Aarhus University Seal

Citizen science projects

AU is involved in many citizen science projects in a variety of ways, including running and evaluating projects, meta-research about citizen science, and projects related to supporting citizen science and capacity building for citizen science. Some projects are run by AU staff, others are collaborations with external partners.

Some projects are showcased in the tiles on the right with relevant links to the projects themselves. Below are lists of projects by university entity with links to the PURE record of the project. Other projects do not have a PURE record (yet), so this is not a comprehensive list of all citizen science-related projects at AU. There are also recorded project presentations from previous AU CS Network meetings. 

DIME: Digitale Metaldetektorfund: project continues based on original funding.

Aarhus BSS


Sherson, J.
2012 → ...

Jacob Sherson: crea.visions (part of ScienceAtHome)

The Faculty of Health

  1. FEMaLe: Finding Endometriosis using Machine Learning

    Kirk, U. B., Nielsen, O. B., Nyegaard, M., Rytter, D., Hansen, K. E., Forman, A., Horne, A. W., Saunders, P. T., Saraswat, L., Bokor, A., Barko, B., Zondervan, K. T., Becker, C. M., Rahmioglu, N., Bourdel, N., Rémy, B., Bliznuks, D., Meijer, S., Raghothama, J., Sales da Silva, B., Møller, G. L., Sziráczki, N., Goethe, O., Djokic, K., Todic, N., Salamon, A., Andersen, A. M. V. & Nielsen, L. J.

    Horizon 2020 - EU


    Project: Research

The Faculty of Natural Sciences


Normand, S., Dalgaard, T., Madsen, B. & Pasgaard, M.
01/03/2021 → ...

Maya Pasgaard: SustainScapes: GRIP project. 18 Aug. 2022

The Faculty of Technical Sciences

Bialvsprodukter 2023-2026

Kryger, Per
2023 → 2026

Summer count of Greylag Geese in Denmark

Heldbjerg, Henning
2022 → ...


Christensen, T.K.
1970 → ...


Christensen, T.K.
1941 → ...

Zhe Zhang: AURORA
Niki Alexi: InformPack. 18 Aug. 2022
Henning Heldbjerg: Summer Count of Greylag Geese. 18 Aug. 2022

Science Museums

Gitte Kragh: Other AU citizen science projects and funding opportunities. 18 Aug. 2022

Past projects at AU

  1. Giv De Unge Ordet

    Obel, C. L., Kirk, U. B., Poulsen, S. H., Maindal, N., Sherson, J., Hjorth, H. A., Kragh, G., Harrits, A., Greve, L., Bjerg, T. W., Sabra, J. B. S., Native, C. A., Svendsen, K. & Mortensen, A. A.

    Novo Nordisk Foundation


    Project: Research

  2. Citizen science for forskning og forskningsbibliotekerne

    Dorch, B. F., Kaarsted, T., Nielsen, K. H. & Agergaard, T. E.


    Project: Research


Thomsen, P.F. & Agersnap, S.

Lyden af Hovedstaden (citizen science-delen)

Thelle, M.
2019 → 2023