Aarhus University Seal



September 4th, 2020

Boot camp on MetaboAnalyst
Participants: 10.

January 20th, 2020

Workshop in data processing methods
Participants: 12.

December 17th, 2019

Untargeted metabolomics data post-processing bootcamp

Data post-processing bootcamp of Orbitrap generated  data for untargeted metabolomics and non-targeted analysis.
Participants: 12.

April 11th, 2019

3rd ETM Workshop at Aarhus University, Department of Bioscience in Silkeborg, Denmark.

Great workshop on combining metabolomics with environmental toxicology in various ongoing research studies at the Department. We decided to apply the ETM concept in several ongoing ecotoxicology studies, such as plants and bees.
Participants: 30.

March 19-20th, 2019

Untargeted metabolomics workshop

In-depth data post-processing discussions of Orbitrap generated  data for untargeted metabolomics.
Participants: 7.

February 28th, 2019

2nd ETM Workshop: Using ETM and the Adverse-Outcome-Pathway in a regulatory perspective.
Participants: 3.

November 23rd, 2018

1st Environmental Toxicometabolomics Workshop: Zebrafish Fish Embryo Test

Our main topic for this workshop was to discuss the potential of combining metabolomics with environmental toxicology. Moreover, our newly established Core facility with high-resolution mass spectrometers (Orbitrap-based) is an optimal state-of-the-art platform for metabolomics. We also discussed the possibility to use the Zebrafish Fish Embryo Test system and wildlife samples in ETM studies.
Participants: 10.