Aarhus University Seal

Project outputs

Project results & publications

LaPaDiS at the European Science Open Forum (ESOF) 2014! Our session was entitled 'Natural disasters: can we learn from the past?' has been accepted, so come and hear leading disaster scientists David Alexander (Risk Reduction Research, UCL), Virginia Garcia Acosta (anthropology, Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social, Mexico), Gerrit Schenk (history, Heidelberg/Darmstadt), and Joe Scanlon (sociology/journalism, Carleton University) share their thoughts on how past disasters can inform current and future practise.

Date: June 24, 2014, 0900-1015

Venue: Carlsberg Museum/The Dance Halls

At the headquarters of Dansk Magisterforening in Copenhagen we have been discussing whether we can learn anything - and if so what - from past disasters at one of their evening workshops (in Danish): Kan vi lære af fortidens naturkatastrofer?

Read Aarhus University's press release about a recent presentation of the project's results at the 2nd Science for the Environment conference, either in English or in Danish. The pdf of the presentation is available here.

Read about the project (in Danish) on videnskab.dk or this summary (in English) in the Projects Journal.

RIEDE, F. 2017. Splendid isolation. The eruption of the Laacher See volcano and southern Scandinavian Late Glacial hunter-gatherers. Århus, Aarhus University Press.

RIEDE, F., 2016. Changes in mid- and far-field human landscape use following the Laacher See eruption (c. 13,000 BP). Quaternary International 394, 37-50.

RIEDE, F., 2016. Volcanic activity and human society. Quaternary International 394, 1-5.

RIEDE, F. (ed.) 2015. Past Vulnerability. Volcanic eruptions and human vulnerability in traditional societies past and present. Århus, Aarhus University Press.

RIEDE, F., 2015. ‘Dominant’ and ‘radical’ perspectives on material culture change in the wake of the catastrophic Laacher See volcanic eruption (c. 13,000 cal BP) in Northern Europe. In: Riede, F. (Ed.), Past Vulnerability. Volcanic eruptions and human vulnerability in traditional societies past and present. Aarhus University Press, Aarhus, pp. 229-256.

RIEDE, F., 2015. Volcanic eruptions and human vulnerability in traditional societies past and present – towards a palaeosocial volcanology. In: Riede, F. (Ed.), Past Vulnerability. Volcanic eruptions and human vulnerability in traditional societies past and present. Aarhus University Press, Aarhus, pp. 9-22.

HOUSLEY, R. A., RIEDE, F., GERKEN, K., NIEMANN, H., BRAMHAM-LAW, C., LANE, C. S., CULLEN, V. L. and GAMBLE, C. S. 2015. Discovery of tephra in a Late-glacial and early Holocene organic sediment sequence in Schünsmoor (Niedersachsen, Germany). Die Kunde N.F., xx-xx.

RIEDE, F., 2014. Eruptions and ruptures – a social network perspective on vulnerability and impact of the Laacher See eruption (c. 13,000 BP) on Late Glacial hunter-gatherers in northern Europe. Archaeological Review from Cambridge 29, 67-102.

RIEDE F. 2014. Towards a science of past disasters. Natural Hazards 71(1), 335-362.

RIEDE, F., 2014. Volcanic activity, in: SMITH, C. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology, Vol. 11. 7657-7666. London, Springer.

RIEDE, F., 2014. Climate models: use archaeology record. Nature 513, 315.

RIEDE, F., 2014. Brommeproblemet 2.1 – et gensvar til Kristoffer Buck Pedersens kommentar. Arkæologisk Forum 31, 39-45.

RIEDE, F., 2013. ‘Brommeproblemet’ – senglacial kulturtaksonomi og dens forståelses- og forvaltningsmæssige implikationer. Arkæologisk Forum 29, 8-14.

RIEDE, F., THASTRUP, M.B., 2013. Tephra, tephrochronology and archaeology - a (re-)view from Northern Europe. Heritage Science 1, 15.

DEV, S., RIEDE, F., 2012. Quantitative functional analysis of Late Glacial projectile points from northern Europe. Lithics 33, 40-55.

RIEDE, F. and EDINBOROUGH, K., 2012. Bayesian radiocarbon models for the cultural transition during the Allerød in southern Scandinavia. Journal of Archaeological Science 39, 744-756.

RIEDE, F. 2012. A Laacher See-eruption supplement to Tephrabase. A revised tephra fallout map and new geochemical data. Quaternary International 279–280, 403.

RIEDE, F. 2012. The Laacher See-eruption (c. 13ky BP) and societal change amongst peripheral Late Glacial hunter-gatherers in southern Scandinavia. Quaternary International 279–280, 403.

RIEDE, F. 2012. Tephrochronologische Nachuntersuchungen am endpaläolithischen Fundplatz Rothenkirchen, Kreis Fulda. Führte der Ausbruch des Laacher See-Vulkans (10966 v. Chr.) zu einer anhaltenden Siedlungslücke in Hessen? Jahrbuch des nassauischen Vereins für Naturkunde 133, 55-78.

HOUSLEY, R. A., LANE, C. S., CULLEN, V. L., WEBER, M. J., RIEDE, F., GAMBLE, C. S. and BROCK, F. 2012. Icelandic volcanic ash from the Late-glacial open-air archaeological site of Ahrenshöft LA 58 D, North Germany. Journal of Archaeological Science 39, 708-716.

RIEDE, F. and MØRK, A. B. 2011. Danmarkspionerer Brommekulturen på Skive-egnen. Skive-egnens Jul 2011, 65-68.

RIEDE, F., LAURSEN, S. T. and HERTZ, E. 2011. Ingvor Filtenborgs flintsamling. Et diskussionsbidrag om senglacialtidens jagtvåbenteknologi. By, marsk og geest 23, 6-20.

RIEDE, F., LAURSEN, S. T. and HERTZ, E. 2011. Federmesser-Gruppen i Danmark. Belyst med udgangspunkt i en amatørarkæologs flintsamling. Kuml 2011, 9-38.

RIEDE, F., BAZELY, O., NEWTON, A. J. and LANE, C. S. 2011. A Laacher See-eruption supplement to Tephrabase: Investigating distal tephra fallout dynamics. Quaternary International 246, 134-144.

RIEDE, F. 2011. Katastrofer – arkæologiske og flerfaglige perspektiver. Jordens Folk 46, 12-21.