Aarhus University Seal

Project targets

The target is to establish this growing research direction at AU, drawing on the PI’s long-established international networks as a leading scholar in gender and political thought, and to build new connections in strong cooperation with AU scholars, thereby strengthening AU’s expertise in the fields of body-, global and gender history of ideas. We want to establish a strong and innovative research group positioned for a major grant application in 3 years with the aim of studying the history of the body and the material over an even longer period of time up until the 21st century.

Innovative investigative and methodological targets

  • understand the material and bodily foundations of early modern political thinking
  • understand the historical relationship of abstract ideas (the state; liberty; laws) to concrete matter (flesh, sex; birth, death) in politics
  • address a gap in research in history of ideas
  • understand early modern relationships of the local to the global and the national to the international through material and bodily considerations
  • widen what is considered the “source corpus” in the history of ideas from “great thinkers” to medicinal treatises and travel literature (“lower” literature)
  • enrich the field through a global perspective
  • enrich the field through a gender perspective