Soil Organic Carbon risk maps

Main objectives in WP2 - Current and future crop and soil management systems in Europe were:

  • Identify  key  management  practices  affecting  SOC  flows  and  stocks  and  their applicability in various farming systems and agro-ecological zones in Europe.
  • Define   typical   farming   systems  in   Europe   (geographical  zones,   management practices, residue management) and their effects on SOC flows and stocks.
  • Develop  scenarios  of  future  crop  and  soil  management  systems  in  Europe  for improved productivity and enhanced soil SOC sequestration.
  • Identify farm and management systems at risk of low SOC flow and stocks under current and future climate.
  • Evaluate scenarios of changed soil and crop management systems for a range of ecosystem  services  using  the  model  tools  under  current  and  future  climate  in Europe.

The GIS maps below are selected GIS maps from the reports:

  • Typical farming systems and trends in crop and soil management in Europe. SmartSOIL Report. Deliverable 2.2
  • Report on critical low soil organic matter contents, which jeopardise good functioning of farming systems. Deliverable 2.4

SOC stocks

NUTS2 SOC content based on LUCAS for arable land

NUTS2 SOC content based on LUCAS for grassland

NUTS2 SOC content based on LUCAS for arable land (Figure 3 from D2.4)

SOC flows and SOC balance

Carbon input to the soil from manure (based on MITERRA-RothC) for arable land (Figure 5 from D2.4)

Carbon input to the soil from crop residues (based on MITERRA-RothC) for arable land (Figure 5 from D2.4)

SOC balance calculated with MITERRA-RothC for arable land (and possibly for grassland), Figure 6 from D2.4

Soil risk maps

Soil potential stability map (Figure 4 from D2.4)

SOC risk map

Yield reducing factors