Aarhus University Seal

Datavisions: Teaching in the age of data visualizations

Photo by Marvin Meyer on Unsplash

About the project

The growing use of digital learning materials in Danish classrooms has resulted in a proliferation of data. Teachers mainly access these data through visualizations that communicate patterns within data sets. How data visualizations influence teachers’ assessments of students, however, has yet to be systematically researched and analyzed. This project examines the types and consumption of data visualizations in digital learning materials in order to explore if and how they influence teachers’ assessments. Conceptually, the project draws on science and technology studies to theorize data visualizations as socio-technical micropolitics. Empirically, one sub-project explores which types of data visualizations are prevalent in Danish learning materials and to what degree they represent an automation of assessment. A second subproject examines how teachers engage with data visualizations in practice and use them to assess student learning.

International Partners

  • Professor Evelyn Ruppert, Goldsmiths, University of London, UK
  • Professor Helen Kennedy, University of Sheffield, UK
  • Professor Neil Selwyn, University of Melbourne, Australien

Research programme

Text about being affiliated with the research programme

From the press

  1. Hvem bedømmer egentlig folkeskoleeleven?

    Ratner, H. F.


    1 Media contribution

    Press/Media: Press / Media

  2. Algoritmer i det offentlige

    Ratner, H. F.


    1 Media contribution

    Press/Media: Press / Media

  3. Algoritmer rummer en fare for dehumanisering af samfundet

    Ratner, H. F.


    1 Media contribution

    Press/Media: Press / Media

  4. Techtopia 233: Har du tillid til kunstig intelligens? Episode 2

    Ratner, H. F.


    1 Media contribution

    Press/Media: Press / Media

  5. TV2Øst nyhederne

    Ratner, H. F.


    1 Media contribution

    Press/Media: Press / Media

  6. Supertanker

    Ratner, H. F.


    1 Media contribution

    Press/Media: Press / Media

  7. Sådan styrer algoritmerne dit liv

    Ratner, H. F.


    1 Media contribution

    Press/Media: Press / Media

  8. Kunstigt åndedræt: Algoritmer kan puste nyt liv i sagsbehandlingen

    Ratner, H. F.


    1 Media contribution

    Press/Media: Press / Media

  9. The digital Denmark

    Ratner, H. F.


    1 Media contribution

    Press/Media: Press / Media

  10. AI kan gøre vores liv lettere – og ødelægge vores energiregnskab

    Ratner, H. F.


    1 Media contribution

    Press/Media: Press / Media

  11. Big Mother is watching you

    Ratner, H. F.


    1 Media contribution

    Press/Media: Press / Media

  12. AI kan gøre mennesker både kloge og dumme

    Ratner, H. F.


    1 Media contribution

    Press/Media: Press / Media