6865  double areaWWheat = wWheat->m_areaPercent;
6866  double areaWRye = wRye->m_areaPercent;
6867  double areaWRape = wRape->m_areaPercent;
6868  double areaWCerealSil = 0;
6871  areaWCerealSil = wCerealSil->m_areaPercent; //it is used here only if it was initilized - in the bedriftsmodel crop mode
6872  }
6874  double sum = areaWBarley + areaWWheat + areaWRye + areaWRape + areaWCerealSil;
6876  int winterMax = m_OurManager->pm_data->Get_winterMax(m_farmType);
6877  if(sum > winterMax){
6879  m_variableCrops2 = m_variableCrops; //initiate the new list and remove all winter crops:
6882  for(int s=(int)m_variableCrops2.size()-1; s>=0; s--){
6883  if(m_variableCrops2[s].crop==wBarley || m_variableCrops2[s].crop==wWheat || m_variableCrops2[s].crop==wRye || m_variableCrops2[s].crop==wRape || m_variableCrops2[s].crop==wCerealSil){
6884  m_variableCrops2.erase(m_variableCrops2.begin() + s);
6885  }
6886  }
6887  }
6888  else{
6889  for(int s=(int)m_variableCrops2.size()-1; s>=0; s--){
6890  if(m_variableCrops2[s].crop==wBarley || m_variableCrops2[s].crop==wWheat || m_variableCrops2[s].crop==wRye || m_variableCrops2[s].crop==wRape){
6891  m_variableCrops2.erase(m_variableCrops2.begin() + s);
6892  }
6893  }
6894  }
6896  double diff = sum - winterMax;
6897  double diffBefore = diff;
6899  CropSort cs1 = {0., wBarley}; //an object with a key for sorting and a pointer to crop
6900  CropSort cs2 = {0., wWheat};
6901  CropSort cs3 = {0., wRye}; //CropSort cs4 = {0., wRape};
6902  m_winterCrops.clear();
6903  m_winterCrops.push_back(cs1);
6904  m_winterCrops.push_back(cs2);
6905  m_winterCrops.push_back(cs3);
6908  CropSort cs5 = {0., wCerealSil};
6909  m_winterCrops.push_back(cs5);
6910  }
6912  sortCrops(m_winterCrops, "GM");
6914  //decrease area of one or more winter crops by diff
6917  if(diff > 0){ //loop in decreaseCrops was stopped by the other condition: impossible to cut more
6918  //violation of the restriction; do not exit, print warning
6919  ofstream ofile("Restrictions.txt",ios::app);
6920  ofile << m_almass_no << '\t' << "winter crops restriction broken, non-animal farm. Diff is: " << diff << endl;
6921  ofile.close();
6922  }
6924  //assign area cut from winter crops to one or more variable crops (that haven't reached the max yet)
6925  double toIncrease = diffBefore - diff;
6926  increaseCrops(m_variableCrops2, toIncrease);
6928  }//else nothing!:) it's ok
6930 }//end of checkWinterCrops

References cfg_OptimiseBedriftsmodelCrops, OptimisingFarm::decreaseCrops(), OptimisingFarm::findCropByName(), OptimisingFarm::findCropByName_almass(), DataForOptimisation::Get_winterMax(), OptimisingFarm::increaseCrops(), OptimisingFarm::m_almass_no, CropOptimised::m_areaPercent, OptimisingFarm::m_farmType, Farm::m_OurManager, OptimisingFarm::m_variableCrops, OptimisingFarm::m_variableCrops2, OptimisingFarm::m_winterCrops, FarmManager::pm_data, OptimisingFarm::sortCrops(), and CfgBool::value().

◆ checkWinterRotation1()

void NonAnimalFarm::checkWinterRotation1 ( )

Checks if the restriction on a winter rotation is fulfilled.

Function checks if the restriction on rotation: area(WWheat) - (area(WRape) + area(SRape) + area(FieldPeas) + area(Oats)) <=0, is fulfilled. If not, it corrects crops areas (excluding the fixed crop, FieldPeas).

Reimplemented from OptimisingFarm.

Definition at line 6469 of file farm.cpp.

6469  {
6475  CropOptimised *wWheat;
6476  CropOptimised *wRape;
6477  CropOptimised *sRape;
6478  CropOptimised *oats;
6479  CropOptimised *peas;
6482  wWheat = findCropByName("WWheat");
6483  wRape = findCropByName("WRape");
6484  sRape = findCropByName("SRape");
6485  oats = findCropByName("Oats");
6486  peas = findCropByName("Peas"); //fixed
6487  }
6488  else{
6489  wWheat = findCropByName_almass("WinterWheat");
6490  wRape = findCropByName_almass("WinterRape");
6491  sRape = findCropByName_almass("SpringRape");
6492  oats = findCropByName_almass("Oats");
6493  peas = findCropByName_almass("FieldPeas"); //fixed
6494  }
6496  double areaWWheat = wWheat->m_areaPercent;
6497  double areaWRape = wRape->m_areaPercent;
6498  double areaSRape = sRape->m_areaPercent;
6499  double areaOats = oats->m_areaPercent;
6500  double areaPeas = peas->m_areaPercent;
6502  double diff = areaWWheat - (areaWRape + areaSRape + areaOats + areaPeas); //difference;
6503  if (diff > 0){ //restriction is not fulfilled
6504  CropSort cs1 = {0., wRape}; //an object with a key for sorting and a pointer to crop
6505  CropSort cs2 = {0., sRape};
6506  CropSort cs3 = {0., oats};
6507  m_rotationCrops.clear();
6508  m_rotationCrops.push_back(cs1);
6509  m_rotationCrops.push_back(cs2);
6510  m_rotationCrops.push_back(cs3);
6512  sortCrops(m_rotationCrops, "GM"); //sorting the rotation crops wrt GM
6514  m_variableCrops2 = m_variableCrops; //initialize the new list and remove all 'winter rotation' crops:
6515  for(int s =(int)m_variableCrops2.size()-1; s>=0; s--){
6516  if(m_variableCrops2[s].crop==wWheat || m_variableCrops2[s].crop==wRape || m_variableCrops2[s].crop==sRape || m_variableCrops2[s].crop==oats){
6517  m_variableCrops2.erase(m_variableCrops2.begin() + s);
6518  }
6519  }
6521  double GM_WWheat = wWheat->m_GM;
6522  double areaMin = wWheat->m_rotationMin;
6524  for(int i=0; i<(int)m_rotationCrops.size() && diff!=0; i++){
6525  double areaRC = m_rotationCrops[i].crop->m_areaPercent;
6526  double rotationMaxRC = m_rotationCrops[i].crop->m_rotationMax;
6527  if(areaRC < rotationMaxRC){
6528  double GM_RC = m_rotationCrops[i].crop->m_GM;
6529  bool stopInnerLoop = false;
6531  for(int j=0; j<(int)m_variableCrops2.size() && stopInnerLoop==false; j++){
6533  double GM_var = m_variableCrops2[j].crop->m_GM;
6535  if(GM_RC + GM_WWheat < 2*GM_var){
6536  //add the variable crop
6537  double areaVC = m_variableCrops2[j].crop->m_areaPercent;
6538  double rotationMaxVC = m_variableCrops2[j].crop->m_rotationMax;
6539  if(areaWWheat - areaMin >= diff){
6540  if(rotationMaxVC - areaVC >= diff){
6541  areaVC += diff;
6542  areaWWheat -= diff;
6543  diff = 0; //finito
6544  stopInnerLoop = true;
6545  }
6546  else{
6547  areaWWheat -= rotationMaxVC - areaVC;
6548  diff -= (rotationMaxVC - areaVC);
6549  areaVC = rotationMaxVC;
6550  }
6551  }
6552  else{
6553  if(rotationMaxVC - areaVC >= areaWWheat - areaMin){
6554  areaVC += areaWWheat - areaMin;
6555  diff -= (areaWWheat - areaMin);
6556  areaWWheat = areaMin; // now you can only add rot crops! so stop the inner loop
6557  stopInnerLoop = true;
6558  }
6559  else{
6560  areaWWheat -= rotationMaxVC - areaVC;
6561  diff -= (rotationMaxVC - areaVC);
6562  areaVC = rotationMaxVC;
6563  }
6564  }
6565  m_variableCrops2[j].crop->m_areaPercent = areaVC;
6566  }
6568  else{
6569  //add rotational crop
6571  if(areaWWheat - areaMin >= diff/2){
6572  if(rotationMaxRC - areaRC >= diff/2){
6573  areaRC += diff/2;
6574  areaWWheat -= diff/2;
6575  diff = 0; //finito
6576  stopInnerLoop = true;
6577  }
6578  else{
6579  areaWWheat -= rotationMaxRC - areaRC;
6580  diff -= 2 * (rotationMaxRC - areaRC);
6581  areaRC = rotationMaxRC;
6582  stopInnerLoop = true; //take next rotation crop
6583  }
6584  }
6585  else{
6586  if(rotationMaxRC - areaRC >= areaWWheat - areaMin){
6587  areaRC += areaWWheat - areaMin;
6588  diff -= 2 * (areaWWheat - areaMin);
6589  areaWWheat = areaMin; //now you can only add rot crops!//so stop the inner loop:
6590  stopInnerLoop = true;
6591  }
6592  else{
6593  areaWWheat -= rotationMaxRC - areaRC;
6594  diff -= 2 * (rotationMaxRC - areaRC);
6595  areaRC = rotationMaxRC;
6596  stopInnerLoop = true; //take the next rotation crop
6597  }
6598  }
6599  }
6600  }//inner for-loop
6601  m_rotationCrops[i].crop->m_areaPercent = areaRC;
6602  }//if rot crop<rotmax //else - take the next rot crop, i++
6603  }//outer for
6605  //now the diff can be positive in two cases:
6607  //1. wwheat area is at zero - need to increase rotation crops - if possible
6608  if(areaWWheat==areaMin && diff > 0){
6609  double diff1=diff;
6611  if(diff1==0) {decreaseCrops(m_variableCrops2, diff);} //do it only if we actually managed to add the diff (=diff1)
6612  //to the rotation crops,i.e. diff1=0; if it's >0, then we added smth, but not enough and restriction can't be fulfilled.Then:
6613  else{
6614  double toCut = diff - diff1;
6616  diff = diff1; //restriction will be broken by diff1
6617  ofstream ofile("Restrictions.txt",ios::app);
6618  ofile << m_almass_no << '\t' << "winter rotation1 restriction broken, WWheat area at 0. Diff is: " << diff << endl;
6619  ofile.close();
6620  }
6621  }
6623  //2. it was always more profitable to grow rotation crops, but they were not
6624  //enough (maybe at max from the beginning) - increase variable crops, cut wwheat
6626  if(diff > 0 && areaWWheat - areaMin >= diff){
6627  areaWWheat -= diff;
6629  }
6631  wWheat->m_areaPercent = areaWWheat;
6633  }//if
6634 }//end of the function

References cfg_OptimiseBedriftsmodelCrops, OptimisingFarm::decreaseCrops(), OptimisingFarm::findCropByName(), OptimisingFarm::findCropByName_almass(), OptimisingFarm::increaseCrops(), OptimisingFarm::m_almass_no, CropOptimised::m_areaPercent, CropOptimised::m_GM, OptimisingFarm::m_rotationCrops, CropOptimised::m_rotationMin, OptimisingFarm::m_variableCrops, OptimisingFarm::m_variableCrops2, OptimisingFarm::sortCrops(), and CfgBool::value().

◆ findFodderDemand()

void NonAnimalFarm::findFodderDemand ( )

Determines farm's total demand for fodder (m_totalFUdemand).

For non-animal farms, the function assigns the value of the total fodder demand to the variable m_totalFUt (total fodder purchased) and it sets m_totalFUgrown (total fodder grown) to zero.

Function determining farm's demand for fodder. Sums fodder needed for all types of livestock.

Reimplemented from OptimisingFarm.

Definition at line 5693 of file farm.cpp.

5693  {
5700  m_totalFUdemand=0;
5701  m_totalFUgrown=0;
5702 }

References OptimisingFarm::findFodderDemand(), OptimisingFarm::m_totalFUdemand, OptimisingFarm::m_totalFUgrown, and OptimisingFarm::m_totalFUt.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
int m_almass_no
Farm's almass number.
Definition: farm.h:2220
int Get_winterMax(int i)
Definition: farm.h:614
double m_GM
Value of gross margin for a crop (m_income_ha - m_costs_ha) [DKK/ha].
Definition: farm.h:1689
OptimisingFarm(FarmManager *a_myfarmmanager, int a_No)
The constructor.
Definition: farm.cpp:5153
virtual void increaseCrops(vector< CropSort >cropsToIncrease, double &howMuchToIncrease)
Increases area of crops by a specified number.
Definition: farm.cpp:7854
A class for storing all parameters and results of crop optimisation.
Definition: farm.h:1634
virtual void decreaseCrops(vector< CropSort >cropsToDecrease, double &howMuchToDecrease)
Decreases area of a crops by a specified number.
Definition: farm.cpp:7912
double m_totalFUgrown
Fodder grown, i.e. obtained from growing fodder crops. [fodder units].
Definition: farm.h:2240
CropOptimised * findCropByName(string crop_name)
Returns a pointer to a crop whose name is specified as the argument (bedriftsmodel,...
Definition: farm.cpp:7762
virtual void findFodderDemand()
Determines farm's total demand for fodder (m_totalFUdemand).
Definition: farm.cpp:5670
void sortCrops(vector< CropSort > &cropsToSort, string sortingKey)
Sorts structs of type CropSort.
Definition: farm.cpp:7788
double m_totalFUdemand
Farm's total demand for fodder (it is covered by growing fodder crops and/or purchasing fodder and th...
Definition: farm.h:2236
double m_areaPercent
Area of a crop in percent of a farm's total area [%].
Definition: farm.h:1695
vector< CropSort > m_winterCrops
Vector of structs containing pointers to winter crops.
Definition: farm.h:2198
vector< CropSort > m_variableCrops2
Vector of structs containing pointers to crops which are not fixed and: in case of the winter rotatio...
Definition: farm.h:2190
double m_rotationMin
Minimum area in percent of farm's arable area for a given crop (depends on a farm size,...
Definition: farm.h:1652
FarmManager * m_OurManager
Pointer to the FarmManager.
Definition: farm.h:935
vector< CropSort > m_variableCrops
Vector of structs containing pointers to crops which are not fixed.
Definition: farm.h:2185
vector< CropSort > m_rotationCrops
Vector of structs containing pointers to (winter) rotation crops.
Definition: farm.h:2196
DataForOptimisation * pm_data
Pointer to the DataForOptimisation.
Definition: farm.h:1876
TTypesOfOptFarms m_farmType
Farm's type (cattle, pig, plant, other).
Definition: farm.h:2210
CropOptimised * findCropByName_almass(string crop_name)
Returns a pointer to almass crop whose name is specified as the argument (ALMaSS crops mode).
Definition: farm.cpp:7770
CfgBool cfg_OptimiseBedriftsmodelCrops("OPTIMISE_BEDRIFTSMODEL_CROPS", CFG_CUSTOM, false)
If set to true, the original farm optimisation model's crop set is used in the farmer decision making...
bool value(void)
Definition: configurator.h:135
double m_totalFUt
Fodder from trade (has to be purchased). [fodder units].
Definition: farm.h:2238