Aarhus University Seal

European stakeholder workshop

A European stakeholder workshop to provide input on the C-IPM SRA will be held on 18th March 2015 from 9. 30 to 16.30 at AgroParisTech, 16 rue Claude Bernard in Paris, France.

Info about event


Wednesday 18 March 2015,  at 09:30 - 16:30


AgroParisTech, 16 rue Claude Bernard, Paris, France.

The Coordinated Integrated Pest Management
Strategic Research Agenda
Priority setting workshop initiative

A European stakeholder workshop to provide input on the C-IPM SRA will be held on 18th March 2015 from 9. 30 to 16.30 at AgroParisTech 16 rue Claude Bernard, Paris, France.

The workshop is part of a collaborative consultation process to develop the medium to long term IPM Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) in Europe. Following an initial priority-setting exercise a first version of the SRA has been drafted and an open online consultation will be initiated in early February 2015 during which all relevant stakeholders are invited to provide their comments and visions as well as ranking of existing priorities or to suggest new priorities.

A one-day consultation workshop on the SRA is to be held in Paris on 18th March 2015. This workshop will bring together the European group of IPM research funders, research managers and stakeholders, who will meet to further discuss the SRA and the outcomes of the public consultation.

The priority challenges for strategic research resulting from this workshop will then be used to prepare transnational calls and set up the final SRA on IPM for Europe, to be  published in late December 2015.

The collaborative consultation process will contribute to future European vision of integrating IPM research into sustainable agricultural production and linking to the societal challenges. The Strategic Research Agenda 2015 will be co-designed by IPM research funders, research managers and societal stakeholders, in order to bridge the gap between IPM research,  practical implementation and advising policies.  

Detailed information on the workshop and the final programme will be available on the C-IPM website as soon as possible.