Pre-announcement of transnational call

C-IPM has pre-announced a call for applications (pre-proposals) for transnational research in integrated pest management in Europe

The ERA-Net C-IPM will open its first joint call for transnational research projects on the 27th of April, 2015 (15:00h CET).

However, a pre-announcement has been published, which provides all the relevant information on the topics, projects eligibility criteria and submission procedure, timeline and contact details.

Further information about forms and guidelines, eligibility and evaluation criteria, content on topics, budget and the list of the National Contact Points (NCPs) will be published simultaneously with the launch of the call.

Participating countries

The ERA-Net C-IPM consists of 32 partners from 21 countries. Countries participating in coming call are: France, Austria, Belgium (Flanders and Wallonia), Switzerland, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Spain, Finland, Ireland, Lithuania, Netherlands, Norway, Poland and Turkey.

Call topics

The call includes three clusters and three topics:

CLUSTER: (A) Preventive and sustainable (pest) management

1. Topic (A3) “Innovative and new pest monitoring tools and Decision Support Systems” (DSS).

CLUSTER: (B) Alternative and innovative control

2. Topic (B2) “Pests resistance management (the term pests includes: viruses, bacteria, phytoplasms, insects, artropods, fungi and weeds)”.

CLUSTER: (C) IPM in Minor Crops.

3. Topics: (C2) “Flies in vegetables”, (C5) “Mites (spider, rusts and bud) in Berries and Small fruits” and (C8) “Soil borne pests and diseases (often polyphagous)”.

Detailed descriptions of the three topics will be given in the announcement.


The call will be officially published on the 27th April 2015, 15:00h CET. The timelines is as follows:

STEP 1 (Pre-proposals)


31th March, 2015

Launching the call - Submission of pre-proposals (PPs)

27th April, 2015 (15:00h CET)

Deadline for pre-proposals

8th June, 2015 (15:00h CET)

Eligibility check

22nd June, 2015 (15:00h CET)

CG meeting for selection of PPs

26th June, 2015


STEP 2 (Full proposals)

Full-proposals submission

15th July, 2015 (15:00h CET)

Closing date for submission of full proposals (FPs)

2nd October, 2015 (15:00h CET)

Evaluation of FPs

20th November, 2015 (15:00h CET)

EEP meeting for evaluation

30th November, 2015

CG meeting for selection of final projects

First week of December, 2015

Communication of final projects selected for funding

December, 2015

Initiation of funded projects

March, 2016

 Call secretariat

The call secretariat is managed by the National Institute for the Agricultural and Food Research and Technology (INIA) in Spain.

Responsible officer is Anabel de la Peña: Phone: +34 91 347 87 76, e-mail:

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