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An academic presentation by the PI Uusimäki in the Aarhus University’s Diversity Lab retreat in Middelfart (DK).
The HARKK-Net Meeting includes activities relevant to the ANINAN project, especially two workshops by the team members Shapiro and Toft, as well as a keynote lecture "Next Year in Jerusalem? Return Migration and the Earliest Jewish Diaspora" by Frederik Poulsen (University of Copenhagen).
Includes presentations by the team members Shapiro and Uusimäki who present their work on selected ancient Hebrew texts related to health and (im)mobility.
Virtual conference on ‘Studies in Second Temple Judaism: A Global Enterprise’, organized by the University of Michigan’s Frankel Institute for Advanced Studies and the Enoch Seminar (USA).
A thematic session at The Sixth Finnish Colloquium of Middle East and North African Studies “Studying the Middle East: Where, How and For Whom” in Helsinki, Finland.
A presentation by Elisa Uusimäki in the "Music and the Cultic Personnel in the Ancient Near East and the Bible" session, organized by The Hebrew Scriptures and Cognate Literature and Cultic Personnel in the Biblical World sections. The Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting in San Diego (USA)/online.
A thematic session at the Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting in San Antonio (USA)/online
GT-Seminar ved lektor Elisa Uusimäki
Conference on “Globalisation in Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity”
Teologisk Forening
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