ALMaSS Partridge ODdox
The partridge model description following ODdox protocol
This is the complete list of members for ActivePit, including all inherited members.
ActivePit(void) | ActivePit | |
AddArea(double a_area_diff) | LE | inline |
DoCopy(const LE *a_Le) | LE | |
ForceGrowthDevelopment(void) | LE | inlinevirtual |
ForceGrowthInitialize(void) | LE | inlinevirtual |
ForceGrowthTest(void) | LE | inlinevirtual |
GetArea(void) | LE | inline |
GetBirdMaize(void) | LE | inline |
GetBirdSeed(void) | LE | inline |
GetBorder(void) | LE | inline |
GetCattleGrazing(void) | LE | inline |
GetCountryDesignation(void) | LE | inline |
GetDayDegrees(void) | LE | inlinevirtual |
GetDeadBiomass(void) | LE | inlinevirtual |
GetGooseGrazingForage(GooseSpecies a_goose) | LE | inline |
GetGooseNos() | LE | |
GetGooseNosToday() | LE | |
GetGooseNosTodayTimed() | LE | |
GetGooseRoostDist(GooseSpecies a_goose) | LE | |
GetGooseSpNosToday(GooseSpecies a_goose) | LE | |
GetGooseSpNosTodayTimed(GooseSpecies a_goose) | LE | |
GetGreenBiomass(void) | LE | inlinevirtual |
GetHigh(void) | LE | inline |
GetInsectPop(void) | LE | inlinevirtual |
GetLAGreen(void) | LE | inlinevirtual |
GetLastSownVeg() | LE | inline |
GetLastTreatment(int *a_index) | LE | |
GetLATotal(void) | LE | inlinevirtual |
GetMapIndex(void) | LE | inline |
GetMapValid(void) | LE | inline |
GetMaxX(void) | LE | inline |
GetMaxY(void) | LE | inline |
GetMConstants(int a) | LE | inline |
GetMDates(int a, int b) | LE | inline |
GetMinX(void) | LE | inline |
GetMinY(void) | LE | inline |
GetNectar() | LE | inlinevirtual |
GetOldDays(void) | LE | inline |
GetOpenness(void) | LE | inline |
GetOsmiaNest() | LE | inline |
GetOwner(void) | LE | inline |
GetOwnerFile(void) | LE | inline |
GetOwnerIndex(void) | LE | inline |
GetPesticideCell() | LE | inline |
GetPigGrazing(void) | LE | inline |
GetPoison(void) | LE | inline |
GetPollen() | LE | inlinevirtual |
GetPoly(void) | LE | inline |
GetPreviousCrop(int) | LE | inlinevirtual |
GetQuarryNos() | LE | |
GetRotIndex(void) | LE | inline |
GetSoilType() | LE | inline |
GetSoilTypeR() | LE | inline |
GetSprayedToday() | LE | inline |
GetStubble() | LE | inline |
GetTotalNectar() | LE | inlinevirtual |
GetTotalPollen() | LE | inlinevirtual |
GetTrafficLoad(void) | LE | inlinevirtual |
GetUnsprayedMarginPolyRef(void) | LE | inline |
GetValidX(void) | LE | inline |
GetValidY(void) | LE | inline |
GetVegBiomass(void) | LE | inlinevirtual |
GetVegDDegs() | LE | inline |
GetWeedBiomass(void) | LE | inlinevirtual |
GrazeVeg_Extended(double) | LE | inlinevirtual |
GrazeVegetation(double, bool) | LE | inlinevirtual |
GrazeVegetationTotal(double) | LE | inlinevirtual |
HasTramlines(void) | LE | inline |
IncOsmiaNesting() | LE | inline |
Insecticide(double) | LE | inlinevirtual |
InsectMortality(double) | LE | inlinevirtual |
IsMaleNewtPresent() | LE | inlinevirtual |
IsRecentlyMown(void) | LE | inline |
IsRecentlySprayed(void) | LE | inline |
LE(void) | LE | |
m_almass_le_type | LE | protected |
m_area | LE | protected |
m_birdmaizeforage | LE | protected |
m_birdseedforage | LE | protected |
m_border | LE | protected |
m_cattle_grazing | LE | protected |
m_centroidx | LE | protected |
m_centroidy | LE | protected |
m_countrydesignation | LE | protected |
m_currentOsmiaNests | LE | protected |
m_days_since_insecticide_spray | LE | protected |
m_ddegs | LE | protected |
m_default_grazing_level | LE | protected |
m_dist_to_closest_roost | LE | protected |
m_farmfunc_tried_to_do | LE | protected |
m_goosegrazingforage | LE | protected |
m_gooseNos | LE | protected |
m_gooseNosTimed | LE | protected |
m_gooseSpNos | LE | protected |
m_gooseSpNosTimed | LE | protected |
m_herbicidedelay | LE | protected |
m_high | LE | protected |
m_instubble | LE | protected |
m_is_in_map | LE | protected |
m_largeroad_load | LE | protectedstatic |
m_lastindex | LE | protected |
m_lastsownvegtype | LE | protected |
m_lasttreat | LE | protected |
m_management_loop_detect_count | LE | protected |
m_management_loop_detect_date | LE | protected |
m_map_index | LE | protected |
m_maxOsmiaNests | LE | protected |
m_maxx | LE | protected |
m_maxy | LE | protected |
m_minx | LE | protected |
m_miny | LE | protected |
m_monthly_traffic | LE | protectedstatic |
m_mowndecay | LE | protected |
m_nectarcurve | LE | protected |
m_NectarM2 | LE | protected |
m_nectarquality | LE | protected |
m_olddays | LE | protected |
m_openness | LE | protected |
m_OsmiaNestProb | LE | protected |
m_owner | LE | protected |
m_owner_file | LE | protected |
m_owner_index | LE | protected |
m_pdates | LE | protected |
m_PesticideGridCell | LE | protected |
m_pig_grazing | LE | protected |
m_pindex | LE | protected |
m_poison | LE | protected |
m_pollencurve | LE | protected |
m_PollenM2 | LE | protected |
m_pollenquality | LE | protected |
m_poly | LE | protected |
m_ptrace | LE | protected |
m_rot_index | LE | protected |
m_running | LE | protected |
m_signal_mask | LE | protected |
m_skylarkscrapes | LE | |
m_smallroad_load | LE | protectedstatic |
m_soiltype | LE | protected |
m_sprayedtoday | LE | protected |
m_squares_in_map | LE | |
m_subtype | LE | protected |
m_totalNectar | LE | protected |
m_totalPollen | LE | protected |
m_tramlinesdecay | LE | protected |
m_tried_to_do | LE | |
m_type | LE | protected |
m_unsprayedmarginpolyref | LE | protected |
m_valid_x | LE | protected |
m_valid_y | LE | protected |
m_vegage | LE | protected |
m_vegddegs | LE | protected |
m_vege_danger_store | LE | protected |
m_yddegs | LE | protected |
MConsts | LE | protected |
MDates | LE | protected |
NonVegElement(void) | NonVegElement | |
ReduceVeg(double) | LE | inlinevirtual |
ReduceVeg_Extended(double) | LE | inlinevirtual |
ReduceWeedBiomass(double) | LE | inlinevirtual |
ReleaseOsmiaNest() | LE | inline |
ResetDigestability() | LE | inlinevirtual |
SetArea(double a_area) | LE | inline |
SetBirdMaize(double a_forage) | LE | inline |
SetBirdSeed(double a_forage) | LE | inline |
SetBorder(LE *a_border) | LE | inline |
SetCopyTreatment(int a_treatment) | LE | |
SetCountryDesignation(int a_designation) | LE | inline |
SetCropData(double, double, double, TTypesOfVegetation, double, int) | LE | inlinevirtual |
SetCropDataAll(double, double, double, double, TTypesOfVegetation, double, double, int, double, bool, double) | LE | inlinevirtual |
SetGooseNos(int a_number, int a_day) | LE | inline |
SetGooseNosTimed(int a_number, int a_day) | LE | inline |
SetGooseRoostDist(int a_dist, GooseSpecies a_goose) | LE | inline |
SetGooseSpNos(int a_number, int a_day, GooseSpecies a_goose) | LE | inline |
SetGooseSpNosTimed(int a_number, int a_day, GooseSpecies a_goose) | LE | inline |
SetGrowthPhase(int) | LE | inlinevirtual |
SetHerbicideDelay(int a_decaytime_days) | LE | inline |
SetHigh(bool a_high) | LE | inline |
SetInsectPop(double) | LE | inlinevirtual |
SetLastSownVeg(TTypesOfVegetation a_tov) | LE | inline |
SetLastTreatment(int a_treatment) | LE | |
SetMaleNewtPresent(bool) | LE | inlinevirtual |
SetMapIndex(int a_map_index) | LE | inline |
SetMapValid(bool a_valid) | LE | inline |
SetMaxOsmiaNests(double a_noNests) | LE | inline |
SetMaxX(int x) | LE | inline |
SetMaxY(int y) | LE | inline |
SetMConstants(int a, int c) | LE | inline |
SetMDates(int a, int b, int c) | LE | inline |
SetMinX(int x) | LE | inline |
SetMinY(int y) | LE | inline |
SetMownDecay(int a_decaytime_days) | LE | inline |
SetOldDays(long a_days) | LE | inline |
SetOpenness(int a_openness) | LE | inline |
SetOwner(Farm *a_owner, int a_owner_num, int a_owner_index) | LE | inline |
SetPesticideCell(int a_cell) | LE | inline |
SetPoison(bool a_poison) | LE | inline |
SetPollenNectarCurves(PollenNectarDevelopmentCurve *a_pollencurnve, PollenNectarDevelopmentCurve *a_nectarcurve) | LE | inline |
SetPollenNectarData(int a_almasstype) | LE | |
SetPoly(int a_poly) | LE | inline |
SetRotIndex(int a_index) | LE | inline |
SetSoilType(int a_st) | LE | inline |
SetSprayedToday(bool a_didit) | LE | inline |
SetStubble(bool a_flag) | LE | inline |
SetTramlinesDecay(int a_decaytime_days) | LE | inline |
SetUnsprayedMarginPolyRef(int a_unsprayedmargin) | LE | inline |
SetValidXY(int a_valid_x, int a_valid_y) | LE | inline |
SetVegBiomass(int) | LE | inlinevirtual |
SetVegHeight(double) | LE | inlinevirtual |
SetVegParameters(double, double, double, double) | LE | inlinevirtual |
SetVegType(TTypesOfVegetation, TTypesOfVegetation) | LE | inlinevirtual |
StoreLAItotal() | LE | inlinevirtual |
ToggleCattleGrazing(void) | LE | inlinevirtual |
TogglePigGrazing(void) | LE | inlinevirtual |
UpdateOsmiaNesting() | LE | inline |
ZeroVeg(void) | LE | inlinevirtual |
~LE(void) | LE | virtual |