First ERA-Net C-IPM call is now open

The first joint transnational ERA-Net C-IPM call for collaborative research projects is now open. Deadline for application is 10 June 2015.

Photo: Colourbox

The first joint transnational call of the ERA-Net C-IPM is open for collaborative research projects on Monday, 27 April 2015. There is a total budget of approximately six million euros.


All relevant information on the scope of the call, topics selected for funding, countries involved, budget, application procedure, calendar, description of the consortia to apply, criteria used for the evaluation of the project(s) and contact details can be downloaded below.


Please note that the deadline for the submission of pre-proposal(s) is 10 June, 2015 at 15:00h CET.


  • To download the call announcement please click here
  • To download the guidelines for applicants please click here
  • To download national regulations please click here
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