Call for stakeholder comments

C-IPM and all stakeholders are invited to contribute to the consultation of the Strategic Research Agenda (SRA). It will be open until 28th February 2015

Photo: Aarhus University

The ERA-Net C-IPM is organizing a strategic research agenda (SRA) workshop that will be held on 18th March 2015 at AgroParistech 16 rue Claude Bernard, Paris. Please see the detailed agenda of the workshop.

The workshop is part of the collaborative consultation process to develop the medium to long term SRA of IPM in Europe. A first version of the SRA has been drafted and made available for open online consultation. You are invited to read and comment on the SRA. For doing so you will be able to download the draft by clicking here. Please note that this is “a working document for consultation” and we would like to receive your feedback in order to further develop the SRA.

You will be able to provide your comments until 28th February 2015 on the space provided here. While submitting your comments, you are kindly requested to consider if in your opinion we have properly listed the  existing IPM priorities and if you would like to  suggest new priorities to be included. You are kindly invited to provide both general comments as well as to respond to the following questions:

  1. Do you think that the research priorities and topics proposed in the SRA and related policy issues are exhaustive to address IPM challenges in Europe (on short, medium and long-term) or do you want to propose additional topics (if so please mention which and why)?
  2. Does the Strategic Research Agenda help facilitate the transnational collaboration?
  3. Are there overlapping of activities and/or possible synergies with other ongoing activities in Europe you may be aware of?

Please note that your feedback will be considered by C-IPM to improve the SRA. Your comments will be also discussed during the workshop where you might be requested for clarification.

After the deadline for comment submission (28th February 2015), a compiled list of comments will be made available on the C-IPM website, if possible, before the workshop.

We believe that you will be a valuable contributor for the development of C-IPM SRA and the C-IPM coordination thanks you in advance for your collaboration.

Looking forward to meeting you in Paris.


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