Goose Memory Map Class Dox
Created by:
Chris J. Topping
Department of Bioscience,
Aarhus University
Grenaavej 14
DK-8410 Roende
21st January 2013
The goose memory map provides a means for recording the goose's experiences in terms of food resources known and threats experienced.
Each time a location is visited it is scored for both threats and food resources. This and its location form the individual memory. The memory will decay with time at a certain rate, defined by m_decayrate (see DecayAllMemory() ). This decay will occur daily until m_infinitememorystop is reached at which point the memory is forgotten and deleted. All memories are contained in a list m_memorylocations which can be consulted to determine the overall score for a location (its attractiveness) using GetFeedingScore() or its food resource using GetFoodRes() or threat level using GetThreat() . The best/optimal location currently known about can be found using GetBestFeedingScore() and the total threat level can also be queried using GetTotalThreats() , which can be used to determine if a migration stop location is too dangerous a place to stay.