In CHiP we investigate surveillance in two contexts: family life and in schools. The project is mainly focused on grasping the perspective of users with the analytical purpose of understanding the motivations and implications of tracking practices in the intimate context of everyday life. This entails a qualitative approach. At the same time we are interested in the ways that new surveillance phenomena in these contexts are undermining conventional theories of surveillance. In particular, we see the emergence of a culture of tracking as challenging the notion of the individual as a passive receiver of surveillance. It is therefore an important goal of the project to use the selected practices as vehicles for the development of new and more adequate concepts of surveillance and tracking.
Why and how are tracking technologies (e.g. with regards to location, social media activity, cultural consumption, etc.) used in families and how are these technologies potentially changing the relation between parents and children? How are parents and children engaged in tracking, care, and governance of the self, and how is this practice embedded in cultural notions of health and life quality?
How do technologies such as mobile phones, online communication platforms between teachers and parents, social media and other surveillance-enabling services all contribute to the tracking of and by school children and shape their perceptions of privacy?