Aarhus University Seal


Each participant will submit a short position paper (3-4 pages) presenting a brief overview of their work, along with a specific empirical case from their research.

The day will start with participants briefly introducing themselves based on one slide submitted by themselves before the workshop.

Before lunch, position papers will be presented and discussed with the main focus on discussion in smaller groups of 3-4 (depending on number of participants): All participants will be asked to read submitted papers before the workshop, and hence presentation itself should be short (5 minutes), while for each paper 2 discussants will be appointed to start the conversation on the paper (app. 20 minutes).

In plenum, main themes emerging from the group work will be presented.

After lunch, the workshop will discuss themes that have emerged from the morning.

In the final part of the workshop we will reconvene as a large group to talk about a future agenda for research. Especially, we will point out the opportunity to contribute to a special issue of Health Informatics Journal upon ‘data work in healthcare’ to appear mid-2018. Tentative deadline for submissions 1st of October 2018.