Aarhus University Seal

Introduction of Pieterjan Deckers

New Postdoc in the Northern Emporium project.

Pieterjan Deckers obtained his PhD in Archaeology at Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium) in 2014, with a dissertation on the post-Roman/early medieval resettlement of the Flemish coastal plain, and the social and cultural relations of its inhabitants within the wider context of the southern North Sea between the 6th and 11th century AD. As part of this study, he studied private collections of metal-detected artefacts, which shed important new light on these topics. This category of evidence, hitherto largely overlooked in Flanders, formed the focus of his subsequent project MEDEA (VUB, 2014-2017), which involved setting up a recording scheme for detector finds in Flanders (www.vondsten.be).

As part of the Northern Emporium team, Pieterjan will consider the artefactual evidence recovered from the excavation in Ribe: how flows of things both exotic and mundane constituted urban life and connected the town with the outside world, in particular the maritime network of 8th-9th-century emporia across the North and Baltic Seas.