Aarhus University Seal

Team members

Samuel Schindler (PI)

Samuel is the PI of the project. Samuel's work is mainly in the philosophy of science where he has published on theoretical virtues, theory choice, explanation, and the method of history and philosophy of science. With this project, Samuel extends his research to metaphilosophical concerns. 

For further information please visit: http://www.samuelschindler.org/.

Anna Daria Drozdzowicz (postdoc)

Anna has a PhD in Philosophy from the University of Oslo. She is interested in philosophical methodology, in particular in the use of intuitive judgements in philosophy of language and linguistics. She works also on the topic of linguistic understanding.

Anna joined the project in June 2016 (until May 2018).

in 2021, Anna became Associate Professor at the Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences (Campus Lillehammer).

Anna's personal webpage: https://annadariadrozdzowicz.wordpress.com/.

Pierre Saint-Germier (postdoc)

Pierre holds a PhD in Philosophy from the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon. He is particularly interested in metaphilosophy, the link between conceivability and possibility, and thought experiments in science and philosophy."

Pierre joined the project in September 2016 (until December 2018). 

In July 2022, Pierre accepted a job offer with tenure from the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS). He’ll be working in the STMS lab: https://www.stms-lab.fr/le-laboratoire

Pierre's personal webpage: https://uclouvain.academia.edu/PierreSaintGermier .

Sara Kier Praëm (postdoc)

Sara Kier Praëm holds a PhD in philosophy from Aarhus University. Prior to joining our project, Sara held a Carlsberg-funded postdoctoral research fellowship undertaking research on how thought experiments are employed in various academic disciplines. Sara's research interests include (but are not limited to) philosophical (and scientific) methodology and empirically informed philosophy.

Sara joined the project in October 2018 until March 2019.

Sara bacame a priest in Jan 2022 in the pastorate of Ovsted-Tåning-Hylke.

Karen Kiil Brøcker (PhD student)

Karen holds an MA and BA in linguistics from Aarhus University. In the project, she will be concerned with the question how linguists justify their use of intuitions as evidence in the building of grammars.

Karen joined the project on February 2016 (until January 2019).

Karen became a researcher for the Royal Library in Aarhus in August 2022.