Aarhus University Seal


The Nordic Network for Social Movements and Democracy is a consortium of research centers whose members collaborate to share resources, events, and research, in our shared commitment to developing cutting-edge solution-oriented research on social movements and democracy.

CoMMonS : Copenhagen Centre for Political Mobilisation and Social Movement Studies

The Copenhagen Centre for Political Mobilisation and Social Movement Studies is located at the University of Copenhagen. Its research agenda is to cocreate interdisciplinary research on democracy, protest, social movements, citizenship, and political engagement in Denmark, Europe, and internationally. Founded by Associate Professor Nicole Doerr in 2019, CoMMonS connects Faculty and researchers internationally and in Copenhagen hosting regular monthly research seminars, book talks, and lectures. CoMMonS events are blended and open to the public, most of them are available through the CoMMonS FB and its social media profile, and the official

CoMMonS website: https://www.sociology.ku.dk/research/Research_centers/commons/

CSM-RESIST: Civil Society, Social Movement and Resistance Research

The Civil Society, Social Movement and Resistance Research Forum – CSM-RESIST – is based at the Department of Sociology and Work Science,  University of Gothenburg. Active since 2011, the Forum organizes seminars, workshops, conferences and co-ordinates research projects. The aim of CSM-RESIST is to develop and deepen our understanding of social movements, resistance and social change, using a broad range of methodological and theoretical approaches.

CSM-RESIST website: https://www.gu.se/en/research/civil-society-social-movement-and-resistance-research-csm-resist

DEMOS: Democracy, Migration and Society

DEMOS  is a research group which focuses on the study of democracy from an interdisciplinary perspective. In this regard, democracy is understood in relation to other areas which entail transformative practices and social and political change. We identify four themes as the core of our research: democracy and rights in their contemporary and historical context; migration, mobility and diversity; participation, transformations and collective identities; and sustainable development. Furthermore, DEMOS research covers various geographical areas, moves within the field of international studies and pays attention not only to the local and national but also to transnational and global dynamics.

DEMOS website: https://www.en.culture.aau.dk/research/research-groups/demos

DEMINOVA: Laboratory for Democratic Innovations and Social Movements

DEMINOVA (A Cross-national Exploration of Democratic Imaginaries and Innovation in Social Movements) is an interdisciplinary research project funded by the Aarhus University Research Foundation (AUFF). Our research team will provide the first systematic cross-national comparative mapping of movement democracy innovation repertoires, transcending and disrupting dominant analytical approaches formulated around procedural components and survey data. Our project will accomplish research objectives relying on a mixed method approach that combines extensive documentary analysis of pro-democracy movements, and innovation case study materials, interviews, computational methods, textual and visual data mining techniques, and network analysis and network visualization.

DEMINOVA website: https://projects.au.dk/deminova