Aarhus University Seal

Network Members

Christian Haldrup, PhD Fellow at FAOS, Department of Sociology, University of Copenhagen

Researching digital labour platforms from a company perspective with a focus on gig quality, organization of work and labour market segmentation.

Kalle Kusk, Department of Digital Design and Information Studies, Aarhus University

I study work practice on food delivery platforms ethnographically. In particular, my work studies how algorithms assume managerial functions on platforms, and how this managements impacts workers’ ability to display agency. My favourite place to do research is in a busy fast food restaurant or on the seat of a bike.

Konstantinos Floros, IT University of Copenhagen

My PhD project investigates digital housecleaning platforms in Denmark and how this type of work impacts employment relations and workers’ livelihoods. My research follows two distinct paths: First, what is the housecleaners’ self-perception of their work regarding flexibility, performative aspects of platform work and regulation of their working rights. Second, what is the role of the Danish state and the Danish industrial relations system in promoting/impeding platform work and the employment relations deriving from it.

Katrine Duus Terkelsen, PhD Fellow at the department of Anthropology at Aarhus University

Katrine is a PhD Fellow at the Department of Anthropology, Aarhus University. She commenced her fieldwork on digital platform work in 2018, following both food delivery bicycle riders as well as the political discussions regarding freelance work and attempts at organizing among platform workers. She has had a continued contact to the field ever since. She is particularly interested in the interplay between technology, exchange, time and values.

Magnus Andersen, Postdoc, Department of Culture and Learning, Aalborg University

Researching the intersection between digital platforms and transnational migration from the perspective of labour

Sébastien Brossard, PhD Fellow at the department of Management, Society and Communication, CBS

My research is about data-driven management systems (DMSs), i.e. all IT-systems that use business-generated data processed by computers to facilitate management decisions, improve productivity and competitiveness. I set out to investigate the interplay between DMSs’ design and employees’ agency, as well as the margin of adjustment available for workers to preserve their well-being when work is mediated by DMSs. I aim to engage a constructive reflection on DMSs, their nature and their social consequences, at a “constitutional moment” where it is still possible to influence the digital infrastructures, values, norms and design choices underlying them, and before they are settled and become so natural, that it will not be possible to question them anymore.

Sne Scott Hansen, PhD Fellow, Center for Tracking and Society, University of Copenhagen

Researching relations between tracking, communication, and the body across personal, work, and institutional contexts of everyday life.