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Introduction of Joan Campmany Jiménez

New research assistant in the project Circular Economy and Urban Sustainability in Antiquity.

Joan graduated as Bachelor of Archaeology from the Autonomous University of Barcelona in 2019, being awarded the Extraordinary Degree Award as the first of his promotion. He got the Classical Archaeology and Ancient History mentions, and his Degree Dissertation was a territorial study of the changing settlement patterns in the old Llobregat estuary coastline between the Roman conquest and the end of the Roman Republic. In 2020, Joan got his MSt in Classical Archaeology in Oxford University, having specialised in Classical Landscape Archaeology and the Archaeology of the Roman Empire. While in Oxford, Joan helped organise the Roman Discussion Forum and collaborated with the Endangered Archaeology in the Middle East and North Africa Project (EAMENA). In 2020, Joan started working as a Research Assistant in the Circular Economy and Urban Sustainability in Antiquity project at Aarhus University. 

His main research interests are the Ancient Economy, the Roman Economy, Landscape Archaeology, GIS in Classical Archaeology and the Classical Archaeology of the North-Eastern Iberian Peninsula.