13th International Conference on the History and Archaeology of Jordan
Participants from the Danish-German Jerash Northwest Quarter Project present new results from the large-scale excavation.

This week, a group of researchers from the International Danish-German Jerash Northwest Quarter Project will attend the ICHAJ 13 – 13th international conference on the History and Archaeology of Jordan to present findings from the large-scale excavation in Jerash, Jordan.
The following papers will be given:
- Dorothea Csitneki: Jerash Bowls, Chronology, Typology and Iconography
- Georg Kalaitzoglou: The Northwest Quarter of Gerasa: A New Established Urban Quarter
- Alex Peterson: Ayyubid-Mamluk Evidence from the Danish-German Northwest Quarter Project
- Signe Bruun Kristensen: Production Patterns of Late Roman-Byzantine locally produced Reddish Ware
- Heike Möller – Annette Højen Sørensen, Roman and Early Byzantine Ceramic Finds – New Results on Micro- and Macro Regional Patterns in Jerash’s Northwest Quarter
- Achim Lichtenberger – Rubina Raja: New Evidence for Byzantine and Islamic Jerash in the Light of Research of the Danish-German Jerash Northwest Quarter Project.