The vole model description following ODdox protocol
This is the complete list of members for OrganicPlant, including all inherited members.
AddField(LE *a_newfield) | Farm | |
AddHunter(Hunter *a_hunter) | Farm | inline |
AddNewEvent(TTypesOfVegetation a_event, long a_date, LE *a_field, int a_todo, long a_num, bool a_lock, int a_start, bool a_first_year, TTypesOfVegetation a_crop) | Farm | |
Assign_rotation(vector< TTypesOfVegetation >a_new_rotation) | Farm | |
AssignPermanentCrop(TTypesOfVegetation tov, int pct) | Farm | protected |
AutumnHarrow(LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days) | Farm | virtual |
AutumnPlough(LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days) | Farm | virtual |
AutumnRoll(LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days) | Farm | virtual |
AutumnSow(LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days) | Farm | virtual |
BedForming(LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days) | Farm | virtual |
Biocide(LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days) | Farm | virtual |
BulbHarvest(LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days) | Farm | virtual |
BurnStrawStubble(LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days) | Farm | virtual |
CattleIsOut(LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days, int a_max) | Farm | virtual |
CattleIsOutLow(LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days, int a_max) | Farm | virtual |
CattleOut(LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days) | Farm | virtual |
CattleOutLowGrazing(LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days) | Farm | virtual |
Centroids() | Farm | |
CheckRotationManagementLoop(FarmEvent *ev) | Farm | protected |
CutOrch(LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days) | Farm | virtual |
CutToHay(LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days) | Farm | virtual |
CutToSilage(LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days) | Farm | virtual |
CutWeeds(LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days) | Farm | virtual |
DeepPlough(LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days) | Farm | virtual |
DoIt(double a_probability) | Farm | |
DoIt_prob(double a_probability) | Farm | |
FA_AmmoniumSulphate(LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days) | Farm | virtual |
FA_Calcium(LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days) | Farm | virtual |
FA_GreenManure(LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days) | Farm | virtual |
FA_ManganeseSulphate(LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days) | Farm | virtual |
FA_Manure(LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days) | Farm | virtual |
FA_NPK(LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days) | Farm | virtual |
FA_NPKS(LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days) | Farm | virtual |
FA_PK(LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days) | Farm | virtual |
FA_RSM(LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days) | Farm | virtual |
FA_Sludge(LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days) | Farm | virtual |
FA_Slurry(LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days) | Farm | virtual |
Farm(FarmManager *a_manager) | Farm | |
FlowerCutting(LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days) | Farm | virtual |
FP_AmmoniumSulphate(LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days) | Farm | virtual |
FP_Calcium(LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days) | Farm | virtual |
FP_GreenManure(LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days) | Farm | virtual |
FP_LiquidNH3(LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days) | Farm | virtual |
FP_ManganeseSulphate(LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days) | Farm | virtual |
FP_Manure(LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days) | Farm | virtual |
FP_NPK(LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days) | Farm | virtual |
FP_NPKS(LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days) | Farm | virtual |
FP_PK(LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days) | Farm | virtual |
FP_RSM(LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days) | Farm | virtual |
FP_Sludge(LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days) | Farm | virtual |
FP_Slurry(LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days) | Farm | virtual |
FungicideTreat(LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days) | Farm | virtual |
GetArea(void) | Farm | |
GetAreaDouble(void) | Farm | |
GetAreaOpenFields(int a_openness) | Farm | |
GetCentroids() | Farm | inline |
GetCrop(int a_index) | Farm | inline |
GetFarmNumber(void) | Farm | inline |
GetFirstCropIndex(TTypesOfLandscapeElement a_type) | Farm | protectedvirtual |
GetFirstDate(TTypesOfVegetation a_tov) | Farm | protected |
GetIntensity(void) | Farm | inline |
GetMaxOpenness() | Farm | inline |
GetNextCrop(int a_index) | Farm | inline |
GetNextCropIndex(int a_rot_index) | Farm | protectedvirtual |
GetNextCropStartDate(LE *a_field, TTypesOfVegetation &a_curr_veg) | Farm | protected |
GetNoFields() | Farm | inline |
GetNoOpenFields(int a_openness) | Farm | |
GetPreviousCrop(int a_index) | Farm | inline |
GetTotalArea(void) | Farm | |
GetType(void) | Farm | inline |
GetValidCoords() | Farm | inline |
GrowthRegulator(LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days) | Farm | virtual |
HandleEvents(void) | Farm | protectedvirtual |
Harvest(LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days) | Farm | virtual |
HarvestLong(LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days) | Farm | virtual |
HayBailing(LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days) | Farm | virtual |
HayTurning(LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days) | Farm | virtual |
HeavyCultivatorAggregate(LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days) | Farm | virtual |
HerbicideTreat(LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days) | Farm | virtual |
HillingUp(LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days) | Farm | virtual |
InitiateManagement(void) | Farm | virtual |
InsecticideTreat(LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days) | Farm | virtual |
InvIntPartition(vector< tpct > *items, int target) | Farm | protected |
IsStockFarmer(void) | Farm | inline |
LeSwitch(FarmEvent *ev) | Farm | protected |
ListOpenFields(int a_openness) | Farm | |
m_agrochemindustrycereal | Farm | protected |
m_broadbeans | Farm | protected |
m_carrots | Farm | protected |
m_CGG1 | Farm | protected |
m_CGG2 | Farm | protected |
m_dummycroppesttesting | Farm | protected |
m_farm_centroidx | Farm | protected |
m_farm_centroidy | Farm | protected |
m_farm_num | Farm | protected |
m_farmtype | Farm | protected |
m_fieldpeas | Farm | protected |
m_fieldpeassilage | Farm | protected |
m_fieldpeasstrigling | Farm | protected |
m_fields | Farm | protected |
m_fodderbeet | Farm | protected |
m_foddergrass | Farm | protected |
m_HuntersList | Farm | protected |
m_intensity | Farm | protected |
m_maize | Farm | protected |
m_maizesilage | Farm | protected |
m_maizestrigling | Farm | protected |
m_nlbeet | Farm | protected |
m_nlbeetspring | Farm | protected |
m_nlcabbage | Farm | protected |
m_nlcabbagespring | Farm | protected |
m_nlcarrots | Farm | protected |
m_nlcarrotsspring | Farm | protected |
m_nlcatchpeacrop | Farm | protected |
m_nlgrassgrazed1 | Farm | protected |
m_nlgrassgrazed1spring | Farm | protected |
m_nlgrassgrazed2 | Farm | protected |
m_nlgrassgrazedlast | Farm | protected |
m_nlmaize | Farm | protected |
m_nlmaizespring | Farm | protected |
m_nlpermanentgrassgrazed | Farm | protected |
m_nlpotatoes | Farm | protected |
m_nlpotatoesspring | Farm | protected |
m_nlspringbarley | Farm | protected |
m_nlspringbarleyspring | Farm | protected |
m_nltulips | Farm | protected |
m_nlwinterwheat | Farm | protected |
m_norwegianoats | Farm | protected |
m_norwegianpotatoes | Farm | protected |
m_norwegianspringbarley | Farm | protected |
m_oats | Farm | protected |
m_OBarleyPCG | Farm | protected |
m_ocarrots | Farm | protected |
m_OCGG1 | Farm | protected |
m_OCGG2 | Farm | protected |
m_OCGS1 | Farm | protected |
m_ofieldpeas | Farm | protected |
m_ofieldpeassilage | Farm | protected |
m_ofirstyeardanger | Farm | protected |
m_ofodderbeet | Farm | protected |
m_ograzingpigs | Farm | protected |
m_omaizesilage | Farm | protected |
m_ooats | Farm | protected |
m_opermgrassgrazed | Farm | protected |
m_opotatoes | Farm | protected |
m_orchardcrop | Farm | protected |
m_osbarleysilage | Farm | protected |
m_oseedgrass1 | Farm | protected |
m_oseedgrass2 | Farm | protected |
m_ospringbarley | Farm | protected |
m_ospringbarleyext | Farm | protected |
m_ospringbarleypigs | Farm | protected |
m_otriticale | Farm | protected |
m_OurManager | Farm | protected |
m_owinterbarley | Farm | protected |
m_owinterbarleyext | Farm | protected |
m_owinterrape | Farm | protected |
m_owinterrye | Farm | protected |
m_owinterwheat | Farm | protected |
m_owinterwheatundersown | Farm | protected |
m_owinterwheatundersownext | Farm | protected |
m_permanentsetaside | Farm | protected |
m_PermCrops | Farm | protected |
m_permgrassgrazed | Farm | protected |
m_permgrasslowyield | Farm | protected |
m_permgrasstussocky | Farm | protected |
m_plbeans | Farm | protected |
m_plbeet | Farm | protected |
m_plbeetspr | Farm | protected |
m_plcarrots | Farm | protected |
m_plfodderlucerne1 | Farm | protected |
m_plfodderlucerne2 | Farm | protected |
m_plmaize | Farm | protected |
m_plmaizesilage | Farm | protected |
m_plpotatoes | Farm | protected |
m_plspringbarley | Farm | protected |
m_plspringbarleyspr | Farm | protected |
m_plspringwheat | Farm | protected |
m_plwinterbarley | Farm | protected |
m_plwinterrape | Farm | protected |
m_plwinterrye | Farm | protected |
m_plwintertriticale | Farm | protected |
m_plwinterwheat | Farm | protected |
m_plwinterwheatlate | Farm | protected |
m_potatoes | Farm | protected |
m_potatoesindustry | Farm | protected |
m_queue | Farm | protected |
m_rotation | Farm | protected |
m_rotation_sync_index | Farm | protected |
m_sbarleyclovergrass | Farm | protected |
m_seedgrass1 | Farm | protected |
m_seedgrass2 | Farm | protected |
m_setaside | Farm | protected |
m_springbarley | Farm | protected |
m_springbarleyclovergrassstrigling | Farm | protected |
m_springbarleypeaclovergrassstrigling | Farm | protected |
m_springbarleyptreatment | Farm | protected |
m_springbarleyseed | Farm | protected |
m_springbarleysilage | Farm | protected |
m_springbarleyskmanagement | Farm | protected |
m_springbarleyspr | Farm | protected |
m_springbarleystrigling | Farm | protected |
m_springbarleystriglingculm | Farm | protected |
m_springbarleystriglingsingle | Farm | protected |
m_springrape | Farm | protected |
m_stockfarmer | Farm | protected |
m_sugarbeet | Farm | protected |
m_triticale | Farm | protected |
m_winterbarley | Farm | protected |
m_winterbarleystrigling | Farm | protected |
m_winterrape | Farm | protected |
m_winterrapestrigling | Farm | protected |
m_winterrye | Farm | protected |
m_winterryestrigling | Farm | protected |
m_winterwheat | Farm | protected |
m_winterwheatstrigling | Farm | protected |
m_winterwheatstriglingculm | Farm | protected |
m_winterwheatstriglingsingle | Farm | protected |
m_wwheatpcontrol | Farm | protected |
m_wwheatptoxiccontrol | Farm | protected |
m_wwheatptreatment | Farm | protected |
m_youngforest | Farm | protected |
MakeStockFarmer(void) | OrganicPlant | inlinevirtual |
Management(void) | Farm | virtual |
Molluscicide(LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days) | Farm | virtual |
OrganicPlant(FarmManager *a_manager) | OrganicPlant | |
PigsAreOut(LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days) | Farm | virtual |
PigsAreOutForced(LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days) | Farm | virtual |
PigsOut(LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days) | Farm | virtual |
PreseedingCultivator(LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days) | Farm | virtual |
PreseedingCultivatorSow(LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days) | Farm | virtual |
Prob_multiplier() | Farm | inlinevirtual |
ProductApplication(LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days, double a_applicationrate, PlantProtectionProducts a_ppp) | Farm | virtual |
ProductApplication_DateLimited(LE *a_field, double, int, double a_applicationrate, PlantProtectionProducts a_ppp) | Farm | virtual |
ReadRotation(std::string fname) | Farm | protected |
RemoveField(LE *a_field) | Farm | |
RemoveHunter(Hunter *a_hunter) | Farm | inline |
RowCultivation(LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days) | Farm | virtual |
SetFarmNumber(int a_farm_num) | Farm | inline |
ShallowHarrow(LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days) | Farm | virtual |
SleepAllDay(LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days) | Farm | virtual |
Spraying_fungins(TTypesOfVegetation) | Farm | inlinevirtual |
Spraying_herbicides(TTypesOfVegetation) | Farm | inlinevirtual |
SpringHarrow(LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days) | Farm | virtual |
SpringPlough(LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days) | Farm | virtual |
SpringRoll(LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days) | Farm | virtual |
SpringSow(LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days) | Farm | virtual |
SpringSowWithFerti(LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days) | Farm | virtual |
StrawChopping(LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days) | Farm | virtual |
StrawCovering(LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days) | Farm | virtual |
StrawRemoval(LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days) | Farm | virtual |
Strigling(LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days) | Farm | virtual |
StriglingHill(LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days) | Farm | virtual |
StriglingSow(LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days) | Farm | virtual |
StubbleCultivatorHeavy(LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days) | Farm | virtual |
StubbleHarrowing(LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days) | Farm | virtual |
StubblePlough(LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days) | Farm | virtual |
Swathing(LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days) | Farm | virtual |
Water(LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days) | Farm | virtual |
WinterPlough(LE *a_field, double a_user, int a_days) | Farm | virtual |
~Farm(void) | Farm | virtual |