AUNAB is contributing to outreach activities at the Danish Science Festival (Forskningens Døgn) to engage with high school students and the general public. We have signed up for events at the main event at Aarhus University: Below you can find two talks that were signed up for "Book a Scientist".
The molecular origin of life
by Emil Laust Kristoffersen
The emergence of life marks an important transition, not least for us humans. But how did it come about? The lecture is about what science says about the origin of life and how we test the theory in the laboratory.
Read about the event (in Danish)
Artificial biology - can we create new life in the laboratory?
by Ebbe Sloth Andersen
What is life and what does it take to recreate it in the laboratory? Hear how scientists are trying to answer these questions by designing molecules, developing them in the lab, and assembling them into synthetic cells.
Read about the event (in Danish)