Who Belongs in STEM?
Talk by Lea Skewes, Interacting Minds Centre, Aarhus University
Info about event
1483-312, Nobelparken, Aarhus University
Women are overrepresented in humanities degrees, and men are overrepresented in STEM degrees. This asymmetrical gender representation is often taken as evidence that women are more fit for or more interested in humanities, while men are more fit for or more interested, in STEM-fields. That is women and men are assumed to have a gendered essence that is expressed in their choice of degree. In this talk, we will aim to show that there might be other and more complex social dynamics at play than internal gendered essences being expressed. We will aim to show that the same study and work environment offers women and men radically different conditions. Concretely, we do this through an interview study with 22 STEM-students (from the same degree) in which we explore what it is like to study in that particular degree for both men and women. We then strive to paint a picture of the degree through the students own words.