Aarhus University Seal

Smart Cultural Indicators: Connecting cultural indicators to social innovation and environmental sustainability

Project Description

The aim is to make an effort to connect the specific evaluation of Aarhus 2017 impact to other parallel efforts, at AU, in the region, in Denmark, in the EU, and internationally. The method is a combination of surveys and workshops, producing a draft of indicators that can be used to evaluate future events and certify/assess future event producers and cities/regions.

There are several initiatives, at an EU level and internationally, which aim to formulate appropriate indicators for societal development, e.g. on behalf of the European Commission and in the International Standardization Organisation (ISO). Similarly, in the context of the regional partnership Smart Aarhus, efforts are being made to formulate indicators that connect a strategic, political perspective to concrete initiatives, including cultural events. On a national level, the Danish Smart City Network are doing the same, comparing larger and smaller cities and rural areas, and exchanging experiences.

Read the interview with Martin Brynskov here