SMART Community

World-class researchers from across Denmark form the core of the SMART project community, whose research interests connect the natural and technical sciences. They aim to support and educate the next generation of materials science researchers with a focus on use of large scale particle accelerators - find out more about the researchers in the institution links given on this page.

11 Researchers from the Departments of Chemistry, Engineering, iNANO and Physics & Astronomy

Click on the images of the researchers in the drop-down lists below to visit their institute webpage for more information.  

Aarhus University

Henrik Birkedal

Professor Department of Chemistry

Martin Bremholm

Associate Professor Department of Chemistry

Mogens Christensen

Professor Department of Chemistry

Bjørk Hammer

Professor Department of Physics and Astronomy

Bo Brummerstedt Iversen

Professor Department of Chemistry

Torben René Jensen

Professor Department of Chemistry

Jeppe Vang Lauritsen

Professor Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center - INANO-Fysik, iNANO-huset

Nina Lock

Associate Professor Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Process and Materials Engineering

Dorthe Ravnsbæk

Professor Department of Chemistry

Jørgen Skibsted

Acting Head of Department, Professor Department of Chemistry

Shuai Wei

Assistant Professor (Tenure Track) Department of Chemistry


Mads Ry Vogel Jørgensen

Senior Researcher Department of Chemistry

Technical University of Denmark

Poul Norby

Professor, Department of Energy Conversion and Storage

Søren Kegnæs

Professor, Inorganic Chemistry: Centre for Catalysis and Sustainable Chemistry

University of Southern Denmark

Morten Madsen

Professor, MSO and Head of Research, The Mads Clausen Institute

University of Copenhagen

Kirsten Marie Ørnsbjerg Jensen

Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry

Jan Rossmeisl

Professor, Department of Chemistry

Aalborg University

Aleksey D. Drozdov

Professor, Department of Materials and Production

Roskilde University

Kristine Niss

Professor, Department of Science and Environment

Danish Technological Institute

Christian Kallesøe

PhD. Director - Nano Production and Micro Analysis

Haldor Topsøe A/S

Poul Georg Moses

PhD. Senior Director Electrochemical solutions R&D, Haldor Topsoe A/S

Lars Fahl Lundegaard

PhD. Senior Principal Scientist, Structural Analysis Department, Haldor Topsoe A/S.