Aarhus University Seal

Paradoxes of Learning to Be Well

Re-examining the Curriculization of Wellbeing

About the project

Schools are among the most influential settings for young people’s wellbeing. Nevertheless, much research reduces schools to sites for measuring or promoting wellbeing, which results in conceptualizations disconnected from the distinctive task of schools – education and formation of the self. There is a lack of theoretical groundwork attentive to the complexity of the school environment and the processes in which wellbeing is negotiated, configured and enacted. This project aims to generate new knowledge and ways of thinking about development pathways, intricacies and consequences of the formalization of wellbeing as a mandatory educational goal in public primary and lower secondary education in Denmark.

Invited Talk 31 January 2024

Venka Simovska:  Flipside(s) of the Wellbeing Agenda in Schools: Conceptualizations and Problematizations

Cambridge University, The Faculty of Education

Timeline and funding

The Project is financed by the Independent Research Fund Denmark for the period 1 September 2023 to 31 August 2026



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