Aarhus University Seal


BERTHA - Big Data Centre for Environment and Health

Raising Capacity of
Future Environmental Scientists


To understand and benefit from the Big Data revolution in future health studies, it is critical to raise the capacity of researchers, clinicians and physicians Worldwide in environmental and occupational medicine, epidemiology, computer and social science.


The BERTHA partners have very strong backgrounds and considerable experience within environmental science, computer science, health science, epidemiology and spatial data analytics. Additionally, we draw on the best international experience to establish a World leading Centre, where we are able to address the challenges facing Big Data in biomedicine in never-before paralleled detail, and crucially, to train future clinicians and researchers. 

    BERTHA include a comprehensive and exceptional training package: 

  • Minimum 10 PhD scholarships
  • Minimum 6 Post Doc positions
  • An annual summer school
  • Seminar series, once a month 
  • Two major dissemination events through the life time of the Centre
  • Participation in international conferences

Moreover, we establish a series of incoming and outgoing researcher exchange programs and bring in World-leading researchers for short visits. 




BERTHA has a number of PhD and Post Doc fellowships/scholarships available on specific and open projects.

We advert for PhD students or Post Docs on specific projects frequently.  We invite all qualified students to apply. You will find adverts on open positions in BERTHA here

  • Current opportunities

Additionally, we invite all qualified students and professionals to send us a letter of interest, if you would like to discuss a potential research collaboration with the BERTHA management group. To do so, please use the form below.