The EU Minor Uses Coordination Facility has started

The EU’s new coordination facility for minor uses of pesticides aims to enable farmers to produce high quality crops by filling minor uses gaps through efficient collaboration to improve availability of chemical and non-chemical tools within an integrated pest management (IPM) framework.

Photo: Jesper Rais

EU’s new Minor Uses Coordination Facility has been established with Jeroen Meeussen, France, as coordinator with effect from September 1, 2015. The facility is funded jointly by the EU and the governments of France, Germany and the Netherlands. It is hosted by the European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organisation (EPPO) in Paris. Its work will be overseen by a steering group representing all of the funders.


Minor uses of pesticides are uses on niche crops with a high economic value for farmers, but usually of low economic interest for the agro-pesticide industry.


The main task of the Coordination Facility will be to address gaps in pest and disease control measures available for so-called minor crops and for minor pests on other crops for farmers and gardeners.


Read the full press release and more about the Minor Uses Coordination Facility here.


For more information please contact:

European Union Minor Uses Coordination Facility, 21 boulevard Richard Lenoir, 75011 Paris, France


Jeroen Meeussen, e-mail, telephone: +33(0)1 84 79 07 55 (direct line)/+33(0)7 60 82 22 36 (mobile).


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