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Further Reading and Open Data Resources

  • Aruz, J. (ed.) 2018. Palmyra: Mirage in the Desert. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art.
  • As’ad, K. and Yon, J. B. 2001. Inscriptions de Palmyre. Promenades épigraphiques dans la ville antique de Palmyre. Guides archéologiques de l’institut français d’archéologie du Proche-Orient 3. Beirut: Institut français d’archéologie du Proche-Orient.
  • Al-As’ad, K. and Schmidt-Colinet, A. (eds) 2005. Palmyra: Kulturbegegnung im Grenzbereich. Sonderbände der Antike Welt, Zaberns Bildbände zur Archäologie. 3rd edn. Mainz am Rhein: Philipp von Zabern.
  • Andrade, N. 2018. Zenobia: Shooting Star of Palmyra. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Bobou, O., Kristensen, N. B., McAvoy, S. & Raja, R. 2020. ‘Archive Archaeology in Palmyra, Syria a new 3D Reconstruction of the Tomb of Ḥairan’. Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage 19. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.daach.2020.e00164
  • Bobou, O., Jensen, J. V., Kristensen, N. B., Raja, R., and Thomsen, R. R. (eds) 2021. Studies on Palmyrene Sculpture: A Translation of Harald Ingholt’s Studier over Palmyrensk Skulptur, Edited and with Commentary. Studies in Palmyrene Archaeology and History 1. Turnhout: Brepols.
  • Bobou, O., Miranda, A. C., Raja, R., Steding, J, and Yon, J.-B. (forthcoming). ‘Harald Ingholt and Palmyra: Documenting the oasis city through the Legacy of Berytus’ founder’. Berytus.
  • Bobou, O., Miranda, A. C., Raja, R. and Yon, J.-B. (forthcoming). The Ingholt Archive: The Palmyra Material. Turnhout: Brepols.
  • Bobou, O., Miranda, A. C., and Raja, R. 2022. ‘Harald Ingholt's Twentieth-Century Archive of Palmyrene Sculptures: “Unleashing” Archived Archaeological Material of Modern Conflict Zones’. Journal of Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology and Heritage Studies 10.1, 74–101. https://doi.org/10.5325/jeasmedarcherstu.10.1.0074.
  • Bobou, O., Miranda, A. C., and Raja, R. 2021. ‘The Ingholt Archive. Data from the Project “Archive Archaeology: Preserving and Sharing Palmyra’s Cultural Heritage through Harald Ingholt’s Digital Archives”’, Journal of Open Archaeology Data 9.6, 1–10. http://doi.org/10.5334/joad.78.
  • Bounni, A. and al-As'ad, K. 1988. Palmyra. History, Monuments & Museum. Damascus: s.n.
  • Charles-Gaffiot, J., Lavagne, H., and Hofman, J.-M. (eds) 2001. Moi, Zénobie, Reine De Palmyre. Milan: Skira.
  • Colledge, M. A. R. 1976. The Art of Palmyra. London: Thames and Hudson.
  • Delplace, C. and Dentzer-Feydy, J. (eds) 2005. L’Agora de Palmyre. Bordeaux & Beirut: Institut Ausonius & Institut Français du Proche Orient.
  • Dentzer-Feydy, J. and Teixidor, J. 1993. Les antiquités de Palmyra au Musée du Louvre. Paris: Èditions de la Réunion des Musées Nationaux.
  • Drijvers, H. J. W. 1976. The Religion of Palmyra. Leiden: Brill.
  • Gawlikowski, M. 2021. Tadmor – Palmyra. A Caravan City between East and West. Krakow: IRSA.
  • Gawlikowski, M. 2019. ‘The Making of a City’, in A. M. Nielsen and R. Raja (eds), The Road to Palmyra. Copenhagen: Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, 77–90.
  • Henning, A. 2019. ‘Houses of Eternity’, in A. M. Nielsen and R. Raja (eds), The Road to Palmyra. Copenhagen: Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, 155–172.
  • Hanson, J. W. 2016. An Urban Geography of the Roman World, 100 B.C. to A.D. 300. Oxford: Archaeopress.
  • Heyn, M. and Raja, R. 2019. ‘Male dress habits in Roman period Palmyra’, in M. Cifarelli (ed.), Fashioned Selves: Dress and Identity in Antiquity. Oxford & Philadelphia: Oxbow Books, 41–53.
  • Heyn, M. and Raja, R. (eds) 2021. Individualizing the Dead. Attributes in Palmyrene Funerary Sculpture. Studies in Palmyrene Archaeology and History 3. Turnhout: Brepols.
  • Hvidberg-Hansen, F. O. and Ploug, G. 1993. Palmyra Samlingen. Copenhagen: Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek.
  • Ingholt, H. 1928. Studier over Palmyrensk Skulptur. Copenhagen: C. A. Reitzels Forlag.
  • Ingholt, H. 1932. ‘Quelques fresques récemment découvertes à Palmyre’. Acta Archaeologica 3, 1–20.
  • Ingholt, H., Seyrig, H. and Starcky, J. 1955. Recueil des Tessères de Palmyre. Bibliothèque archéologique et historique 58. Paris: Geuthner
  • Intagliata, E. E. 2018. Palmyra after Zenobia AD 273-750 - An archaeological and historical reappraisal. Oxford & Philadelphia: Oxbow Books.
  • Kaizer, T. 2002. The Religious Life of Palmyra. A Study of the Social Patterns of Worship in the Roman Period. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner.
  • Kaizer, T. and Raja, R. 2019. ‘Divine symbolism on the tesserae from Palmyra: Considerations about the so-called “Symbol of Bel” or “Signe de la Pluie”’. Syria 95, 297–315.
  • Krag, S. 2018. Funerary representations of Palmyrene women. From the first century BC to the third century AD. Studies in Classical Archaeology 3. Turnhout: Brepols.
  • Krag, S. and Raja, R. 2019. ‘Unveiling Female Hairstyles: Markers of Age, Social Roles, and Status in Funerary Sculpture from Palmyra’, Zeitschrift für Orient-Archäologie, 11: 243–277.
  • Krag, S. and Raja, R. (eds) 2019. Women, children and the family in Palmyra. Palmyrene Studies 3. Copenhagen: Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab.
  • Kropp, A. and Raja, R. (eds) 2016. The World of Palmyra. Palmyrene Studies 1. Copenhagen: Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab.
  • Lapatin, K. and Raja, R. (eds) 2022. Palmyra and the East. Studies in Palmyrene Archaeology and History 6. Turnhout: Brepols.
  • Long, T. and Sørensen A. H. (eds) 2017. Positions and Professions in Palmyra. Palmyrene Studies 2. Copenhagen: The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters.
  • McAvoy, S. and Raja, R. 2019. Hairan Reconstruction Sketchup File. https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.9999767.v2
  • Meyer, J. C. 2017. Palmyrena. Palmyra and the Surrounding Territory from the Roman to the Early Islamic Period. Oxford: Archaeopress.
  • Nielsen, A. M. and Raja, R. 2019. The Road to Palmyra. Copenhagen: Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek.
  • Novello, M. and Tiussi, C. (eds) 2017. Volti di Palmira ad Aquileia / Portraits of Palmyra in Aquileia. Rome: Gangemi.
  • Parlasca, K. 1976. ‘Probleme Palmyrenischer Grabreliefs: Chronologie und Interpretation’, in E. Frézouls (ed.), Palmyre: Bilan et perspectives. Colloque de Strasbourg 18–20 Octobre 1973. Strasbourg: Association pour l’étude de la civilisation romaine, 33–44
  • Raja, R. 2019. ‘Harald Ingholt – og Palmyra, oasen i den syriske ørken’, in E. Mortensen and R. Raja (eds), Store danske arkæologer. På jagt efter fortidens byer, Aarhus: Aarhus Universitetsforlag, 105–131.
  • Raja, R. 2019. The Palmyra Collection: Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek. Catalogue. Copenhagen: Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek.
  • Raja, R. 2021. Harald Ingholt's Diaries. https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.c.5442765.v1
  • Raja, R. 2021. Ingholt Archive. https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.c.5509725.v1
  • Raja, R. 2021. ‘Populating public Palmyra. Display of Statues and Their Impact on the Perception of Public Space in Roman Palmyra’, in C. P. Dickenson (ed.), Public Statues Across Time and Cultures. London: Routledge, 81–101.
  • Raja, R. 2022. Pearl of the Desert. A History of Palmyra. Oxford: University Press.
  • Raja, R. (ed.) 2022. The Small Stuff of the Palmyrenes. Coins and Tesserae from Palmyra. Studies in Palmyrene Archaeology and History 5. Turnhout: Brepols.
  • Raja, R. and Steding, J. 2021. ‘Harald Ingholt’s Excavation Diaries from his Fieldwork in Palmyra – an Open Data Online Resource’. Journal of Open Archaeology Data 9.8, 1– 9. https://doi.org/10.5334/joad.84.
  • Raja, R. and Steding, J. 2021. Production Economy in Greater Roman Syria. Trade Networks and Production Processes. Studies in Palmyrene Archaeology and History 2. Turnhout: Brepols.
  • Raja, R. and Sørensen, A. H. 2015. ‘The “Beauty” of Palmyra and Qasr Abjad (Palmyra): new discoveries in the archive of Harald Ingholt’. Journal of Roman Archaeology 28, 439–450.
  • Raja, R. and Sørensen A. H. 2015. Harald Ingholt & Palmyra. Aarhus: Fællestrykkeriet Aarhus Universitet.
  • Raja, R. and Sørensen, A. H. 2015. Harald Ingholt & Palmyra (English version). Aarhus: Fællestrykkeriet Aarhus Universitet.
  • Raja, R., Schnädelbach, K., and Steding, J. 2022. ‘A New Map of Palmyra’s Southwest Necropolis Based on the Excavation Diaries of Harald Ingholt’. Zeitschrift für Orientarchäologie 14.
  • Raja, R., Steding, J., and Yon, J.-B. (eds) 2021. Excavating Palmyra. Harald Ingholt’s Excavation Diaries: A Transcript, Translation, and Commentary, 2 vols. Studies in Palmyrene Archaeology and History 4. Turnhout: Brepols.    
  • Sadurska, A. and Bounni, A. 1994. Les Sculptures Funéraires de Palmyre. Rome: Giorgio Bretschneider.
  • Sartre, M. 2001. D’Alexandre à Zénobie. Histoire du Levant antique IVe siècle av. J.-C.- IIIe siècle ap. J.-C. Paris: Fayard.
  • Schmidt-Colinet, A. and al-As’ad, K. (eds) 2013. Palmyras Reichtum durch weltweiten Handel: Archäologische Untersuchungen im Bereich der hellenistischen Stadt. Wien: Holzhausen.
  • Schnädelbach, K. 2010. Topographia Palmyrena. Bonn: Habelt
  • Seland, E. 2016. Ships of the Desert and Ships of the Sea: Palmyra in the World Trade of the First Three Centuries CE. Philippika 101. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
  • Steding, J. (forthcoming). Carvers and Customers in Roman Palmyra. The Production Economy of Limestone Loculus Reliefs. Studies in Palmyrene Archaeology and History 7. Turnhout: Brepols.    
  • Sørensen, A. H. 2016. ‘Palmyrene Tomb Paintings in Context’, in A. Kropp and R. Raja (eds), The World of Palmyra. Palmyrene Studies 1. Copenhagen: The Danish Academy of Science and Letters, 103–117.
  • Will, E. 1992. Les Palmyréniens: la Venise des sables (Ier siècle avant-IIIème siècle après J.-C.). Paris: A. Colin.
  • Yon, J.-B. 2002. Les notables de Palmyre. Beirut: Presses de l’Ifpo.


We would like to thank the Carlsberg Foundation, the ALIPH Foundation, and the Augustinus Foundation for their generous funding of the Palmyra projects that have allowed us to conduct research on Ingholt’s legacy data and to bring the projects to publication.

For their collaboration on this project, we would also like to thank the Museum of Ancient Art (Aarhus University) and its director Associate Professor Vinnie Nørskov.

Texts and research: Olympia Bobou, Rubina Raja, and Julia Steding
Language editing: Taylor FitzGerald
Layout and design: Mie Egelund Lind and Eva Mortensen

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