Welcome Kunal Dixit!

🌟 Welcome our new team member, Kunal Dixit!

🔬 Kunal has recently joined Maria Marco's Lab at the University of California, Davis as a postdoctoral researcher. Originally from India, Kunal completed a Ph.D. at Symbiosis International (Deemed University) and the National Centre for Cell Science in Pune, India.

📑 Kunal's doctoral research focused on investigating patients with Non-celiac gluten sensitivity and irritable bowel syndrome for site specific microbiome signatures and study the effect of gluten free diet on microbiome of Non-celiac gluten sensitive patients using multi-omics approach.

🐽 In PIG-PARADIGM , Kunal's research will revolve around analyzing gut microbiota of piglets and screening for bacteriocins produced by Lactobacillus species pre- and post-weaning.