New IPM project proposal in the pipeline

In the first C-IPM call, thirteen full proposals on integrated pest management have been selected to continue into the final round of evaluation. The full proposals will be evaluated by an expert panel.

Seven pre-proposals concern innovative and new pest monitoring tools and Decision Support Systems. Photo: Janne Hansen

In a couple of months we will have an answer to the question: Which applications for projects have been selected by C-IPM’s expert evaluation panel?


The number of pre-proposals submitted was 16 and they were all eligible in accordance with the evaluation of the Call Secretariat. The pre-proposals have been evaluated and prioritized at the national level by the National Contact Points. This has resulted in 13 pre-proposals going on to the next stage.


The 13 pre-proposals were grouped in the following call topics:


A - Innovative and new pest monitoring tools and Decision Support Systems (DSS): 7

B – Pest resistance management: 2

C – Minor uses

C1 – Flies in vegetables: 1

C2 – Mites: 1

C3 – Soil-borne pests and diseases: 2


Panel of experts will evaluate the proposals

The full proposals will be evaluated by an expert evaluation panel. The panel consists of eight experts who have been chosen by the Call Secretariat from among nominees from the C-IPM partner countries.


The full proposals will be evaluated according to the following criteria:

  • scientific and technical excellence/innovation
  • potential impact (knowledge, socio-economic, stakeholders)
  • management budget and implementation of activities (dissemination)
  • capacity building, knowledge-sharing, training and mobility


The evaluation panel will discuss the final proposals in the course of November-December 2015 and the applicants will receive notification of the projects selected in the third week of December 2015. The results will be made public in January 2016 and the accepted projects are expected to start in March 2016.

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