High-Resolution Modeling of Air Pollution in Denmark: With the DAnish Lagrangian Model (DALM) - PhD Defense
Christopher Andersen, a BERTHA member, will defend his PhD thesis on Tuesday 4 July 2023 at 13:00. Christopher is a PhD student at the Department of Environmental Science (ENVS) at the Graduate School of Technical Science, Aarhus University. During his Ph.D. studies, Christopher Andersen developed the new air pollution model DALM (the DAnish Lagrangian Model).

On Tuesday, July 4, 2023, Christopher Andersen, a prominent member of the BERTHA project, is set to defend his pioneering PhD thesis at Aarhus University. The thesis focuses on his revolutionary air pollution model, the DAnish Lagrangian Model (DALM). This model includes advanced descriptions of important processes in the atmosphere that are suitable for year-long simulations of air pollution on a local scale. Through his Ph.D., DALM demonstrated that it could accurately model the concentrations of the most relevant pollutants for all of Denmark.
The performance of DALM shows the effectiveness of the so-called Lagrangian particle modeling approach for long-term local-scale applications. The model will be further developed and implemented into existing modeling systems at Aarhus University to pave the way for new insights and discoveries in future studies related to human exposure and health impact assessments. The BERTHA project funded Christopher PhD study.
More about the defense can be found in this link: Unveiling DALM: a New Promising Model for Long-Term Air Pollution Studies on Local Scale (au.dk)