Aarhus University Seal

Workshop: Democracy & Participation

rethinkIMPACTS 2017 wants to invite 2017-projects, researchers and others engaged in democratic participation to join this workshop.

Info about event


Thursday 12 May 2016,  at 12:00 - 15:00


Building 1632, room 203 'Kollokvierum', AIAS, Aarhus University


12.00-12.30  Drop-in + sandwich

12.30-12.45  Introduction by rethinkIMPACTS 2017

12.45-13.30  ‘The implications of participatory decision-making in the arts’ by Senior Lecturer  at Leeds Beckett University, Leila Jancovich

13.30-13.45  Break

13.45-14.30  Presentation of 2017-projects on democracy

14.30-15.00  Dialogue and discussion

Why we do the workshop:

The goal of creating more engaged citizens within the region builds on one of Aarhus 2017’s core values; democracy. Thus, Aarhus 2017 states:

‘The collective effort, working together, deciding together, delivering together with a common approach to solving problems, to socializing, to planning futures is the bedrock upon which our year is build’.

When evaluating Aarhus 2017 we want to take our outset in the projects that are engaged with democracy and participation. The workshop will ultimately contribute to the evaluation on how Aarhus 2017 manages to create engaged participating citizens in the region.

Leila Jancovich who does research in cultural participation and democracy will join us during the workshop as part of her visit as guest researcher at rethinkIMPACTS 2017. About her contribution to the seminar, Leila Jancovich says:

‘This seminar will include a brief introduction to a range of theories and approaches to participatory decision-making and consider their implication in the arts sector, illustrated with examples from the UK.  Participants will then be given the opportunity to explore how such practices might apply to them currently or in their future plans’.

How to participate:

Sign up for the event by sending an email to h.laursen@dac.au.dk by 29th of April.

If you wish to contribute with a short presentation of your project, you are welcome to send your request including title and short introduction by email to: h.laursen@dac.au.dk. The request must be received by Friday 22nd of April.